! File: submodule_sph_particles_io.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (sph_particles) io !*************************************************** ! !# This submodule contains the implementation of the ! methods of TYPE sph_particles that handle I/O ! (input/output) ! ! FT 5.11.2021 ! !*************************************************** USE constants, ONLY: amu, c_light2, m2cm USE utility, ONLY: km2m, Msun_geo, one IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !-------------------! !-- SUBROUTINES --! !-------------------! MODULE PROCEDURE print_summary !************************************************ ! !# Prints a summary of the properties of the ! |sph| particle distribution, optionally, to ! a formatted file whose name ! is given as the optional argument `filename` ! ! FT 5.11.2021 ! !************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: i_matter DOUBLE PRECISION:: max_nlrf_id, min_nlrf_id, max_nlrf_sph, min_nlrf_sph DOUBLE PRECISION:: max_pr_id, min_pr_id, max_pr_sph, min_pr_sph DOUBLE PRECISION:: max_u_id, min_u_id, max_u_sph, min_u_sph PRINT *, " * SPH:" PRINT * PRINT *, " Total particle number= ", this% npart DO i_matter= 1, this% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " Particle number on matter object ", i_matter, "=", & this% npart_i(i_matter) ENDDO PRINT * DO i_matter= 1, this% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " Mass fraction of matter object ", i_matter, "=", & this% mass_fractions(i_matter) PRINT *, " Particle fraction of matter object ", i_matter, "=", & DBLE(this% npart_i(i_matter))/DBLE(this% npart) PRINT *, " Baryon number ratio on matter object", i_matter, "=", & this% nuratio_i(i_matter) ENDDO PRINT * PRINT *, " Baryon number ratio across all matter objects =", & this% nuratio PRINT * PRINT *, " Center of mass of the entire particle distribution =" PRINT *, " (", this% barycenter_system(1), "," PRINT *, " ", this% barycenter_system(2), "," PRINT *, " ", this% barycenter_system(3), ") Msun" PRINT *, " Its distance from the origin is: ", & this% barycenter_system(4), " Msun" PRINT * DO i_matter= 1, this% n_matter, 1 ASSOCIATE( npart_in => this% npart_fin(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => this% npart_fin(i_matter) ) max_nlrf_id = MAXVAL( this% nlrf(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) min_nlrf_id = MINVAL( this% nlrf(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) max_nlrf_sph= MAXVAL( this% nlrf_sph(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) min_nlrf_sph= MINVAL( this% nlrf_sph(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) max_pr_id = MAXVAL( this% pressure(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) min_pr_id = MINVAL( this% pressure(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) max_pr_sph= MAXVAL( this% pressure_sph(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) min_pr_sph= MINVAL( this% pressure_sph(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) max_u_id = MAXVAL( this% specific_energy(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) min_u_id = MINVAL( this% specific_energy(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) max_u_sph= MAXVAL( this% u_sph(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) min_u_sph= MINVAL( this% u_sph(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * On matter object ", i_matter, ":" PRINT * PRINT *, " Maximum nlrf from the ID = ", max_nlrf_id & /((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3)*amu, " g cm^{-3}" PRINT *, " Maximum SPH interpolated nlrf =", max_nlrf_sph & /((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3)*amu, " g cm^{-3}" PRINT *, " Relative difference between the two maximum nlrf=", & ABS( max_nlrf_sph - max_nlrf_id )/max_nlrf_id PRINT *, " Minimum nlrf from the ID = ", min_nlrf_id & /((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3)*amu, " g cm^{-3}" PRINT *, " Minimum SPH interpolated nlrf =", min_nlrf_sph & /((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3)*amu, " g