! File: construct_newtonian_binary.f90 ! Author: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ PROGRAM construct_newtonian_binary !***************************************************** ! !# Read two |tov| and |sph| |id|, and construct ! an Newtonian binary system based on the ! Newtonian 2-body problem. ! ! See Goldstein, Poole, Safko, "Classical mechanics", ! Chapter 3, and Landau, Lifshitz, "Mechanics", ! Chapter III ! ! FT 12.12.2022 ! !***************************************************** ! !-- SPHINCS_fix_metric MODULES ! USE sph_variables, ONLY: npart, & ! particle number n1, & ! particle number for star 1 pos_u, & ! particle positions vel_u, & ! particle velocities in ! coordinate frame nu, & ! canonical baryon number per ! particle Theta, & ! Generalized Lorentz factor deallocate_sph_memory USE input_output, ONLY: write_sphincs_dump USE units, ONLY: m0c2_cu USE tensor, ONLY: n_sym3x3, jx, jy, jz, & jxx, jxy, jxz, jyy, jyz, jzz, & itt, itx, ity, itz, ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz ! !-- BSSN MODULES ! USE ADM_refine, ONLY: deallocate_ADM USE BSSN_refine, ONLY: allocate_BSSN, deallocate_BSSN, & write_BSSN_dump USE Tmunu_refine, ONLY: deallocate_Tmunu USE GravityAcceleration_refine, ONLY: allocate_GravityAcceleration, & deallocate_GravityAcceleration USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: output_1d, output_2d USE McLachlan_refine, ONLY: allocate_Ztmp, deallocate_Ztmp, & ADM_to_BSSN, BSSN_Constraints USE BSSN_refine, ONLY: write_BSSN_constraints ! !-- SPHINCS_ID MODULES ! USE utility, ONLY: zero, one, two, Msun_geo, & spacetime_vector_norm_sym4x4, is_finite_number USE lorentz_group, ONLY: eta, lorentz_boost IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: a DOUBLE PRECISION:: periastron, mass1, mass2, radius1, radius2, x1, x2, & energy, angular_momentum, distance, & semimajor_axis, semiminor_axis, apoastron DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3):: v1, v2 CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: filename1, filename2 INTEGER, PARAMETER:: parameters_unit= 17 INTEGER, PARAMETER:: max_length= 100 INTEGER:: stat DOUBLE PRECISION:: periastron_parameter, distance_km, eccentricity CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: parameters_namefile CHARACTER(LEN=max_length):: & common_path, filename_sph1, filename_sph2, filename_tov1, filename_tov2, & output_directory, sph_output_file, bssn_output_file CHARACTER(LEN=100):: msg LOGICAL:: file_exists NAMELIST /newtonian_binary_parameters/ & periastron_parameter, distance_km, eccentricity, & common_path, filename_sph1, filename_sph2, & filename_tov1, filename_tov2, output_directory, & sph_output_file, bssn_output_file ! !-- Read parameters ! parameters_namefile= 'newtonian_binary_parameters.dat' INQUIRE( FILE= parameters_namefile, EXIST= file_exists ) IF( file_exists )THEN OPEN( parameters_unit, FILE= parameters_namefile, STATUS= 'OLD' ) ELSE PRINT* PRINT*,'** ERROR: ', parameters_namefile, " file not found!" PRINT* STOP ENDIF READ( UNIT= parameters_unit, NML= newtonian_binary_parameters, IOSTAT= stat, & IOMSG= msg ) IF( stat /= 0 )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR: Error in reading ", parameters_namefile, & ". The IOSTAT variable is ", stat, & "The error message is", msg STOP ENDIF CLOSE( UNIT= parameters_unit ) ! !-- Check that the parameters are reasonable ! IF(eccentricity < zero)THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The value for the eccentricity in the parameter", & " file newtonian_binary_parameters.dat is negative!" PRINT *, " eccentricity= ", eccentricity PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF(periastron_parameter <= zero)THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The value for the periastron_parameter in the", & " parameter file newtonian_binary_parameters.dat is nonpositive!" PRINT *, " periastron_parameter= ", periastron_parameter PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF(distance_km <= zero)THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The value for the initial distance in the", & " parameter file newtonian_binary_parameters.dat is nonpositive!" PRINT *, " distance_km= ", distance_km PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ! Convert initial distance to code units distance= distance_km/Msun_geo !--------------! !-- SPH ID --! !--------------! ! !-- Read the two TOV SPH ID !-- The first star will be displaced to negative x, !-- the second star to positive x, depending on the value of the periastron ! filename1= TRIM(common_path)//TRIM(filename_sph1) filename2= TRIM(common_path)//TRIM(filename_sph2) CALL read_tov_sph_id(filename1,filename2) ! !-- Find the radii of the stars, as the maximum radial coordinate !-- of a particle ! radius1= zero !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( n1, pos_u ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a ) & !$OMP REDUCTION( MAX: radius1 ) find_radius_star1: DO a= 1, n1, 1 radius1= MAX(radius1, SQRT(pos_u(1,a)**2 + pos_u(2,a)**2 + pos_u(3,a)**2)) ENDDO find_radius_star1 !$OMP END PARALLEL DO radius2= zero !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( npart, n1, pos_u ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a ) & !$OMP REDUCTION( MAX: radius2 ) find_radius_star2: DO a= n1 + 1, npart, 1 radius2= MAX(radius2, SQRT(pos_u(1,a)**2 + pos_u(2,a)**2 + pos_u(3,a)**2)) ENDDO find_radius_star2 !