read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id Subroutine

subroutine read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id(filename1, filename2, x1, x2, v1, v2, radius1, radius2)


    • mesh_refinement
    • utility
    • Tmunu_refine
    • TOV_refine
    • tensor
    • ADM_refine
  • proc~~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id~~UsesGraph proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id ADM_refine ADM_refine proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->ADM_refine TOV_refine TOV_refine proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->TOV_refine Tmunu_refine Tmunu_refine proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->Tmunu_refine mesh_refinement mesh_refinement proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->mesh_refinement module~utility utility proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->module~utility tensor tensor proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->tensor constants constants module~utility->constants matrix matrix module~utility->matrix

Read the two BSSN TOV ID files produced with setup_TOV.x, and place them symmetrically on the axis so that their distance is equal to the periastron given as input

FT 13.12.2022


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: filename1
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: filename2
double precision, intent(in) :: x1
double precision, intent(in) :: x2
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3) :: v1
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3) :: v2
double precision, intent(in) :: radius1
double precision, intent(in) :: radius2


proc~~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id~~CallsGraph proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id allocate_adm allocate_adm proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->allocate_adm allocate_grid_function allocate_grid_function proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->allocate_grid_function allocate_tmunu allocate_tmunu proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->allocate_tmunu allocate_tov allocate_tov proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->allocate_tov deallocate_grid_function deallocate_grid_function proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->deallocate_grid_function ek ek proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->ek get_tov_metric get_tov_metric proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->get_tov_metric initialize_grid initialize_grid proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->initialize_grid interface~lorentz_boost lorentz_boost proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->interface~lorentz_boost levels levels proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->levels proc~compute_tpo_metric compute_tpo_metric proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->proc~compute_tpo_metric proc~determinant_sym3x3 determinant_sym3x3 proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->proc~determinant_sym3x3 proc~scan_3d_array_for_nans scan_3d_array_for_nans proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->proc~scan_3d_array_for_nans read_grid_params read_grid_params proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->read_grid_params read_tov_dump read_tov_dump proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->read_tov_dump shift shift proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id->shift invert_3x3_matrix invert_3x3_matrix proc~compute_tpo_metric->invert_3x3_matrix proc~is_finite_number is_finite_number proc~scan_3d_array_for_nans->proc~is_finite_number

Called by

proc~~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id~~CalledByGraph proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id program~construct_newtonian_binary construct_newtonian_binary program~construct_newtonian_binary->proc~read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(grid_function), public :: A_BSSN3_ll1
type(grid_function), public :: A_BSSN3_ll2
type(grid_function), public :: Gamma_u1
type(grid_function), public :: Gamma_u2
type(grid_function), public :: K_phys3_ll1
type(grid_function), public :: K_phys3_ll2
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: Theta_Z41
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: Theta_Z42
type(grid_function), public :: Tmunu_ll1
type(grid_function), public :: Tmunu_ll2
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: attenuating_function1
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: attenuating_function2
character(len=:), public, ALLOCATABLE :: attfunc_namefile
type(lorentz_boost), public :: boost1
type(lorentz_boost), public :: boost2
double precision, public :: detg
double precision, public :: distance
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: dt_lapse1
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: dt_lapse2
type(grid_function), public :: dt_shift_u1
type(grid_function), public :: dt_shift_u2
double precision, public, parameter :: eps = 1.75D-1
character(len=:), public, ALLOCATABLE :: err_msg
logical, public :: exist
double precision, public, DIMENSION(4,4) :: g(n_sym4x4)
double precision, public :: g00
double precision, public :: g01
double precision, public :: g02
double precision, public :: g03
double precision, public :: g11
double precision, public :: g12
double precision, public :: g13
double precision, public :: g22
double precision, public :: g23
double precision, public :: g33
type(grid_function), public :: g_BSSN3_ll1
type(grid_function), public :: g_BSSN3_ll2
type(grid_function), public :: g_phys3_ll1
type(grid_function), public :: g_phys3_ll2
double precision, public :: gamma1
double precision, public :: gamma2
integer, public :: i
integer, public :: ios
integer, public :: j
integer, public :: k
integer, public :: l
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: lapse1
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: lapse2
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: lapse_A_BSSN1
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: lapse_A_BSSN2
double precision, public :: min_abs_z
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: phi1
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: phi2
type(grid_function), public :: shift_B_BSSN_u1
type(grid_function), public :: shift_B_BSSN_u2
type(grid_function), public :: shift_u1
type(grid_function), public :: shift_u2
double precision, public :: sigma1
double precision, public :: sigma2
double precision, public :: tmp
double precision, public :: tmp2
double precision, public :: tmp3
integer, public, parameter :: tov_np = 100001
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: trK1
type(grid_function_scalar), public :: trK2
integer, public :: unit_att_out
double precision, public :: xtmp
double precision, public :: ytmp
double precision, public :: ztmp