cm^{-3}" PRINT *, " Relative difference between the two minimum nlrf=", & ABS( min_nlrf_sph - min_nlrf_id )/min_nlrf_id PRINT *, " Ratio between maximum and minimum nlrf=", & max_nlrf_sph/min_nlrf_sph PRINT * PRINT *, " Maximum pressure from the ID = ", max_pr_id & *amu*c_light2/((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3), " Ba" PRINT *, " Maximum pressure from SPH interpolated density and EOS =",& max_pr_sph*amu*c_light2/((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3), " Ba" PRINT *, " Relative difference between the maximum pressures=", & ABS( max_pr_sph - max_pr_id )/max_pr_id PRINT *, " Minimum pressure from the ID = ", min_pr_id & *amu*c_light2/((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3), " Ba" PRINT *, " Minimum pressure from SPH interpolated density and EOS =",& min_pr_sph*amu*c_light2/((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3), " Ba" PRINT *, " Relative difference between the minimum pressures=", & ABS( min_pr_sph - min_pr_id )/min_pr_id PRINT *, " Ratio between maximum and minimum pressure=", & max_pr_sph/min_pr_sph PRINT * PRINT *, " Maximum specific internal energy from the ID =", & max_u_id, " c^2" PRINT *, " Maximum specific internal energy from SPH interpolated ", & "density and EOS =", max_u_sph, " c^2" PRINT *, " Relative difference between the maximum specific ", & "internal energies=", ABS( max_u_sph - max_u_id )/max_u_id PRINT *, " Minimum specific internal energy from the ID =", & min_u_id, " c^2" PRINT *, " Minimum specific internal energy from SPH interpolated ", & "density and EOS =", min_u_sph, " c^2" PRINT *, " Relative difference between the minimum specific ", & "internal energies=", ABS( min_u_sph - min_u_id )/min_u_id PRINT *, " Ratio between maximum and minimum specific internal ", & "energy=", max_u_sph/min_u_sph PRINT * END ASSOCIATE ENDDO IF(ALLOCATED(this% adm_linear_momentum_i))THEN DO i_matter= 1, this% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " SPH estimate of the ADM linear momentum computed using ", & "the canonical momentum per baryon, on matter object", & i_matter,"= " PRINT *, " (", this% adm_linear_momentum_i(i_matter, 1), "," PRINT *, " ", this% adm_linear_momentum_i(i_matter, 2), "," PRINT *, " ", this% adm_linear_momentum_i(i_matter, 3), ") Msun*c" PRINT * ENDDO PRINT *, " SPH estimate of the ADM momentum of the fluid ", & "computed using the canonical momentum per baryon= " PRINT *, " (", this% adm_linear_momentum_fluid(1), "," PRINT *, " ", this% adm_linear_momentum_fluid(2), "," PRINT *, " ", this% adm_linear_momentum_fluid(3), ") Msun*c" PRINT * ENDIF END PROCEDURE print_summary MODULE PROCEDURE read_sphincs_dump_print_formatted !************************************************ ! !# Read the |sph| |id| from the binary file output ! by write_SPHINCS_dump, and print it to a ! formatted file ! ! FT 12.02.2021 ! !************************************************ USE sph_variables, ONLY: npart, & ! particle number pos_u, & ! particle positions vel_u, & ! particle velocities in ! coordinate frame nlrf, & ! baryon number density in ! local rest frame !ehat, & ! canonical energy per baryon nu, & ! canonical baryon number per ! particle Theta, & ! Generalized Lorentz factor h, & ! Smoothing length Pr, & ! Pressure u, & ! Internal energy in local rest ! frame (no kinetic energy) temp, & ! Temperature av, & ! Dissipation ye, & ! Electron fraction divv, & ! Divergence of velocity vel_u allocate_SPH_memory, & deallocate_SPH_memory, & n1, n2 USE input_output, ONLY: set_units, read_SPHINCS_dump USE alive_flag, ONLY: alive USE constants, ONLY: half IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER:: max_npart= 5.D+7 INTEGER:: a LOGICAL:: exist, final_save_data CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: finalnamefile IF( PRESENT(save_data) )THEN final_save_data= save_data ELSE final_save_data= .FALSE. ENDIF PRINT *, "** Executing the read_sphincs_dump_print_formatted subroutine..." ! !-- Set up the MODULE variables in MODULE sph_variables !