$OMP END PARALLEL DO PRINT *, " * Radius of star 1=", radius1, "Msun=", radius1*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT *, " * Radius of star 2=", radius2, "Msun=", radius2*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT * ! !-- Set periastron between the stars ! periastron= (radius1 + radius2)/periastron_parameter PRINT *, " * Chosen periastron_parameter=", periastron_parameter PRINT *, " * Periastron= (radius1 + radius2)/periastron_parameter =", & periastron, "Msun_geo=", periastron*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT * ! Check that the requested initial distance is equal to, or larger than, ! the periastron IF(distance < periastron)THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR! The chosen initial distance is strictly smaller than", & " the chosen periastron!" PRINT *, " * Initial distance= ", distance, "Msun_geo=", distance_km, "km" PRINT *, " * Periastron= (radius1 + radius2)/periastron_parameter =", & periastron, "Msun_geo=", periastron*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ! Check that the requested initial distance is equal to, or larger than, ! the sum of the two radii IF(distance < radius1 + radius2)THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR! The chosen initial distance is strictly smaller than", & " the sum of the radii of the stars!" PRINT *, " * Initial distance= ", distance, "Msun_geo=", distance_km, "km" PRINT *, " * radius1 + radius2 =", & radius1 + radius2, "Msun_geo=", (radius1 + radius2)*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF PRINT *, " * Chosen initial distance between the stars=", distance, & "Msun_geo=", distance_km, "km" PRINT * PRINT *, " * Chosen eccentricity=", eccentricity IF(eccentricity == zero)THEN ! Circle PRINT *, " * The orbit is a circle." ELSEIF(eccentricity < one)THEN ! Ellipse ! Compute ellipse parameters semimajor_axis= periastron/(one - eccentricity) apoastron = (one + eccentricity)*semimajor_axis semiminor_axis= SQRT(periastron*apoastron) PRINT *, " * The orbit is an ellipse." PRINT *, " * Apoastron= ", apoastron, "Msun_geo=", apoastron*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT *, " * Semi-major axis= ", semimajor_axis, "Msun_geo=", & semimajor_axis*Msun_geo, "km" PRINT *, " * Semi-minor axis= ", semiminor_axis, "Msun_geo=", & semiminor_axis*Msun_geo, "km" IF(apoastron < radius1 + radius2)THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR! The apoastron is strictly smaller than", & " the sum of the radii of the stars!" PRINT *, " * Apoastron= ", apoastron, "Msun_geo=", apoastron*Msun_geo,"km" PRINT *, " * radius1 + radius2 =", & radius1 + radius2, "Msun_geo=", (radius1 + radius2)*Msun_geo,"km" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF(distance > apoastron)THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR! The chosen initial distance is strictly larger than",& " the apoastron!" PRINT *, " Initial distance= ", distance, "Msun_geo=", distance_km, "km" PRINT *, " * Apoastron= ", apoastron, "Msun_geo=", apoastron*Msun_geo,"km" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ELSEIF(eccentricity == one)THEN ! Parabola (straight line is not considered here; it would have zero ! angular momentum) PRINT *, " * The orbit is a parabola." ELSEIF(eccentricity > one)THEN ! Hyperbola PRINT *, " * The orbit is a hyperbola." ENDIF PRINT * ! !-- Compute masses of the stars ! mass1= SUM(nu(1:n1), DIM=1)*m0c2_cu mass2= SUM(nu(n1+1:npart), DIM=1)*m0c2_cu PRINT *, " * Mass of star 1=", mass1, "Msun" PRINT *, " * Mass of star 2=", mass2, "Msun" PRINT * ! !-- Translate the stars from the origin, along the x axis, so that the !-- center of mass of the system is at the origin ! x1= - mass2*distance/(mass1 + mass2) x2= mass1*distance/(mass1 + mass2) PRINT *, " * x coordinate of the center of mass of star 1=", x1, "Msun" PRINT *, " * x coordinate of the center of mass of star 2=", x2, "Msun" PRINT *, " * x coordinate of the center of mass of the system=", & (mass1*x1 + mass2*x2)/(mass1 + mass2), "Msun" PRINT * pos_u(1,1:n1) = pos_u(1,1:n1) + x1 pos_u(1,n1 + 1: npart)= pos_u(1,n1 + 1: npart) + x2 ! !-- Compute total, Newtonian, energy and angular momentum of the system ! CALL newtonian_energy_angular_momentum & (eccentricity, periastron, mass1, mass2, energy, angular_momentum) PRINT *, " * Energy of the system=", energy, "Msun" PRINT *, " * Angular_momentum of the system=", angular_momentum, "Msun**2" PRINT * ! !-- Compute Newtonian velocities and generalized Lorentz factors, !-- and assign them to the particles ! CALL newtonian_speeds & (mass1, mass2, energy, angular_momentum, distance, v1, v2) ! Check that the velocities are acceptable IF(.NOT.is_finite_number(NORM2(v1)))THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The Newtonian speed for star 1 has some NaN ", & "components!" PRINT *, " * Newtonian speed=", NORM2(v1), "c" PRINT *, " * Newtonian velocity=", v1, "c" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." STOP ENDIF IF(.NOT.is_finite_number(NORM2(v2)))THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The Newtonian speed for star 2 has some NaN ", & "components!" PRINT *, " * Newtonian speed=", NORM2(v2), "c" PRINT *, " * Newtonian velocity=", v2, "c" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." STOP ENDIF IF(NORM2(v1) > one)THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The Newtonian speed for star 1 is larger than the ", & "speed of light!" PRINT *, " * Newtonian speed=", NORM2(v1), "c" PRINT *, " * Newtonian velocity=", v1, "c" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." STOP ENDIF IF(NORM2(v2) > one)THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The Newtonian speed for star 2 is larger than the ", & "speed of light!" PRINT *, " * Newtonian speed=", NORM2(v2), "c" PRINT *, " * Newtonian velocity=", v2, "c" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." STOP ENDIF PRINT *, " * Newtonian velocity for star 1=", v1, "c" PRINT *, " * Newtonian velocity for star 2=", v2, "c" PRINT * PRINT *, " * Newtonian speed for star 1=", NORM2(v1), "c" PRINT *, " * Newtonian speed for star 2=", NORM2(v2), "c" PRINT * !