test_recovery Interface



interface~~test_recovery~~CallsGraph interface~test_recovery test_recovery proc~test_recovery test_recovery interface~test_recovery->proc~test_recovery allocate_metric_on_particles allocate_metric_on_particles proc~test_recovery->allocate_metric_on_particles cons_2_phys cons_2_phys proc~test_recovery->cons_2_phys cs_fb cs_fb proc~test_recovery->cs_fb deallocate_metric_on_particles deallocate_metric_on_particles proc~test_recovery->deallocate_metric_on_particles g4_ll g4_ll proc~test_recovery->g4_ll nlrf_fb nlrf_fb proc~test_recovery->nlrf_fb phys_2_cons phys_2_cons proc~test_recovery->phys_2_cons pr_fb pr_fb proc~test_recovery->pr_fb proc~compute_g4 compute_g4 proc~test_recovery->proc~compute_g4 proc~determinant_sym4x4 determinant_sym4x4 proc~test_recovery->proc~determinant_sym4x4 theta_fb theta_fb proc~test_recovery->theta_fb u_fb u_fb proc~test_recovery->u_fb vel_u_fb vel_u_fb proc~test_recovery->vel_u_fb

public module subroutine test_recovery(this, npart, pos, nlrf, u, pr, vel_u, theta, nstar)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(particles), intent(inout) :: this

particles object which this PROCEDURE is a member of

integer, intent(in) :: npart

Particle number

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3,npart) :: pos

Particle positions

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: nlrf

Baryon density in the local rest frame on the particles

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: u

Specific internal energy on the particles

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: pr

Pressure on the particles

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3,npart) :: vel_u

Spatial velocity in the computing frame on the particles

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: theta

Generalized Lorentz factor on the particles

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: nstar

Proper baryon density in the local rest frame on the particles

Canonical momentum on the particles

Canonical energy on the particles

Name of the formatted file where the data is printed


Tests the recovery. Computes the conserved variables from the physical ones, and then the physical ones from the conserved ones. It then compares the variables computed with the recovery PROCEDURES, with those computed with \(\texttt{SPHINCS_ID}\).