Source Code

  SUBROUTINE read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id &
    (filename1, filename2, x1, x2, v1, v2, radius1, radius2)

    !# Read the two BSSN TOV ID files produced with setup_TOV.x,
    !  and place them symmetrically on the \(x\) axis so that
    !  their distance is equal to the periastron given as input
    !  FT 13.12.2022

    USE tensor,          ONLY: jx, jy, jz, jxx, jxy, jxz, &
                               jyy, jyz, jzz, n_sym3x3, n_sym4x4
    USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: nlevels, levels, initialize_grid, &
                               grid_function_scalar, grid_function, &
                               read_grid_params, coords, &
                               allocate_grid_function, deallocate_grid_function
    USE ADM_refine,      ONLY: allocate_ADM, lapse, shift_u, &
                               g_phys3_ll, K_phys3_ll, dt_lapse, dt_shift_u
    USE Tmunu_refine,    ONLY: Tmunu_ll, allocate_Tmunu, deallocate_Tmunu
    USE TOV_refine,      ONLY: read_TOV_dump, allocate_tov, deallocate_tov, &
    USE utility,         ONLY: zero, compute_tpo_metric, determinant_sym3x3, &
                               scan_3d_array_for_nans, one, two, four


    DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: x1, x2, radius1, radius2
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT):: filename1, filename2

    INTEGER,          PARAMETER:: tov_np= 100001

    DOUBLE PRECISION:: min_abs_z, distance, sigma1, sigma2!= ABS(x1) + ABS(x2)

    INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, unit_att_out, ios

    DOUBLE PRECISION:: tmp, tmp2, tmp3, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, &
                       g00, g01, g02, g03, g11, g12, g13, g22, g23, g33, &
                       gamma1, gamma2, detg

    DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(4,4):: g(n_sym4x4)

    CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: attfunc_namefile, err_msg

    LOGICAL:: exist

    TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: lapse1, phi1, trK1, Theta_Z41, lapse_A_BSSN1, &
                                 lapse2, phi2, trK2, Theta_Z42, lapse_A_BSSN2, &
                                 dt_lapse1, dt_lapse2
    TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: attenuating_function1, attenuating_function2
    TYPE(grid_function):: shift_u1, shift_B_BSSN_u1, Gamma_u1, &
                          g_phys3_ll1, g_BSSN3_ll1, A_BSSN3_ll1, &
                          shift_u2, shift_B_BSSN_u2, Gamma_u2, &
                          g_phys3_ll2, g_BSSN3_ll2, A_BSSN3_ll2, &
                          dt_shift_u1, dt_shift_u2, &
                          K_phys3_ll1, K_phys3_ll2, &
                          Tmunu_ll1, Tmunu_ll2

    TYPE(lorentz_boost):: boost1, boost2

    distance= ABS(x1) + ABS(x2)
    !sigma= ABS(x1) + ABS(x2)! - radius1 - radius2

    CALL read_grid_params()
    CALL initialize_grid()

    CALL allocate_tov(tov_np)

    PRINT *
    PRINT *, " * Reading ID for first TOV star..."
    CALL read_tov_dump(filename1)

    !-- Construct boosts and get their Lorentz factors
    boost1= lorentz_boost(v1)
    boost2= lorentz_boost(v2)
    gamma1= boost1% get_lambda()
    gamma2= boost2% get_lambda()

    !sigma1= radius2
    !sigma2= radius1
    sigma1= gamma2*radius2
    sigma2= gamma1*radius1
    !sigma1= ( gamma2*radius2 + gamma2*(distance-radius1) )/two
    !sigma2= ( gamma1*radius1 + gamma1*(distance-radius2) )/two
    !sigma1= gamma2*radius2/((LOG(one/(one - eps)))**(one/four))
    !sigma2= gamma1*radius1/((LOG(one/(one - eps)))**(one/four))