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( npart, n1, vel_u, Theta, v1, v2 ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a ) compute_vel_and_theta_on_particles: DO a= 1, npart, 1 IF(a <= n1) vel_u(:,a)= v1 IF(a > n1) vel_u(:,a)= v2 CALL spacetime_vector_norm_sym4x4( eta, & [one,vel_u(1,a),vel_u(2,a),vel_u(3,a)], & Theta(a) ) IF( Theta(a) > zero )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The computing frame particle 4-velocity is ", & "spacelike at particle ", a PRINT *, " * Its norm is ", Theta(a) PRINT *, " * Stopping.." PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( Theta(a) == zero )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The computing frame particle 4-velocity is ", & "null at particle ", a PRINT *, " * Its norm is ", Theta(a) PRINT *, " * Stopping.." PRINT * STOP ENDIF Theta(a)= one/SQRT(-Theta(a)) ENDDO compute_vel_and_theta_on_particles !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! !-- Print the SPH ID ! PRINT *, " * Printing SPH ID to file..." filename1= TRIM(output_directory)//TRIM(sph_output_file) CALL write_sphincs_dump(filename1) PRINT *, "...done." PRINT * ! !-- Deallocate SPH memory ! CALL deallocate_sph_memory() !---------------! !-- BSSN ID --! !---------------! filename1= TRIM(common_path)//TRIM(filename_tov1) filename2= TRIM(common_path)//TRIM(filename_tov2) CALL read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id & (filename1,filename2, x1, x2, v1, v2, radius1, radius2) ! !-- Compute BSSN ID ! CALL allocate_BSSN() CALL allocate_Ztmp() CALL allocate_GravityAcceleration() CALL ADM_to_BSSN() CALL deallocate_Ztmp() CALL deallocate_Tmunu() CALL deallocate_GravityAcceleration() ! !-- Print the BSSN ID ! PRINT *, " * Printing BSSN ID to file..." filename1= TRIM(output_directory)//TRIM(bssn_output_file) CALL write_BSSN_dump(filename1) PRINT *, "...done." PRINT * ! !-- Print the BSSN constraints !-- TODO: To do this, the stress-energy tensor is needed ! ! CALL BSSN_Constraints ! CALL output_2d( Tmunu_ll, 3, dcount, ivar=itt, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( Tmunu_ll, 3, dcount, ivar=itx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( Tmunu_ll, 3, dcount, ivar=ixx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( lapse, 3, dcount, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( shift_u, 3, dcount, ivar=jx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( Gamma_u, 3, dcount, ivar=jx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( phi, 3, dcount, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( trK, 3, dcount, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( A_BSSN3_ll, 3, dcount, ivar=jxx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( g_BSSN3_ll, 3, dcount, ivar=jxx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( Ham, 3, dcount, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( M_l, 3, dcount, ivar=jx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( M_l, 3, dcount, ivar=jy, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_2d( M_l, 3, dcount, ivar=jz, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_1d( Ham, 1, dcount, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_1d( M_l, 1, dcount, ivar=jx, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_1d( M_l, 1, dcount, ivar=jy, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! CALL output_1d( M_l, 1, dcount, ivar=jz, output_ghosts=.TRUE. ) ! !-- Deallocate ADM and BSSN memory ! CALL deallocate_ADM() CALL deallocate_BSSN() PRINT *, "** End of execution. ID files are:" PRINT *, " SPH ID: ", TRIM(output_directory)//TRIM(sph_output_file) PRINT *, " BSSN ID: ", filename1 PRINT * CONTAINS SUBROUTINE read_tov_sph_id(filename1, filename2) !*********************************************************** ! !# Read the two SPH TOV ID files produced with setup_TOV.x, ! and place them symmetrically on the \(x\) axis so that ! their distance is equal to the periastron given as input ! ! FT 13.12.2022 ! !*********************************************************** USE sph_variables, ONLY: npart, & ! particle number n1, n2, & ! particle numbers for each star pos_u, & ! particle positions vel_u, & ! particle velocities in ! coordinate frame nlrf, & ! baryon number density in ! local rest frame nu, & ! canonical baryon number per ! particle Theta, & ! Generalized Lorentz factor h, & ! Smoothing length Pr, & ! Pressure u, & ! Internal energy in local rest ! frame (no kinetic energy) Ye, & ! Electron fraction allocate_sph_memory, deallocate_sph_memory USE input_output, ONLY: set_units, read_sphincs_dump USE utility, ONLY: scan_1d_array_for_nans IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT):: filename1, filename2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: pos_u1, vel_u1, & pos_u2, vel_u2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: u1, nu1, h1, nlrf1, & Pr1, Ye1, Theta1, & u2, nu2, h2, nlrf2, & Pr2, Ye2, Theta2 CALL set_units('NSM') ! !