constructor_std Submodule

This SUBMODULE contains the implementation of the constructor and the destructor of TYPE particles.

FT 16.10.2020


  • module~~constructor_std~~UsesGraph module~constructor_std constructor_std module~sph_particles sph_particles module~constructor_std->module~sph_particles module~id_base id_base module~sph_particles->module~id_base module~utility utility module~sph_particles->module~utility timing timing module~sph_particles->timing module~id_base->module~utility module~id_base->timing constants constants module~utility->constants matrix matrix module~utility->matrix


Derived Types

type ::  parts_i


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
double precision, public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: h_i
double precision, public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nu_i
double precision, public, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pos_i
double precision, public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pvol_i

Module Procedures

module procedure construct_particles_std module function construct_particles_std(id, dist) result(parts)

The constructor of TYPE particles is supposed to set up a particle distribution by assigning the particle positions, their baryon numbers nu and first guesses for their smoothing lengths h. It also sets up the unit system and the kernel.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(idbase), intent(inout) :: id

idbase object representing the BNS for which we want to place particles

integer, intent(in) :: dist

Identifier of the desired particle distribution:

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Return Value type(particles)

Constructed particles object

module procedure destruct_particles module subroutine destruct_particles(this)

Destructor of a particles object

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(particles), intent(inout) :: this

Finalizer (Destructor) of particles object particles object which this PROCEDURE is a member of