-- (used by write_SPHINCS_dump) ! npart= max_npart CALL set_units('NSM') CALL allocate_SPH_memory finalnamefile= TRIM(namefile_bin)!//"00000" CALL read_SPHINCS_dump( finalnamefile ) PRINT *, " * Maximum interpolated nlrf =", & MAXVAL( nlrf(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) & /((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3)*amu, " g cm^{-3}" PRINT *, " * Minimum interpolated nlrf =", & MINVAL( nlrf(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) & /((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3)*amu, " g cm^{-3}" PRINT *, " * Ratio between the two=", & MAXVAL( nlrf(1:npart), DIM= 1 )/ & MINVAL( nlrf(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) PRINT * PRINT *, " * Maximum pressure =", & MAXVAL( Pr(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) & *amu*c_light2/((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3), " Ba" PRINT *, " * Minimum pressure =", & MINVAL( Pr(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) & *amu*c_light2/((Msun_geo*km2m*m2cm)**3), " Ba" PRINT *, " * Ratio between the two=", & MAXVAL( Pr(1:npart), DIM= 1 )/ & MINVAL( Pr(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) PRINT * PRINT *, " * Maximum specific internal energy =", & MAXVAL( u(1:npart), DIM= 1 ), " c^2" PRINT *, " * Minimum specific internal energy =", & MINVAL( u(1:npart), DIM= 1 ), " c^2" PRINT *, " * Ratio between the two=", & MAXVAL( u(1:npart), DIM= 1 )/ & MINVAL( u(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) PRINT * PRINT *, " * Maximum nu =", & MAXVAL( nu(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Minimum nu =", & MINVAL( nu(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Ratio between the two=", & MAXVAL( nu(1:npart), DIM= 1 )/ & MINVAL( nu(1:npart), DIM= 1 ) PRINT * !STOP IF( final_save_data )THEN ALLOCATE( this% npart_i(2) ) ALLOCATE( alive( npart ) ) alive( 1:npart )= 1 this% npart = npart CALL this% allocate_particles_memory this% npart_i(1) = n1 this% npart_i(2) = n2 this% pos = pos_u(:,1:npart) this% v(0,:) = one this% v(1:3,:) = vel_u(:,1:npart) this% u_sph = u(1:npart) this% nu = nu(1:npart) this% h = h(1:npart) this% nlrf_sph = nlrf(1:npart) this% pressure_sph= Pr(1:npart) this% Ye = Ye(1:npart) this% theta = Theta(1:npart) ENDIF IF( PRESENT(namefile) )THEN finalnamefile= namefile ELSE finalnamefile= "sph_vars.dat" ENDIF INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= 2, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "REPLACE", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= 2, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "NEW", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Run ID [ccyymmdd-hhmmss.sss]: " // run_id WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Values of the fields (including coordinates) on the particles " IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 1 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# column: 1 2 3 4 5", & " 6 7 8", & " 9 10 11", & " 12 13 14", & " 15 16 17" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 2 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# particle x [Msun_geo] y [Msun_geo] z [Msun_geo]", & " fluid coordinate 3-velocity vel_u (3 columns) [c]", & " smoothing length [Msun_geo]", & " specific energy [c^2]", & " baryon number per particle nu", & " SPH nlrf", & " temperature", & " av", & " electron fraction", & " divv", & " generalized Lorentz factor Theta", & " SPH pressure" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 3 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF write_data_loop: DO a = 1, npart, 1 IF( this% export_form_xy .AND. & ( pos_u(3,a) >= half .OR. & pos_u(3,a) <= -half ) & )THEN CYCLE ENDIF IF( this% export_form_x .AND. & ( pos_u(3,a) >= half .OR. & pos_u(3,a) <= -half .OR. & pos_u(2,a) >= half .OR. & pos_u(2,a) <= -half ) & )THEN CYCLE ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & a, & ! 1 33 pos_u(1,a), & ! 2 34 pos_u(2,a), & ! 3 35 pos_u(3,a), & ! 4 36 vel_u(1,a), & ! 5 37 vel_u(2,a), & ! 