-- Read just the particle number, to be able to allocate needed memory ! OPEN(10, file= filename1, form='UNFORMATTED') READ(10) npart CLOSE(10) CALL allocate_sph_memory() CALL read_sphincs_dump(filename1) !PRINT *, "npart=", npart ALLOCATE(pos_u1(3,npart)) ALLOCATE(vel_u1(3,npart)) ALLOCATE(u1 (npart)) ALLOCATE(nu1 (npart)) ALLOCATE(h1 (npart)) ALLOCATE(nlrf1 (npart)) ALLOCATE(Pr1 (npart)) ALLOCATE(Ye1 (npart)) ALLOCATE(Theta1(npart)) n1 = npart pos_u1= pos_u(:,1:npart) vel_u1= vel_u(:,1:npart) u1 = u (1:npart) nu1 = nu (1:npart) h1 = h (1:npart) nlrf1 = nlrf (1:npart) Pr1 = Pr (1:npart) Ye1 = Ye (1:npart) Theta1= Theta(1:npart) !PRINT *, "SIZE(nlrf)=", SIZE(nlrf1) CALL deallocate_sph_memory() ! !-- Read just the particle number, to be able to allocate needed memory ! OPEN(10, file= filename2, form='UNFORMATTED') READ(10) npart CLOSE(10) CALL allocate_sph_memory() CALL read_sphincs_dump(filename2) ALLOCATE(pos_u2(3,npart)) ALLOCATE(vel_u2(3,npart)) ALLOCATE(u2 (npart)) ALLOCATE(nu2 (npart)) ALLOCATE(h2 (npart)) ALLOCATE(nlrf2 (npart)) ALLOCATE(Pr2 (npart)) ALLOCATE(Ye2 (npart)) ALLOCATE(Theta2(npart)) n2 = npart pos_u2= pos_u(:,1:npart) vel_u2= vel_u(:,1:npart) u2 = u (1:npart) nu2 = nu (1:npart) h2 = h (1:npart) nlrf2 = nlrf (1:npart) Pr2 = Pr (1:npart) Ye2 = Ye (1:npart) Theta2= Theta(1:npart) CALL deallocate_sph_memory() npart= n1 + n2 CALL allocate_sph_memory() pos_u(1,1:n1) = pos_u1(1,:) pos_u(2:3,1:n1)= pos_u1(2:3,:) vel_u(:,1:n1) = vel_u1 u (1:n1) = u1 nu (1:n1) = nu1 h (1:n1) = h1 nlrf (1:n1) = nlrf1 Pr (1:n1) = Pr1 Ye (1:n1) = Ye1 Theta(1:n1) = Theta1 pos_u(1,n1 + 1: npart) = pos_u2(1,:) pos_u(2:3,n1 + 1: npart)= pos_u2(2:3,:) vel_u(:,n1 + 1: npart) = vel_u2 u (n1 + 1: npart) = u2 nu (n1 + 1: npart) = nu2 h (n1 + 1: npart) = h2 nlrf (n1 + 1: npart) = nlrf2 Pr (n1 + 1: npart) = Pr2 Ye (n1 + 1: npart) = Ye2 Theta(n1 + 1: npart) = Theta2 DEALLOCATE(pos_u1) DEALLOCATE(vel_u1) DEALLOCATE(u1) DEALLOCATE(nu1) DEALLOCATE(h1) DEALLOCATE(nlrf1) DEALLOCATE(Pr1) DEALLOCATE(Ye1) DEALLOCATE(Theta1) DEALLOCATE(pos_u2) DEALLOCATE(vel_u2) DEALLOCATE(u2) DEALLOCATE(nu2) DEALLOCATE(h2) DEALLOCATE(nlrf2) DEALLOCATE(Pr2) DEALLOCATE(Ye2) DEALLOCATE(Theta2) ! !-- Ensure that the ID does not contain NaNs or infinities ! PRINT *, "** Ensuring that the SPH ID does not have any NaNs or", & "infinities..." CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, pos_u(1,:), "pos_u(:,1)" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, pos_u(2,:), "pos_u(:,2)" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, pos_u(3,:), "pos_u(:,3)" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, nlrf, "nlrf" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, nu, "nu" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, u, "u" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, h, "h" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, Pr, "Pr" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, Ye, "Ye" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, Theta, "Theta" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, vel_u(1,:), "vel_u(:,1)" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, vel_u(2,:), "vel_u(:,2)" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( npart, vel_u(3,:), "vel_u(:,3)" ) PRINT *, " * the SPH ID does not have NaNs or infinities." PRINT * END SUBROUTINE read_tov_sph_id SUBROUTINE read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id & (filename1, filename2, x1, x2, v1, v2, radius1, radius2) !*********************************************************** ! !# Read the two BSSN TOV ID files produced with setup_TOV.x, ! and place them symmetrically on the \(x\) axis so that ! their distance is equal to the periastron given as input ! ! FT 13.12.2022 ! !*********************************************************** USE tensor, ONLY: jx, jy, jz, jxx, jxy, jxz, & jyy, jyz, jzz, n_sym3x3, n_sym4x4 USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: nlevels, levels, initialize_grid, & grid_function_scalar, grid_function, & read_grid_params, coords, & allocate_grid_function, deallocate_grid_function USE ADM_refine, ONLY: allocate_ADM, lapse, shift_u, & g_phys3_ll, K_phys3_ll, dt_lapse, dt_shift_u USE Tmunu_refine, ONLY: Tmunu_ll, allocate_Tmunu, deallocate_Tmunu USE TOV_refine, ONLY: read_TOV_dump, allocate_tov, deallocate_tov, & get_tov_metric USE utility, ONLY: zero, compute_tpo_metric, determinant_sym3x3, & scan_3d_array_for_nans, one, two, four IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: x1, x2, radius1, radius2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN):: v1, v2 CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT):: filename1, filename2 INTEGER, PARAMETER:: tov_np= 100001 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER:: eps = 1.75D-1 DOUBLE PRECISION:: min_abs_z, distance, sigma1, sigma2!= ABS(x1) + ABS(x2) INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, unit_att_out, ios DOUBLE PRECISION:: tmp, tmp2, tmp3, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, & g00, g01, g02, g03, g11, g12, g13, g22, g23, g33, & gamma1, gamma2, detg DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(4,4):: g(n_sym4x4) CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: attfunc_namefile, err_msg LOGICAL:: exist TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: lapse1, phi1, trK1, Theta_Z41, lapse_A_BSSN1, & lapse2, phi2, trK2, Theta_Z42, lapse_A_BSSN2, & dt_lapse1, dt_lapse2 TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: attenuating_function1, attenuating_function2 TYPE(grid_function):: shift_u1, shift_B_BSSN_u1, Gamma_u1, & g_phys3_ll1, g_BSSN3_ll1, A_BSSN3_ll1, & shift_u2, shift_B_BSSN_u2, Gamma_u2, & g_phys3_ll2, g_BSSN3_ll2, A_BSSN3_ll2, & dt_shift_u1, dt_shift_u2, & K_phys3_ll1, K_phys3_ll2, & Tmunu_ll1, Tmunu_ll2 TYPE(lorentz_boost):: boost1, boost2 distance= ABS(x1) + ABS(x2) !sigma= ABS(x1) + ABS(x2)! - radius1 - radius2 CALL read_grid_params() CALL initialize_grid() CALL allocate_tov(tov_np) PRINT * PRINT *, " * Reading ID for first TOV star..." CALL read_tov_dump(filename1) ! !