! File: submodule_sph_particles_constructor_std.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (sph_particles) constructor_std !************************************************ ! !# This SUBMODULE contains the implementation ! of the constructor and the ! destructor of TYPE [[particles]]. ! ! FT 16.10.2020 ! !************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE TYPE parts_i DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: pos_i DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: pvol_i DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: h_i DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: nu_i ! TYPE(eos):: eos_i ! CONTAINS ! ! ! PROCEDURE:: compute_pressure END TYPE parts_i ! INTERFACE ! MODULE SUBROUTINE compute_pressure( this, parts, npart, x, y, z, nlrf, & ! pressure ) ! CLASS(parts_i), INTENT(IN) :: this ! CLASS(particles), INTENT(INOUT):: parts ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: npart ! !! Returns the baryon mass density at the desired point ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x(npart) ! !! \(x\) coordinate of the desired point ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: y(npart) ! !! \(y\) coordinate of the desired point ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: z(npart) ! !! \(z\) coordinate of the desired point ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: nlrf(npart) ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT):: pressure(npart) ! !! Pressure at \((x,y,z)\) ! END SUBROUTINE compute_pressure ! END INTERFACE ! ! ! PROCEDURE(), POINTER:: get_pressure_i CONTAINS ! MODULE PROCEDURE compute_pressure ! !! Compute the pressure from the given input ! ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart):: tmp, tmp2, tmp3 ! ! CALL parts% compute_sph_hydro(1, npart, & ! this% eos_i, nlrf, tmp, pressure, tmp2, tmp3 ) ! ! END PROCEDURE compute_pressure !MODULE PROCEDURE construct_particles_idase_empty ! ! !************************************************ ! ! ! !# The constructor of an empty particle object. ! ! ! ! FT 02.11.2020 ! ! ! !************************************************ ! ! ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! parts% empty_object= .TRUE. ! ! parts% npart_temp= 0 ! !END PROCEDURE construct_particles_idase_empt MODULE PROCEDURE construct_particles_std !************************************************** ! !# The constructor of TYPE [[particles]] is supposed ! to set up a particle distribution by assigning ! the particle positions, their baryon numbers ! nu and first guesses for their smoothing lengths h. ! It also sets up the unit system and the kernel. ! ! After the particle distribution is set up, ! it assigns the |id| to the particles. ! It does not compute the |sph| variables and it ! does not set up the neighbors' tree. The latter ! two things are delegated to the other methods ! of TYPE [[particles]]. ! ! FT 17.10.2020 ! ! @note Last updated: FT 27.10.2022 ! !************************************************** USE constants, ONLY: amu, Msun, pi, half, third USE utility, ONLY: zero, one, two, ten, Msun_geo, flag$sph USE kernel_table, ONLY: ktable USE input_output, ONLY: read_options USE units, ONLY: set_units USE options, ONLY: ikernel, ndes USE alive_flag, ONLY: alive USE analyze, ONLY: COM USE utility, ONLY: spherical_from_cartesian, & spatial_vector_norm_sym3x3, sph_path, & scan_1d_array_for_nans, eos$tabu$compose IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER:: unit_pos= 2289 INTEGER, PARAMETER:: unit_pos_out= 8754 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER:: tol_equal_mass= 5.0D-3 ! Tolerance for the difference between the masse of the stars ! for a BNS system, to determine if a BNS is equal-mass or not. ! If the relative difference between the masses of the stars is lower ! than tol_equal_mass, then the BNS is considered equal_mass. ! The variable counter counts how many times the PROCEDURE ! construct_particles_idase is called INTEGER, SAVE:: counter= 1 INTEGER:: npart_des, a, max_steps, nx_gh, ny_gh, nz_gh, i_matter, & nlines, npart_tmp, n_matter_tmp ! Maximum length for strings, and for the number of imported binaries INTEGER, PARAMETER:: max_length= 50 ! APM parameters INTEGER:: apm_max_it, max_inc, print_step ! Array storing the columns of the file parts_pos (defined below) that ! contain the particle positions INTEGER, DIMENSION(3):: columns INTEGER:: column_nu, header_lines, n_cols INTEGER:: tmp INTEGER, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter()):: npart_des_i ! Temporary array storing the number of