    PRINT *
    PRINT *, "gamma1=", gamma1
    PRINT *, "gamma2=", gamma2
    PRINT *, "sigma1=", sigma1
    PRINT *, "sigma2=", sigma2
    PRINT *

    CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse1,          'lapse1')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_u1,        'shift_u1', 3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll1,     'g_phys3_ll1', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll1,     'K_phys3_ll1', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll1,       'Tmunu_ll1', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_lapse1,       'dt_lapse1', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u1,     'dt_shift_u1', n_sym3x3)

    CALL allocate_grid_function(Gamma_u1,        'Gamma_u1', 3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(phi1,            'phi1')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(trK1,            'trK1')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll1,     'A_BSSN3_ll1', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll1,     'g_BSSN3_ll1', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN1,   'lapse_A_BSSN1')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u1, 'shift_B_BSSN_u1', 3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(Theta_Z41,       'Theta_Z41')

    CALL allocate_grid_function(attenuating_function1, 'att_func1')

    read_tov1_id_on_the_mesh: DO l= 1, nlevels, 1
      !$OMP             SHARED( levels, l, coords, lapse1, shift_u1, &
      !$OMP                     g_phys3_ll1, dt_lapse1, dt_shift_u1, &
      !$OMP                     K_phys3_ll1, Tmunu_ll1, x1, x2, boost1, &
      !$OMP                     gamma2, sigma1, attenuating_function1 ) &
      !$OMP             PRIVATE( i, j, k, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, &
      !$OMP                      g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33,g )
      DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1
        DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1
          DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1

            xtmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1)! - x1
            ytmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2)
            ztmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3)

            CALL get_tov_metric(xtmp - x1, ytmp, ztmp, &
                                tmp, tmp2, tmp3, &

            g= boost1% &

            CALL compute_tpo_metric(g, &
                                    lapse1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k), &
                                    shift_u1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:), &
                                    g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:))

            dt_lapse1%   levels(l)% var(i,j,k)  = zero
            dt_shift_u1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero
            K_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero
            Tmunu_ll1%   levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero

            tmp= (gamma2*(xtmp - x2))**2 + ytmp**2 + ztmp**2

            attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k)= &
              one !- EXP( -(tmp**2)/(sigma1**4) )

    ENDDO read_tov1_id_on_the_mesh
    PRINT *, "...done"

    PRINT *
    PRINT *, " * Reading ID for second TOV star..."
    CALL read_tov_dump(filename2)

    CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse2,          'lapse2')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_u2,        'shift_u2', 3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll2,     'g_phys3_ll2', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll2,     'K_phys3_ll2', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll2,       'Tmunu_ll2', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_lapse2,       'dt_lapse2', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u2,     'dt_shift_u2', n_sym3x3)

    CALL allocate_grid_function(Gamma_u2,        'Gamma_u2', 3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(phi2,            'phi2')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(trK2,            'trK2')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll2,     'A_BSSN3_ll2', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll2,     'g_BSSN3_ll2', n_sym3x3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN2,   'lapse_A_BSSN2')
    CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u2, 'shift_B_BSSN_u2', 3)
    CALL allocate_grid_function(Theta_Z42,       'Theta_Z42')

    CALL allocate_grid_function(attenuating_function2, 'att_func2')

    read_tov2_id_on_the_mesh: DO l= 1, nlevels, 1
      !$OMP             SHARED( levels, l, coords, lapse2, shift_u2, &
      !$OMP                     g_phys3_ll2, dt_lapse2, dt_shift_u2, &
      !$OMP                     K_phys3_ll2, Tmunu_ll2, x1, x2, boost2, &
      !$OMP                     gamma1, sigma2, attenuating_function2 ) &
      !$OMP             PRIVATE( i, j, k, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, &
      !$OMP                      g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33,g )
      DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1
        DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1
          DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1

            xtmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1)! - x2
            ytmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2)
            ztmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3)

            CALL get_tov_metric(xtmp -x2, ytmp, ztmp, &
                                tmp, tmp2, tmp3, &

            g= boost2% &

            CALL compute_tpo_metric(g, &
                                    lapse2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k), &
                                    shift_u2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:), &
                                    g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:))

            dt_lapse2%   levels(l)% var(i,j,k)  = zero
            dt_shift_u2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero
            K_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero
            Tmunu_ll2%   levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero

            tmp= (gamma1*(xtmp - x1))**2 + ytmp**2 + ztmp**2

            attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k)= &
              one !- EXP( -(tmp**2)/(sigma2**4) )