-- Construct boosts and get their Lorentz factors ! boost1= lorentz_boost(v1) boost2= lorentz_boost(v2) gamma1= boost1% get_lambda() gamma2= boost2% get_lambda() !sigma1= radius2 !sigma2= radius1 sigma1= gamma2*radius2 sigma2= gamma1*radius1 !sigma1= ( gamma2*radius2 + gamma2*(distance-radius1) )/two !sigma2= ( gamma1*radius1 + gamma1*(distance-radius2) )/two !sigma1= gamma2*radius2/((LOG(one/(one - eps)))**(one/four)) !sigma2= gamma1*radius1/((LOG(one/(one - eps)))**(one/four)) PRINT * PRINT *, "gamma1=", gamma1 PRINT *, "gamma2=", gamma2 PRINT *, "sigma1=", sigma1 PRINT *, "sigma2=", sigma2 PRINT * CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse1, 'lapse1') CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_u1, 'shift_u1', 3) CALL allocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll1, 'g_phys3_ll1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll1, 'K_phys3_ll1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll1, 'Tmunu_ll1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_lapse1, 'dt_lapse1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u1, 'dt_shift_u1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(Gamma_u1, 'Gamma_u1', 3) CALL allocate_grid_function(phi1, 'phi1') CALL allocate_grid_function(trK1, 'trK1') CALL allocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll1, 'A_BSSN3_ll1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll1, 'g_BSSN3_ll1', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN1, 'lapse_A_BSSN1') CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u1, 'shift_B_BSSN_u1', 3) CALL allocate_grid_function(Theta_Z41, 'Theta_Z41') CALL allocate_grid_function(attenuating_function1, 'att_func1') read_tov1_id_on_the_mesh: DO l= 1, nlevels, 1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( levels, l, coords, lapse1, shift_u1, & !$OMP g_phys3_ll1, dt_lapse1, dt_shift_u1, & !$OMP K_phys3_ll1, Tmunu_ll1, x1, x2, boost1, & !$OMP gamma2, sigma1, attenuating_function1 ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, & !$OMP g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33,g ) DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1 DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1 DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1 xtmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1)! - x1 ytmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2) ztmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) CALL get_tov_metric(xtmp - x1, ytmp, ztmp, & tmp, tmp2, tmp3, & g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33) g= boost1% & apply_as_congruence([g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33]) CALL compute_tpo_metric(g, & lapse1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k), & shift_u1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:), & g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)) dt_lapse1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) = zero dt_shift_u1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero K_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero Tmunu_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero tmp= (gamma2*(xtmp - x2))**2 + ytmp**2 + ztmp**2 attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k)= & one !- EXP( -(tmp**2)/(sigma1**4) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ENDDO read_tov1_id_on_the_mesh PRINT *, "...done" PRINT * PRINT *, " * Reading ID for second TOV star..." CALL read_tov_dump(filename2) CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse2, 'lapse2') CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_u2, 'shift_u2', 3) CALL allocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll2, 'g_phys3_ll2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll2, 'K_phys3_ll2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll2, 'Tmunu_ll2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_lapse2, 'dt_lapse2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u2, 'dt_shift_u2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(Gamma_u2, 'Gamma_u2', 3) CALL allocate_grid_function(phi2, 'phi2') CALL allocate_grid_function(trK2, 'trK2') CALL allocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll2, 'A_BSSN3_ll2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll2, 'g_BSSN3_ll2', n_sym3x3) CALL allocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN2, 'lapse_A_BSSN2') CALL allocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u2, 'shift_B_BSSN_u2', 3) CALL allocate_grid_function(Theta_Z42, 'Theta_Z42') CALL allocate_grid_function(attenuating_function2, 'att_func2') read_tov2_id_on_the_mesh: DO l= 1, nlevels, 1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( levels, l, coords, lapse2, shift_u2, & !$OMP g_phys3_ll2, dt_lapse2, dt_shift_u2, & !$OMP K_phys3_ll2, Tmunu_ll2, x1, x2, boost2, & !$OMP gamma1, sigma2, attenuating_function2 ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, & !