read_fuka_id_spacetime Module Procedure

module procedure read_fuka_id_spacetime module subroutine read_fuka_id_spacetime(this, nx, ny, nz, pos, lapse, shift, g, ek)


  • proc~~read_fuka_id_spacetime~~UsesGraph proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime read_fuka_id_spacetime module~utility utility proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->module~utility tensor tensor proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->tensor constants constants module~utility->constants matrix matrix module~utility->matrix

Stores the spacetime \(\mathrm{ID}\) in multi-dimensional arrays needed to compute the BSSN variables and constraints

Created: FT 09.02.2022 Last update: FT 27.05.2022

-- The following follows from the assumption of -- conformal flatness in \(\texttt{FUKA}\)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(bnsfuka), intent(inout) :: this

bnsfuka object which this PROCEDURE is a member of

integer, intent(in) :: nx
integer, intent(in) :: ny
integer, intent(in) :: nz
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: pos
double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: lapse
double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: shift
double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: g
double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: ek


proc~~read_fuka_id_spacetime~~CallsGraph proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime read_fuka_id_spacetime interface~get_fuka_id_spacetime get_fuka_id_spacetime proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->interface~get_fuka_id_spacetime proc~compute_g4 compute_g4 proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->proc~compute_g4 proc~determinant_sym3x3 determinant_sym3x3 proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->proc~determinant_sym3x3 proc~determinant_sym4x4 determinant_sym4x4 proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->proc~determinant_sym4x4 proc~is_finite_number is_finite_number proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime->proc~is_finite_number

Called by

proc~~read_fuka_id_spacetime~~CalledByGraph proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime read_fuka_id_spacetime interface~read_fuka_id_spacetime read_fuka_id_spacetime interface~read_fuka_id_spacetime->proc~read_fuka_id_spacetime



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
logical, private, parameter :: debug = .FALSE.
double precision, private :: detg
double precision, private :: detg4
logical, private :: exist
character(len=:), private, ALLOCATABLE :: filename
double precision, private, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: g4
integer, private :: i
double precision, private, DIMENSION(nx, ny, nz, 9) :: id_tmp
integer, private :: j
integer, private :: k
integer, private :: mpi_ranks
double precision, private, parameter :: tol = 1.D-10
double precision, private :: xmax
double precision, private :: xmin
double precision, private :: ymax
double precision, private :: ymin
double precision, private :: zmax
double precision, private :: zmin