particles on each matter object INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: npart_i_tmp DOUBLE PRECISION:: thres, nu_ratio_des, ghost_dist DOUBLE PRECISION:: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, stretch DOUBLE PRECISION:: upper_bound, lower_bound, upper_factor, lower_factor, & last_r !DOUBLE PRECISION:: pvol_tmp DOUBLE PRECISION:: max_mass, total_mass !DOUBLE PRECISION:: ratio_npart_des_real, pmass_des DOUBLE PRECISION:: min_eps, min_vel, theta_a, phi_a, r_a!, rad_part DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter()) :: central_density DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter(),3):: center DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter(),3):: barycenter DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter(),6):: sizes DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter()) :: ghost_dists DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter()) :: lapse_lengthscales DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter()) :: g00_lengthscales DOUBLE PRECISION:: nuratio_thres, nuratio_des DOUBLE PRECISION:: min_lapse, min_g00_abs, shift_norm !DOUBLE PRECISION:: com_x, com_y, com_z, com_d TYPE(parts_i), DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter()):: parts_all ! String storing the name of the directory storing the files containing ! the particle distributions CHARACTER(LEN= max_length):: parts_pos_path ! String storing the name of the file containing the particle positions CHARACTER(LEN= max_length):: parts_pos ! Final name for the file containing the particle positions CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: parts_pos_namefile CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: parts_out_namefile !! Name for the file to print the final particle distribution and nu CHARACTER(LEN=3):: str_i ! String storing the local path to the directory where the ! |lorene| BNS ID files are stored CHARACTER(LEN= max_length):: compose_path ! String storing the names of the |lorene| BNS ID binary files CHARACTER(LEN= max_length):: compose_filename CHARACTER(LEN= max_length):: filename_apm_pos_id, filename_apm_pos, & filename_apm_results CHARACTER(LEN= max_length):: filename_mass_profile, & filename_shells_radii, filename_shells_pos LOGICAL:: file_exists, use_thres, redistribute_nu, correct_nu, & compose_eos, exist, randomize_phi, randomize_theta, & randomize_r, mass_it, adapt_ghosts, move_away_ghosts, & read_nu, reflect_particles_x, use_pressure LOGICAL, PARAMETER:: debug= .FALSE. LOGICAL, DIMENSION(max_length):: apm_iterate, use_atmosphere, & remove_atmosphere !TYPE procedure_pointer ! PROCEDURE, POINTER:: proc !END TYPE procedure_pointer !TYPE(procedure_pointer), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: compute_pressure_i ! Get the number of matter objects in the physical system parts% n_matter= id% get_n_matter() ! Get the the logical variable at specifies if the system is cold ! (no thermal component) parts% cold_system= id% get_cold_system() ! !-- Initialize the timers ! ALLOCATE( parts% apm_timers(parts% n_matter) ) parts% placer_timer = timer( "placer_timer" ) parts% importer_timer = timer( "importer_timer" ) parts% sph_computer_timer = timer( "sph_computer_timer" ) parts% same_particle_timer= timer( "same_particle_timer" ) DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 IF( parts% n_matter <= 9 ) WRITE( str_i, "(I1)" ) i_matter IF( parts% n_matter >= 10 .AND. parts% n_matter <= 99 ) & WRITE( str_i, "(I2)" ) i_matter IF( parts% n_matter >= 100 .AND. parts% n_matter <= 999 ) & WRITE( str_i, "(I3)" ) i_matter parts% apm_timers(i_matter)= timer( "apm_timer"//TRIM(str_i) ) ENDDO ! Declare this object as non-empty (experimental) parts% empty_object= .FALSE. ! !-- Read the options and parameters for the particle distributions ! CALL read_particles_options() ! !-- Read needed data from the idbase object ! parts% nbar_tot = zero parts% npart = 0 parts% distribution_id= dist ALLOCATE( parts% masses (parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% all_eos(parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% npart_i(0:parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( npart_i_tmp(0:parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% nbar_i(parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% nuratio_i(parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% mass_ratios(parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% mass_fractions(parts% n_matter) ) ALLOCATE( parts% barycenter(parts% n_matter,3) ) ALLOCATE( parts% surfaces (parts% n_matter) ) parts% npart_i(0)= 