$OMP g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33,g ) DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1 DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1 DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1 xtmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1)! - x2 ytmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2) ztmp= coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) CALL get_tov_metric(xtmp -x2, ytmp, ztmp, & tmp, tmp2, tmp3, & g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33) g= boost2% & apply_as_congruence([g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33]) CALL compute_tpo_metric(g, & lapse2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k), & shift_u2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:), & g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)) dt_lapse2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) = zero dt_shift_u2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero K_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero Tmunu_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero tmp= (gamma1*(xtmp - x1))**2 + ytmp**2 + ztmp**2 attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k)= & one !- EXP( -(tmp**2)/(sigma2**4) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ENDDO read_tov2_id_on_the_mesh PRINT *, "...done" CALL allocate_ADM() CALL allocate_Tmunu() ! !-- Sum the translated and boosted TOV ID ! PRINT * PRINT *, " * Summing the two TOV ID..." sum_tov_id: DO l= 1, nlevels, 1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( levels, l, coords, lapse1, shift_u1, & !$OMP g_phys3_ll1, dt_lapse1, dt_shift_u1, & !$OMP K_phys3_ll1, Tmunu_ll1, lapse2, shift_u2, & !$OMP g_phys3_ll2, dt_lapse2, dt_shift_u2, & !$OMP K_phys3_ll2, Tmunu_ll2, g_phys3_ll, & !$OMP K_phys3_ll, dt_lapse, dt_shift_u, Tmunu_ll, & !$OMP lapse, shift_u, attenuating_function1, & !$OMP attenuating_function2 ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, & !$OMP g00,g01,g02,g03,g11,g12,g13,g22,g23,g33 ) DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1 DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1 DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1 g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1)= one + & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *(g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1) - one) + & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *(g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1) - one) g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2)= & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2) + & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2) g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3)= & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) + & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,4)= one + & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *(g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,4) - one) + & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *(g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,4) - one) g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,5)= & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,5) + & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,5) g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,6)= one + & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *(g_phys3_ll1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,6) - one) + & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) & *(g_phys3_ll2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,6) - one) lapse% levels(l)% var(i,j,k)= - one + & (lapse1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) + one) + & (lapse2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) + one) shift_u% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= & shift_u1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:) + & shift_u2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:) dt_lapse% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) = zero dt_shift_u% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero K_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero Tmunu_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:)= zero ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ENDDO sum_tov_id PRINT *, "...done" PRINT * attfunc_namefile= "attenutating_functions.dat" PRINT *, "** Printing attenuating functions to file ", & TRIM(attfunc_namefile), "..." INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(attfunc_namefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= unit_att_out, & FILE= TRIM(attfunc_namefile), & STATUS= "REPLACE", FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= unit_att_out, & FILE= TRIM(attfunc_namefile), & STATUS= "NEW", FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // & TRIM(attfunc_namefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF DO l= 1, nlevels, 1 min_abs_z= HUGE(one) DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1 IF( ABS( coords% levels(l)% var(1,1,k,3) ) < ABS( min_abs_z ) )THEN min_abs_z= coords% levels(l)% var(1,1,k,3) ENDIF ENDDO DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1 DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1 DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1 IF( ABS(coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3) - min_abs_z) & /ABS(min_abs_z) > 1.D-5 & )THEN CYCLE ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = unit_att_out, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, & FMT = * ) & l, & coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,1), & coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,2), & coords% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,3), & attenuating_function1% levels(l)% var(i,j,k), & attenuating_function2% levels(l)% var(i,j,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CLOSE( UNIT= unit_att_out ) PRINT *, " * attenuating functions printed to file ", & TRIM(attfunc_namefile) PRINT * ! !