6 38 vel_u(3,a), & ! 7 39 h(a), & ! 8 40 u(a), & ! 9 41 nu(a), & ! 10 42 nlrf(a), & ! 11 43 temp(a), & ! 12 44 av(a), & ! 13 45 ye(a), & ! 14 46 divv(a), & ! 15 47 Theta(a), & ! 16 48 Pr(a) ! 17 49 IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing the arrays in " & // TRIM(finalnamefile), ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when writing " & ! // "the arrays in " // TRIM(finalnamefile) ) ENDDO write_data_loop CLOSE( UNIT= 2 ) ! !-- Deallocate MODULE variables ! !CALL deallocate_metric_on_particles CALL deallocate_SPH_memory PRINT *, " * SPH ID on the particles saved to formatted " & // "file ", TRIM(namefile) PRINT *, "** Subroutine read_sphincs_dump_print_formatted " & // "executed." PRINT * END PROCEDURE read_sphincs_dump_print_formatted MODULE PROCEDURE print_formatted_id_particles !************************************************ ! !# Print the |sph| |id| on the particles in a ! formatted file ! ! FT 18.09.2020 ! !************************************************ USE constants, ONLY: half IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: a DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE:: abs_pos LOGICAL:: exist CHARACTER(LEN= :), ALLOCATABLE:: finalnamefile ! Being abs_pos a local array, it is good practice to allocate it on the ! heap, otherwise it will be stored on the stack which has a very limited ! size. This results in a segmentation fault. ALLOCATE( abs_pos( 3, this% npart ) ) PRINT *, "** Executing the print_formatted_id_particles " & // "subroutine..." PRINT * IF( this% call_flag == 0 )THEN PRINT *, "** The SUBROUTINE print_formatted_id_particles must", & " be called after compute_and_export_SPH_variables, otherwise", & " there are no SPH fields to export to the formatted file." PRINT *, " Aborting." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( PRESENT(namefile) )THEN finalnamefile= namefile ELSE finalnamefile= "id-particles-form.dat" ENDIF INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= 2, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "REPLACE", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= 2, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "NEW", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Run ID [ccyymmdd-hhmmss.sss]: " // run_id WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Values of the fields (including coordinates) on each particle" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 1 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# column: 1 2 3 4 5", & " 6 7 8", & " 9 10 11 12 13 14", & " 15 16 17 18 19 20 21", & " 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29", & " 30 31" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 2 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# particle index ", & " x [Msun_geo] y [Msun_geo] z [Msun_geo] lapse", & " shift_x [c] shift_y [c] shift_z [c]", & " baryon density in the local rest frame from the ID [kg m^{-3}$]", & " energy density from the ID [c^2]", & " specific energy from the ID [c^2]", & " pressure from the ID", & " SPH pressure", & " fluid 3-velocity wrt the Eulerian observer (3 columns) [c]", & " fluid coordinate 3-velocity vel_u (3 columns) [c]", & " baryon number per particle nu", & " nlrf from the ID [baryon/Msun_geo^3]",& " electron fraction", & " generalized Lorentz factor Theta", & " density variable nstar from the ID", & " SPH density variable star", & " smoothing length", & " particle density from the ID [particle/Msun_geo^3]", & " SPH particle density [particle/Msun_geo^3]", & " particle volume [1/Msun_geo^3]", & " SPH specific energy [c^2]", & " SPH nlrf [baryon/Msun_geo^3]" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 3 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF write_data_loop: DO a = 1, this% npart, 1 IF( this% export_form_xy .AND. & ( this% pos(3,a) >= half .OR. & this% pos(3,a) <= -half ) & )THEN CYCLE ENDIF IF( this% export_form_x .AND. & ( this% pos(3,a) >= half .OR. & this% pos(3,a) <= -half .OR. & this% pos(2,a) >= half .OR. & this% pos(2,a) <= -half ) & )THEN CYCLE ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & a, & ! 