analyze_hydro Module Procedure

module procedure analyze_hydro module subroutine analyze_hydro(this, namefile)

Export the points where some of the hydro fields are negative to a formatted file

FT 5.12.2020


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(particles), intent(inout) :: this

particles object which this PROCEDURE is a member of

character(len=*), intent(inout), optional :: namefile

Name of the formatted file where the particle positions at which some of the hydro fields are negative or zero are printed to

Called by

proc~~analyze_hydro~~CalledByGraph proc~analyze_hydro analyze_hydro interface~analyze_hydro analyze_hydro interface~analyze_hydro->proc~analyze_hydro



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, private :: a
logical, private :: exist
logical, private :: negative_hydro