-- Deallocate temporary memory ! CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse1, 'lapse1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_u1, 'shift_u1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll1, 'g_phys3_ll1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll1, 'K_phys3_ll1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll1, 'Tmunu_ll1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_lapse1, 'dt_lapse1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u1, 'dt_shift_u1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(Gamma_u1, 'Gamma_u1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(phi1, 'phi1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(trK1, 'trK1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll1, 'A_BSSN3_ll1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll1, 'g_BSSN3_ll1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN1, 'lapse_A_BSSN1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u1, 'shift_B_BSSN_u1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(Theta_Z41, 'Theta_Z41') CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse2, 'lapse2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_u2, 'shift_u2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_phys3_ll2, 'g_phys3_ll2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(K_phys3_ll2, 'K_phys3_ll2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(Tmunu_ll2, 'Tmunu_ll2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_lapse2, 'dt_lapse2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(dt_shift_u2, 'dt_shift_u2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(Gamma_u2, 'Gamma_u2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(phi2, 'phi2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(trK2, 'trK2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(A_BSSN3_ll2, 'A_BSSN3_ll2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(g_BSSN3_ll2, 'g_BSSN3_ll2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(lapse_A_BSSN2, 'lapse_A_BSSN2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(shift_B_BSSN_u2, 'shift_B_BSSN_u2') CALL deallocate_grid_function(Theta_Z42, 'Theta_Z42') ! !-- Deallocate attenuating functions ! CALL deallocate_grid_function(attenuating_function1, 'att_func1') CALL deallocate_grid_function(attenuating_function2, 'att_func2') ! !-- Ensure that the standard 3+1 ID does not contain NaNs, !-- and that the determinant of the spatial metric is !-- strictly positive ! PRINT *, "** Ensuring that the ID does not have any NaNs or infinities, ", & "and that the determinant of the spatial metric is strictly ", & "positive..." DO l= 1, nlevels, 1 ASSOCIATE( nx => levels(l)% ngrid_x, & ny => levels(l)% ngrid_y, & nz => levels(l)% ngrid_z, & lapse => lapse% levels(l)% var, & shift => shift_u% levels(l)% var, & g => g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var, & eK => K_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, lapse, "lapse" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jx), & "shift(:,:,:,jx)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jy), & "shift(:,:,:,jy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jz), & "shift(:,:,:,jz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxx), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxx)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxy), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxz), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jyy), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jyz), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jzz), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jzz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxx), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxx)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxy), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxz), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jyy), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jyz), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jzz), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jzz)" ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( l, levels, g_phys3_ll, coords ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, detg ) DO k= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_z, 1 DO j= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_y, 1 DO i= 1, levels(l)% ngrid_x, 1 CALL determinant_sym3x3(g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,:), detg) IF( detg < 1.D-10 )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The " & // "determinant of the spatial metric is " & // "effectively 0 at the grid point " & // "(i,j,k)= (", i, ",", j,",",k, "), " & // "(x,y,z)= ", "(", & coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 1), ",", & coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 2), ",", & coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 3), ")." PRINT * PRINT *, " nx, ny, nz =", & levels(l)% ngrid_x, levels(l)% ngrid_y, levels(l)% ngrid_z PRINT * PRINT *, " detg=", detg PRINT * PRINT *, " g_xx=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxx) PRINT *, " g_xy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxy) PRINT *, " g_xz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxz) PRINT *, " g_yy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyy) PRINT *, " g_yz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyz) PRINT *, " g_zz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jzz) PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( detg < zero )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The " & // "determinant of the spatial metric is " & // "negative at the grid point " & // "(i,j,k)= (", i, ",", j,",",k, "), " & // "(x,y,z)= ", "(", & coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 1), ",", & coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 2), ",", & coords% levels(l)% var(i, j, k, 3), ")." PRINT * PRINT *, " nx, ny, nz =", & levels(l)% ngrid_x, levels(l)% ngrid_y, levels(l)% ngrid_z PRINT * PRINT *, " detg=", detg PRINT * PRINT *, " g_xx=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxx) PRINT *, " g_xy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxy) PRINT *, " g_xz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jxz) PRINT *, " g_yy=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyy) PRINT *, " g_yz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jyz) PRINT *, " g_zz=", g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var(i,j,k,jzz) PRINT * STOP ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END ASSOCIATE ENDDO PRINT *, " * the standard 3+1 ID does not contain NaNs or infinites, ", & "and the determinant of the spatial metric is strictly positive." PRINT * END SUBROUTINE read_boost_superimpose_tov_adm_id PURE SUBROUTINE newtonian_speeds & (mass1, mass2, energy, angular_momentum, distance, v1, v2) !*********************************************************** ! !# Compute Newtonian speeds for two stars on parabolic orbits ! at a given distance, applying conservation of energy ! and momentum. ! For a 2-body problem with parabolic orbit, the total ! energy is zero. ! ! See Goldstein, Poole, Safko, "Classical mechanics", ! Sec.3.2, eq. (3.16); Sec.3.3, eq.(3.21); Sec.3.7 ! See Landau, Lifshitz, "Mechanics", Chapter III ! ! FT 13.12.2022 ! !*********************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: mass1, mass2, energy, angular_momentum, & distance DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT):: v1, v2 DOUBLE PRECISION:: mu, radial_speed_fictitious, total_speed_fictitious, & angular_speed_fictitious DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3):: v_fictitious mu= mass1*mass2/(mass1 + mass2) radial_speed_fictitious = SQRT(two/mu*(energy + mass1*mass2/distance & - angular_momentum**2/(two*mu*distance**2))) !PRINT *, "radial_speed_fictitious=", radial_speed_fictitious total_speed_fictitious = SQRT(two/mu*(energy + mass1*mass2/distance)) !PRINT *, "total_speed_fictitious=", total_speed_fictitious angular_speed_fictitious= SQRT((total_speed_fictitious**2 & - radial_speed_fictitious**2)/distance**2) !PRINT *, "angular_speed_fictitious=", angular_speed_fictitious v_fictitious(1)= radial_speed_fictitious v_fictitious(2)= distance*angular_speed_fictitious v_fictitious(3)= zero v1(1)= mass2*v_fictitious(1)/(mass1 + mass2) v1(2)= mass2*v_fictitious(2)/(mass1 + mass2) v1(3)= zero v2(1)= - mass1*v_fictitious(1)/(mass1 + mass2) v2(2)= - mass1*v_fictitious(2)/(mass1 + mass2) v2(3)= zero END SUBROUTINE newtonian_speeds SUBROUTINE newtonian_energy_angular_momentum & (eccentricity, periastron, mass1, mass2, energy, angular_momentum) !*********************************************************** ! !# Compute the Newtonian energy and angular momentum of the system, ! imposing that the radial velocity of the fictitious ! body is 0 at the desired periastron, with the desired eccentricity. ! ! The formulas used here are found by solving the equations ! that can be found in: ! ! Goldstein, Poole, Safko, "Classical mechanics", ! Sec.3.2, eq.(3.16) with \(\dot(r)=0\), and Sec.3.7, eq.(3.57) ! See Landau, Lifshitz, "Mechanics", Chapter III, ! eq.(14.5) with \(\dot(r)=0\) ! ! for the energy and the angular momentum. ! ! FT 16.12.2022 ! !*********************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: eccentricity, periastron, mass1, mass2 DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: energy, angular_momentum DOUBLE PRECISION:: mu mu= mass1*mass2/(mass1 + mass2) IF(eccentricity == zero)THEN ! Circle angular_momentum= SQRT(mu*mass1*mass2*periastron) ELSEIF(eccentricity == one)THEN ! Parabola (straight line is not considered here; it would have zero ! angular momentum) angular_momentum= SQRT(two*mu*mass1*mass2*periastron) ELSEIF(eccentricity > one)THEN ! Hyperbola angular_momentum= SQRT((one + eccentricity)*mu*mass1*mass2*periastron) ELSEIF(zero < eccentricity .AND. eccentricity < one)THEN ! Ellipse [SQRT((one - eccentricity)*mu*mass1*mass2*periastron) would be ! for an ellispe having apoastron equal to our value of the periastron] angular_momentum= SQRT((one + eccentricity)*mu*mass1*mass2*periastron) ELSE PRINT *, "** ERROR in SUBROUTINE newtonian_energy_angular_momentum!" PRINT *, " * The value for the eccentricity is negative!" PRINT *, " eccentricity= ", eccentricity PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF energy= & mu*(mass1*mass2)**2*(eccentricity**2 - one)/(two*angular_momentum**2) END SUBROUTINE newtonian_energy_angular_momentum END PROGRAM construct_newtonian_binary