0 npart_i_tmp(0) = 0 parts% nbar_i = zero parts% nuratio_i = zero loop_over_matter_objects: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 parts% adm_mass = id% return_adm_mass() parts% masses(i_matter) = id% return_mass(i_matter) center(i_matter,:) = id% return_center(i_matter) !central_density(i_matter)= id% read_mass_density( center(i_matter,1), & ! center(i_matter,2), & ! center(i_matter,3) ) barycenter(i_matter,:) = id% return_barycenter(i_matter) parts% barycenter(i_matter,:)= barycenter(i_matter,:) sizes(i_matter, :) = id% return_spatial_extent(i_matter) parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name= id% return_eos_name(i_matter) CALL id% return_eos_parameters( i_matter, & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_parameters ) IF(parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_parameters(1) == eos$tabu$compose)THEN IF(ALLOCATED(id% tab_eos))THEN IF(ALLOCATED(id% tab_eos(i_matter)% table_eos))THEN parts% all_eos(i_matter)% table_eos= & id% tab_eos(i_matter)% table_eos ELSE PRINT *, "** ERROR! The EOS for matter object ", i_matter, & " is supposed to be tabulated, since its EOS ", & "identification number is ", & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_parameters(1), ", ", & "but the table has not been read." PRINT *, " * Please read the EOS table within the constructor ", & " of the appropriate TYPE that EXTENDS idbase." PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ELSE PRINT *, "** ERROR! The EOS for matter object ", i_matter, & " is supposed to be tabulated, since its EOS ", & "identification number is ", & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_parameters(1), ", ", & "but the table has not been allocated." PRINT *, " * Please allocate the EOS table within the constructor ", & " of the appropriate TYPE that EXTENDS idbase." PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO loop_over_matter_objects ! Compute desired particle numbers based on mass ratios max_mass = MAXVAL(parts% masses) total_mass= SUM(parts% masses) DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 parts% mass_ratios(i_matter) = parts% masses(i_matter)/max_mass parts% mass_fractions(i_matter)= parts% masses(i_matter)/total_mass npart_des_i(i_matter) = & NINT(parts% mass_fractions(i_matter)*DBLE(npart_des)) ghost_dists(i_matter) = & ghost_dist/parts% mass_fractions(i_matter) tmp= 2*npart_des_i(i_matter) ALLOCATE( parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i ( 3, tmp ) ) ALLOCATE( parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i ( tmp ) ) ALLOCATE( parts_all(i_matter)% h_i ( tmp ) ) ALLOCATE( parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i ( tmp ) ) !parts_all(i_matter)% eos_i= parts% all_eos(i_matter) ENDDO ghost_dists(1)= ghost_dist ! IF( parts% redistribute_nu )THEN ! thres= 100.0D0*parts% nu_ratio ! ENDIF ! !-- Check that the EOS specified in the ID file is the same as the one !-- specified in the parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat ! CALL check_eos() CALL id% initialize_id( flag$sph ) DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 central_density(i_matter)= id% read_mass_density( center(i_matter,1), & center(i_matter,2), & center(i_matter,3) ) ENDDO ! !-- Copy the surfaces of the matter objects, if they are known ! IF(ALLOCATED(id% surfaces))THEN DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 IF(ALLOCATED(id% surfaces(i_matter)% points))THEN parts% surfaces(i_matter)= id% surfaces(i_matter) ELSE parts% surfaces(i_matter)% is_known= .FALSE. ENDIF ENDDO ELSE DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 parts% surfaces(i_matter)% is_known= .FALSE. ENDDO ENDIF parts% post_process_sph_id => id% finalize_sph_id_ptr ! TODO: Add check that the number of rows in placer is the same as the ! number of bns objects, and that all bns have a value for placer ! !-- Choose particle placer ! choose_particle_placer: SELECT CASE( dist ) CASE( id_particles_from_formatted_file ) CALL read_particles_from_formatted_file() CASE( id_particles_on_lattice ) CALL place_particles_on_lattices() CASE( id_particles_on_ellipsoidal_surfaces ) CALL place_particles_on_ellipsoidal_surfaces() CASE DEFAULT PRINT *, "** There is no implemented particle placer " & // "corresponding to the number", dist PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP END SELECT choose_particle_placer PRINT *, " * Particles placed. Number of particles=", parts% npart DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " * Number of particles on object ", i_matter, "=", & parts% npart_i(i_matter) PRINT * ENDDO PRINT * !