1 this% pos(1,a), & ! 2 this% pos(2,a), & ! 3 this% pos(3,a), & ! 4 this% lapse(a), & ! 5 this% shift_x(a), & ! 6 this% shift_y(a), & ! 7 this% shift_z(a), & ! 8 this% baryon_density(a), & ! 9 this% energy_density(a), & ! 10 this% specific_energy(a), & ! 11 this% pressure(a), & ! 12 this% pressure_sph(a), & ! 13 this% v_euler_x(a), & ! 14 this% v_euler_y(a), & ! 15 this% v_euler_z(a), & ! 16 this% v(1,a), & ! 17 this% v(2,a), & ! 18 this% v(3,a), & ! 19 this% nu(a), & ! 20 this% nlrf(a), & ! 21 this% Ye(a), & ! 22 this% Theta(a), & ! 23 this% nstar(a), & ! 24 this% nstar_sph(a), & ! 25 this% h(a), & ! 26 this% particle_density(a), & ! 27 this% particle_density_sph(a), & ! 28 this% pvol(a), & ! 29 this% u_sph(a), & ! 30 this% nlrf_sph(a) ! 31 IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing the arrays in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when writing " & ! // "the arrays in " // TRIM(finalnamefile) ) ENDDO write_data_loop CLOSE( UNIT= 2 ) PRINT *, " * SPH ID on particles saved to formatted file ", & TRIM(finalnamefile) PRINT * PRINT *, "** Subroutine print_formatted_id_particles executed." PRINT * END PROCEDURE print_formatted_id_particles MODULE PROCEDURE read_particles_formatted_file !************************************************ ! !# Read particle positions and nu from a ! formatted file with the following format: ! ! 1. The first line must contain the integer ! number of objects for the system, and ! the particle numbers on each object; ! each column separated by one tab. ! 2. The other lines must contain at least ! 3 columns with the x, y, z coordinates ! of the particle positions. An optional ! 4th column can contain the values of nu ! on the particles. If the 4th column is ! not present, nu will be roughly estimated ! using the density read from the ID and the ! average volume per particle; the latter is ! computed by computing the average particle ! separation along the z direction. ! ! FT 19.10.2022 ! !************************************************ USE utility, ONLY: zero USe constants, ONLY: third IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, PARAMETER:: debug= .FALSE. INTEGER:: a, ios, npart_tmp DOUBLE PRECISION:: pvol_tmp DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: tmp_pos CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: err_msg npart_tmp= (nline_fin - nline_in + 1) IF(debug) PRINT *, "npart_tmp=", npart_tmp ! Allocate the temporary array, with fixed size, to store data ALLOCATE( tmp_pos( 4, 2*npart_tmp ) ) tmp_pos= zero ! Read the data into the temporary array DO a= 1, npart_tmp, 1 IF(this% read_nu)THEN READ( UNIT= parts_pos_unit, FMT= *, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) & tmp_pos( :, a ) ELSE READ( UNIT= parts_pos_unit, FMT= *, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) & tmp_pos( 1:3, a ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when reading the file containing the particle", & " positions, at particle ", a, & ". The status variable is ", ios, & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDDO ! First guess of the particle volume and mass (the first will be computed ! exactly later, as the cube of the exact smoothing length). The particle ! volume guess determines the first guess for the smoothing length ! The particle mass is computed if nu is read from the file pvol_tmp= zero DO a= 1, npart_tmp, 1 pvol_tmp= pvol_tmp + ABS( tmp_pos(3,a + 1) - tmp_pos(3,a) ) ENDDO pvol_tmp= pvol_tmp/( npart_tmp - 1 ) pvol= 2.D0*pvol_tmp**3.D0 DO a= 1, npart_tmp, 1 h(a)= (pvol(a))**third ENDDO IF(debug) PRINT *, "xmin=", xmin IF(debug) PRINT *, "xmax=", xmax IF(debug) PRINT *, "ymin=", ymin IF(debug) PRINT *, "ymax=", ymax IF(debug) PRINT *, "zmin=", zmin IF(debug) PRINT *, "zmax=", zmax ! Check that the positions are within the sizes of the matter objects. ! This checks that the positions read from the formatted ! file are compatible with the sizes given by the idbase object !TODO: Removed check because it wasn't behaving as expected. To be ! tested !IF( .NOT.this% use_atmosphere(1) )THEN ! ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(1,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) > & ! ! ABS(center(a,1)) + sizes(a, 1) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(1,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) > & ! ! ABS(center(a,1)) + sizes(a, 2) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(2,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) > & ! ! ABS(center(a,2)) + sizes(a, 3) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(2,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) > & ! ! ABS(center(a,2)) + sizes(a, 4) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(3,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) > & ! ! ABS(center(a,3)) + sizes(a, 5) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(3,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) > & ! ! ABS(center(a,3)) + sizes(a, 6) ! ! ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(1,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) ! ! PRINT *, ABS(center(a,1)) + sizes(a, 1) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(1,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) ! ! PRINT *, ABS(center(a,1)) + sizes(a, 2) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(2,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) ! ! PRINT *, ABS(center(a,2)) + sizes(a, 3) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(2,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) ! ! PRINT *, ABS(center(a,2)) + sizes(a, 4) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(3,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) ! ! PRINT *, ABS(center(a,3)) + sizes(a, 5) ! ! PRINT *, ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(3,npart_in:npart_fin) ) ) ! ! PRINT *, ABS(center(a,3)) + sizes(a, 6) ! ! IF( ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(1,:) ) ) > xmin & ! .OR. & ! ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(1,:) ) ) > xmax & ! .OR. & ! ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(2,:) ) ) > ymin & ! .OR. & ! ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(2,:) ) ) > ymax & ! .OR. & ! ABS( MINVAL( tmp_pos(3,:) ) ) > zmin & ! .OR. & ! ABS( MAXVAL( tmp_pos(3,:) ) ) > zmax & ! ! )THEN ! ! PRINT *, "** ERROR! The positions of the particles on object ", & ! a, ", read from formatted file, ", & ! " are not compatible with the ", & ! "physical system read from file. Stopping..." ! PRINT * ! !STOP ! ! ENDIF ! !ENDIF IF( debug ) PRINT *, "npart_tmp=", npart_tmp pos= tmp_pos(1:3,:) IF( this% read_nu ) nu= tmp_pos(4,:) END PROCEDURE read_particles_formatted_file MODULE PROCEDURE analyze_hydro !************************************************ ! !# Export the points where some of the hydro ! fields are negative to a formatted file ! @warning deprecated? ! ! FT 5.12.2020 ! !************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: a LOGICAL:: exist, negative_hydro INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(namefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= 20, FILE= TRIM(namefile), STATUS= "REPLACE", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= 20, FILE= TRIM(namefile), STATUS= "NEW", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening ", TRIM(namefile), & " The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when opening " & ! // TRIM(namefile) ) WRITE( UNIT = 20, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Points where some of the hydro fields are negative (x,y,z). " IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 1 in ", TRIM(namefile), & " The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when writing line 1 in "& ! // TRIM(namefile) ) WRITE( UNIT = 20, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# column: 1 2 3" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 2 in ", TRIM(namefile), & " The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when