Compute the determinant of a symmetric matrix field, given as a 10-vector
FT 26.01.2022
Generalized to not be bound to the mesh
FT 07.02.2022
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
double precision, | intent(in) | :: | A(:) |
The symmetric matrix, given as a 10-vector. The first 3 components run over the numbers of grid points along each axis. The fourth index runs over the number of independent components of the symmetric matrix. |
double precision, | intent(out) | :: | det |
Determinant of the symmetric matrix |
SUBROUTINE determinant_sym4x4( A, det )
!# Compute the determinant of a \(4\times 4\) symmetric matrix
! field, given as a 10-vector
! FT 26.01.2022
! Generalized to not be bound to the mesh
! FT 07.02.2022
USE tensor, ONLY: itt, itx, ity, itz, ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz, n_sym4x4
!# The \(4\times 4\) symmetric matrix, given as a 10-vector.
! The first 3 components run over the numbers of grid points
! along each axis. The fourth index runs over the number of
! independent components of the \(4\times 4\) symmetric matrix.
!! Determinant of the \(4\times 4\) symmetric matrix
IF( SIZE(A) /= n_sym4x4 )THEN
PRINT *, "** ERROR in determinant_sym4x4_grid in MODULE utility.", &
" This subroutine needs a symmetric matrix with 10 components,",&
" and a ", SIZE(A), "component matrix was given instead."
det= A(itt)*(A(ixx)*(A(iyy)*A(izz) &
- A(iyz)* A(iyz)) &
+ A(ixy)*(A(iyz)* A(ixz) &
- A(ixy)* A(izz)) &
+ A(ixz)*(A(ixy)* A(iyz) &
- A(iyy)* A(ixz))) &
- A(itx)*(A(itx)*(A(iyy)*A(izz) &
- A(iyz)* A(iyz)) &
+ A(ixy)*(A(iyz)* A(itz) &
- A(ity)* A(izz)) &
+ A(ixz)*(A(ity)* A(iyz) &
- A(iyy)* A(itz))) &
+ A(ity)*(A(itx)*(A(ixy)*A(izz) &
- A(iyz)* A(ixz)) &
+ A(ixx)*(A(iyz)* A(itz) &
- A(ity)* A(izz)) &
+ A(ixz)*(A(ity)* A(ixz) &
- A(ixy)* A(itz))) &
- A(itz)*(A(itx)*(A(ixy)*A(iyz) &
- A(iyy)* A(ixz)) &
+ A(ixx)*(A(iyy)* A(itz) &
- A(ity)* A(iyz)) &
+ A(ixy)*(A(ity)* A(ixz) &
- A(ixy)* A(itz)))
END SUBROUTINE determinant_sym4x4