    ENDDO read_tov2_id_on_the_mesh
    PRINT *, "...done"

    CALL allocate_ADM()
    CALL allocate_Tmunu()

    !-- Sum the translated and boosted TOV ID
    PRINT *
    PRINT *, " * Summing the two TOV ID..."
    sum_tov_id: DO l= 1, nlevels, 1
      !$OMP             SHARED( levels, l, coords, lapse1, shift_u1, &
      !$OMP                     g_phys3_ll1, dt_lapse1, dt_shift_u1, &
      !$OMP                     K_phys3_ll1, Tmunu_ll1, lapse2, shift_u2, &
      !$OMP                     g_phys3_ll2, dt_lapse2, dt_shift_u2, &
      !$OMP                     K_phys3_ll2, Tmunu_ll2, g_phys3_ll, &
      !$OMP                     K_phys3_ll, dt_lapse, dt_shift_u, Tmunu_ll, &
      !$OMP                     lapse, shift_u, attenuating_function1, &
      !$OMP                     attenuating_function2 ) &
      !$OMP             PRIVATE( i, j, k, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, &
      !$OMP                      g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33 )
      DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1
        DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1
          DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1

            g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1)= one + &
              attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
              *(g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1) - one) + &
              attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
              *(g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1) - one)

            g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2)= &
             attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2) + &
             attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2)

            g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3)= &
             attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) + &
             attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3)

            g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,4)= one + &
             attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *(g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,4) - one) + &
             attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *(g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,4) - one)

            g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,5)= &
             attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,5) + &
             attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,5)

            g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,6)= one + &
             attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *(g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,6) - one) + &
             attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) &
             *(g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,6) - one)

            lapse%     levels(l)% var(i,j,k)= - one + &
              (lapse1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) + one) + &
              (lapse2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) + one)

            shift_u%    levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= &
              shift_u1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:) + &
              shift_u2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)

            dt_lapse%   levels(l)% var(i,j,k)  = zero
            dt_shift_u% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero
            K_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero
            Tmunu_ll%   levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero

    ENDDO sum_tov_id
    PRINT *, "...done"
    PRINT *

    attfunc_namefile= "attenutating_functions.dat"

    PRINT *, "** Printing attenuating functions to file ", &
             TRIM(attfunc_namefile), "..."

    INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(attfunc_namefile), EXIST= exist )

    IF( exist )THEN
        OPEN( UNIT= unit_att_out, &
              FILE= TRIM(attfunc_namefile), &
              STATUS= "REPLACE", FORM= "FORMATTED", &
              POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, &
              IOMSG= err_msg )
        OPEN( UNIT= unit_att_out, &
              FILE= TRIM(attfunc_namefile), &
              STATUS= "NEW", FORM= "FORMATTED", &
              ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg )
    IF( ios > 0 )THEN
      PRINT *, "...error when opening " // &
               TRIM(attfunc_namefile), &
               ". The error message is", err_msg

    DO l= 1, nlevels, 1

      min_abs_z= HUGE(one)
      DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1
        IF( ABS( coords% levels(l)% var(1,1,k,3) ) < ABS( min_abs_z ) )THEN
          min_abs_z= coords% levels(l)% var(1,1,k,3)

      DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1
        DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1
          DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1

             IF( ABS(coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) - min_abs_z) &
                 /ABS(min_abs_z) > 1.D-5 &



             WRITE( UNIT = unit_att_out, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, &
                    FMT = * ) &
               l, &
               coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1), &
               coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2), &
               coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3), &
               attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k), &
               attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k)


    CLOSE( UNIT= unit_att_out )

    PRINT *, " * attenuating functions printed to file ", &
    PRINT *

    !-- Deallocate temporary memory
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse1,          'lapse1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_u1,        'shift_u1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll1,     'g_phys3_ll1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll1,     'K_phys3_ll1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll1,       'Tmunu_ll1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_lapse1,       'dt_lapse1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u1,     'dt_shift_u1')

    CALL deallocate_grid_function(Gamma_u1,        'Gamma_u1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(phi1,            'phi1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(trK1,            'trK1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll1,     'A_BSSN3_ll1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll1,     'g_BSSN3_ll1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN1,   'lapse_A_BSSN1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u1, 'shift_B_BSSN_u1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(Theta_Z41,       'Theta_Z41')

    CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse2,          'lapse2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_u2,        'shift_u2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll2,     'g_phys3_ll2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll2,     'K_phys3_ll2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll2,       'Tmunu_ll2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_lapse2,       'dt_lapse2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u2,     'dt_shift_u2')

    CALL deallocate_grid_function(Gamma_u2,        'Gamma_u2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(phi2,            'phi2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(trK2,            'trK2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll2,     'A_BSSN3_ll2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll2,     'g_BSSN3_ll2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN2,   'lapse_A_BSSN2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u2, 'shift_B_BSSN_u2')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(Theta_Z42,       'Theta_Z42')

    !-- Deallocate attenuating functions
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(attenuating_function1, 'att_func1')
    CALL deallocate_grid_function(attenuating_function2, 'att_func2')

    !-- Ensure that the standard 3+1 ID does not contain NaNs,
    !-- and that the determinant of the spatial metric is
    !-- strictly positive
    PRINT *, "** Ensuring that the ID does not have any NaNs or infinities, ", &
             "and that the determinant of the spatial metric is strictly ", &

    DO l= 1, nlevels, 1

      ASSOCIATE( nx     => levels(l)% ngrid_x, &
                 ny     => levels(l)% ngrid_y, &
                 nz     => levels(l)% ngrid_z, &
                 lapse  => lapse%      levels(l)% var, &
                 shift  => shift_u%    levels(l)% var, &
                 g      => g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var, &
                 eK     => K_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var )

      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, lapse, "lapse" )

      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jx), &
                                   "shift(:,:,:,jx)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jy), &
                                   "shift(:,:,:,jy)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jz), &
                                   "shift(:,:,:,jz)" )

      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxx), &
                                   "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxx)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxy), &
                                   "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxy)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxz), &
                                   "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxz)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jyy), &
                                   "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyy)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jyz), &
                                   "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyz)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jzz), &
                                   "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jzz)" )

      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxx), &
                                   "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxx)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxy), &
                                   "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxy)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxz), &
                                   "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxz)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jyy), &
                                   "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyy)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jyz), &
                                   "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyz)" )
      CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jzz), &
                                   "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jzz)" )

      !$OMP             SHARED( l, levels, g_phys3_ll, coords ) &
      !$OMP             PRIVATE( i, j, k, detg )
      DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1
        DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1
          DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1

            CALL determinant_sym3x3(g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:), detg)

            IF( detg < 1.D-10 )THEN

              PRINT *, "** ERROR! The " &
                       // "determinant of the spatial metric is " &
                       // "effectively 0 at the grid point " &
                       // "(i,j,k)= (", i, ",", j,",",k, "), " &
                       // "(x,y,z)= ", "(", &
                       coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 1), ",", &
                       coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 2), ",", &
                       coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 3), ")."
              PRINT *
              PRINT *, "   nx, ny, nz =", &
                levels(l)% ngrid_x, levels(l)% ngrid_y, levels(l)% ngrid_z
              PRINT *
              PRINT *, "   detg=", detg
              PRINT *
              PRINT *, "   g_xx=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxx)
              PRINT *, "   g_xy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxy)
              PRINT *, "   g_xz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxz)
              PRINT *, "   g_yy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyy)
              PRINT *, "   g_yz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyz)
              PRINT *, "   g_zz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jzz)
              PRINT *

            ELSEIF( detg < zero )THEN

              PRINT *, "** ERROR! The " &
                       // "determinant of the spatial metric is " &
                       // "negative at the grid point " &
                       // "(i,j,k)= (", i, ",", j,",",k, "), " &
                       // "(x,y,z)= ", "(", &
                       coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 1), ",", &
                       coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 2), ",", &
                       coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 3), ")."
              PRINT *
              PRINT *, "   nx, ny, nz =", &
                levels(l)% ngrid_x, levels(l)% ngrid_y, levels(l)% ngrid_z
              PRINT *
              PRINT *, "   detg=", detg
              PRINT *
              PRINT *, "   g_xx=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxx)
              PRINT *, "   g_xy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxy)
              PRINT *, "   g_xz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxz)
              PRINT *, "   g_yy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyy)
              PRINT *, "   g_yz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyz)
              PRINT *, "   g_zz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jzz)
              PRINT *





    PRINT *, " * the standard 3+1 ID does not contain NaNs or infinites, ", &
             "and the determinant of the spatial metric is strictly positive."
    PRINT *

  END SUBROUTINE read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id