writing line 2 in "& ! // TRIM(namefile) ) WRITE( UNIT = 20, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# x y z" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 3 in ", TRIM(namefile), & " The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when writing line 3 in "& ! // TRIM(namefile) ) DO a= 1, this% npart, 1 IF( this% baryon_density (a) < 0 .OR. & this% energy_density (a) < 0 .OR. & this% specific_energy(a) < 0 .OR. & this% pressure (a) < 0 )THEN negative_hydro= .TRUE. WRITE( UNIT = 20, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, & FMT = * )& this% pos(1,a), & this% pos(2,a), & this% pos(3,a) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing the arrays in ", TRIM(namefile), & " The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error in writing "& ! // "the arrays in " // TRIM(namefile) ) ENDIF ENDDO CLOSE( UNIT= 20 ) IF( negative_hydro )THEN PRINT *, "** WARNING! Some of the hydro fields are negative on", & " some of the particles! See the file ", namefile, & " for the positions of such particles." PRINT * ELSE PRINT *, " * The hydro fields are positive on the particles." PRINT * ENDIF END PROCEDURE analyze_hydro !MODULE PROCEDURE write_sph_id_dump ! ! !************************************************* ! ! ! !# Returns the array of initial guess for the ! ! smoothing length ! ! ! ! FT ! ! ! !************************************************* ! ! USE input_output ! USE options, ONLY: basename ! ! INTEGER:: a ! ! LOGICAL:: exist ! ! ! TODO: this OPTIONAL ARGUMENT DOES NOT WORK... ! IF( .NOT.PRESENT(TRIM(namefile)) )THEN ! TRIM(namefile)= "lorene-bns-id-particles-form.dat" ! ENDIF ! ! INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(namefile), EXIST= exist ) ! ! !PRINT *, TRIM(namefile) ! !PRINT * ! ! IF( exist )THEN ! OPEN( UNIT= 3, FILE= TRIM(namefile), STATUS= "REPLACE", & ! FORM= "UNFORMATTED", & ! POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & ! IOMSG= err_msg ) ! ELSE ! OPEN( UNIT= 3, FILE= TRIM(namefile), STATUS= "NEW", & ! FORM= "UNFORMATTED", & ! ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ! ENDIF ! IF( ios > 0 )THEN ! PRINT *, "..error when opening " // TRIM(namefile) ! ". The error message is", err_msg ! STOP ! ENDIF ! ! ! update dump counter ! dcount= dcount + 1 ! ! construct file name ! basename= 'lbns.' ! CALL construct_filename(dcount,filename) ! ! ! nlrf & nu are LARGE numbers --> scale for SPLASH ! nlrf= nlrf*m0c2_CU ! nu= nu*amu/umass ! ! ! write in MAGMA-type format ! WRITE( UNIT= 3, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg ) & ! npart, & ! number of particles ! rstar,mstar, & ! radius and mass of the star ! ! obsolete (see module_sph_variables) ! n1,n2, & ! obsolete (see module_sph_variables) ! npm, & ! obsolete (see module_sph_variables) ! t, & ! time ! ( h(a), a=1, npart ), & ! smoothing length ! escap,tkin,tgrav,tterm, & ! obsolete (see module_sph_variables) ! ( pos_u(1,a), a=1, npart), & ! particle positions ! ( pos_u(2,a), a=1, npart ),& ! ( pos_u(3,a), a=1, npart), & ! ( vel_u(1,a), a=1, npart ),& ! spatial coordinate velocity ! ( vel_u(2,a), a=1, npart), & ! of particles ! ( vel_u(3,a), a=1, npart ),& ! ( u(a), a=1, npart), & ! ( nu(a), a=1, npart ), & ! ( nlrf(a), a=1, npart), & ! ( temp(a), a=1, npart ), & ! ( Ye(a), a=1, npart), & ! ( av(a), a=1, npart ), & ! = 1 ! ( divv(a), a=1, npart ), & ! = 0 ! ( Theta(a), a=1, npart ), & ! ( Pr(a), a=1, npart ) ! ! ! !-- leave here for potential later use ! ! ! !(pmasspm(a),a=1,npm),& ! !(pmpos(1,a),a=1,npm),(pmpos(2,a),a=1,npm),& ! !(pmpos(3,a),a=1,npm),(pmvel(1,a),a=1,npm),& ! !(pmvel(2,a),a=1,npm),(pmvel(3,a),a=1,npm),& ! !(pmdvdt(1,a),a=1,npm),(pmdvdt(2,a),a=1,npm),& ! !(pmdvdt(3,a),a=1,npm) ! IF( ios > 0 )THEN ! PRINT *, "..error when writing in " // TRIM(namefile) ! ". The error message is", err_msg ! STOP ! ENDIF ! !CALL test_status( ios, err_msg, "...error when writing in " & ! ! // TRIM(namefile) ) ! ! CLOSE( UNIT= 3 ) ! !END PROCEDURE write_sph_id_dump END SUBMODULE io