---------------------------------------------------------------! !-- At this point, the particles are placed without the APM --! !---------------------------------------------------------------! ! Check that there aren't particles with the same coordinates CALL parts% same_particle_timer% start_timer() check_particles_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 CALL check_particle_positions( parts% npart_i(i_matter), & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i ) ENDDO check_particles_loop CALL parts% same_particle_timer% stop_timer() ! !-- APM iteration ! matter_objects_apm_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 run_apm: IF( apm_iterate(i_matter) )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** Placing particles on matter object", i_matter, & "using the APM..." PRINT * PRINT *, " * Particle number on object ", i_matter," before the APM=", & parts% npart_i(i_matter) PRINT * IF( i_matter <= 9 ) WRITE( str_i, '(I1)' ) i_matter IF( i_matter >= 10 .AND. parts% n_matter <= 99 ) & WRITE( str_i, '(I2)' ) i_matter IF( i_matter >= 100 .AND. parts% n_matter <= 999 ) & WRITE( str_i, '(I3)' ) i_matter filename_apm_pos_id = TRIM(sph_path)//"apm_pos_id"//TRIM(str_i)//".dat" filename_apm_pos = TRIM(sph_path)//"apm_pos"//TRIM(str_i)//".dat" filename_apm_results= TRIM(sph_path)//"apm_results"//TRIM(str_i)//".dat" !get_pressure_i => parts_all(i_matter)% compute_pressure CALL parts% apm_timers(i_matter)% start_timer() CALL perform_apm( & ! PROCEDURES to get the density and pressure at a point import_density, get_nstar_id, & import_pressure_id, compute_pressure, & ! Arguments pertaining to the matter object parts% npart_i(i_matter), & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, & center(i_matter,:), barycenter(i_matter,:), & parts% masses(i_matter), & sizes(i_matter, :), & parts% all_eos(i_matter), & ! Steering parameters for the APM iteration apm_max_it, max_inc, mass_it, parts% correct_nu, & nuratio_thres, nuratio_des, use_pressure, & ! Arguments pertaining to the ghost particles adapt_ghosts, move_away_ghosts, & nx_gh, ny_gh, nz_gh, ghost_dists(i_matter), & ! Arguments pertaining to the atmosphere use_atmosphere(i_matter), & remove_atmosphere(i_matter), & ! Arguments pertaining to input/output print_step, filename_apm_pos_id, & filename_apm_pos, filename_apm_results, & ! Optional argument validate_position, & parts% surfaces(i_matter) ) CALL parts% apm_timers(i_matter)% stop_timer() IF( debug ) PRINT *, "average nu= ", & SUM(parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, DIM= 1)/SIZE(parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i) PRINT *, "** Particles placed on matter object", i_matter, & "according to the APM." PRINT * ! If there are 2 matter objects... two_matter_objects: IF( i_matter == 1 .AND. parts% n_matter == 2 )THEN ! with practically the same mass, and the physical system ! is symmetric wrt the yz plane (in which case the user should set ! the reflect_particles_x to .TRUE. in the parameter file) equal_masses_apm: & IF( ABS(parts% masses(1) - parts% masses(2)) & /parts% masses(2) <= tol_equal_mass .AND. reflect_particles_x )THEN ! ...reflect particles DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% pos_i) DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% pvol_i) DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% h_i) DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% nu_i) CALL reflect_particles_yz_plane( parts_all(1)% pos_i, & parts_all(1)% pvol_i, & parts_all(1)% nu_i, & parts_all(1)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(1), & parts_all(2)% pos_i, & parts_all(2)% pvol_i, & parts_all(2)% nu_i, & parts_all(2)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(2) ) PRINT *, "** Particles placed on star 1 according to the APM,", & " and reflected about the yz plane onto star 2." PRINT * EXIT ENDIF equal_masses_apm ENDIF two_matter_objects ENDIF run_apm ENDDO matter_objects_apm_loop PRINT *, " * Particle numbers after the APM=", & parts% npart_i(1:parts% n_matter) PRINT * parts% npart= SUM( parts% npart_i ) ALLOCATE(parts% npart_fin(0:parts% n_matter)) parts% npart_fin(0)= 0 DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 parts% npart_fin(i_matter)= SUM(parts% npart_i(1:i_matter)) ENDDO ! !-- Assign particle properties to the TYPE-bound variables ! IF( ALLOCATED(parts% h) ) DEALLOCATE( parts% h ) ALLOCATE( parts% h( parts% npart ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array h in SUBROUTINE" & // "place_particles_. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED(parts% pvol) ) DEALLOCATE( parts% pvol ) ALLOCATE( parts% pvol( parts% npart ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array pvol in SUBROUTINE" & // "place_particles_. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED(parts% nu) ) DEALLOCATE( parts% nu ) ALLOCATE( parts% nu( parts% npart ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array nu in SUBROUTINE" & // "place_particles_. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED(parts% pos) ) DEALLOCATE( parts% pos ) ALLOCATE( parts% pos( 3, parts% npart ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array pos in SUBROUTINE" & // "place_particles_. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF parts% nbar_tot= zero DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% npart_fin(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => parts% npart_fin(i_matter) ) parts% pos( :, npart_in : npart_fin )= parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i parts% nu( npart_in : npart_fin )= parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i parts% h( npart_in : npart_fin )= & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i(1:parts% npart_i(i_matter)) parts% pvol( npart_in : npart_fin )= & (parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i(1:parts% npart_i(i_matter))) parts% nbar_i(i_matter)= SUM( parts% nu( npart_in : npart_fin ), DIM=1 ) parts% nbar_tot= parts% nbar_tot + parts% nbar_i(i_matter) END ASSOCIATE ENDDO PRINT *, " * Final particle distribution determined. Number of particles=",& parts% npart DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " * Number of particles on object ", i_matter, "=", & parts% npart_i(i_matter) PRINT * ENDDO PRINT * CALL COM( parts% npart, parts% pos, parts% nu, & parts% barycenter_system(1), & parts% barycenter_system(2), & parts% barycenter_system(3), & parts% barycenter_system(4) ) parts_out_namefile= "final_pos_nu.dat" PRINT *, "** Printing final particle positions and nu to file ", & TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(parts_out_namefile), "..." INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(parts_out_namefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= unit_pos_out, & FILE= TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(parts_out_namefile), & STATUS= "REPLACE", FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= unit_pos_out, & FILE= TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(parts_out_namefile), & STATUS= "NEW", FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // & TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(parts_out_namefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Run ID [ccyymmdd-hhmmss.sss]: " // run_id WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Particle distribution. The first line contains the number of matter ", & "objects (e.g. 2 for a binary neutron star, 1 for a single star or a ", & "neutron star-black hole system), and the number of particles on each", & "matter object. The next lines contain the positions and the ", & "baryon numbers of the particles." IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 1 in " // TRIM(parts_out_namefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# column from the second row: 1 2 3 4" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 2 in " // TRIM(parts_out_namefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# x [Msun_geo] y [Msun_geo] z [Msun_geo] nu" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 3 in " // TRIM(parts_out_namefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = unit_pos_out, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & parts% n_matter, parts% npart_i(1:parts% n_matter) DO a= 1, parts% npart, 1 WRITE( UNIT = unit_pos_out, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & parts% pos(1,a), parts% pos(2,a), parts% pos(3,a), parts% nu(a) ENDDO CLOSE( UNIT= unit_pos_out ) PRINT *, " * final particle positions printed to file ", & TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(parts_out_namefile) PRINT * ! !-- Printouts about the baryon number ratios ! DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% npart_fin(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => parts% npart_fin(i_matter) ) parts% nuratio_i(i_matter)= & MAXVAL( parts% nu(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) & /MINVAL( parts% nu(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Maximum n. baryon per particle (nu) on object", i_matter, & "=", MAXVAL( parts% nu(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Minimum n. baryon per particle (nu) on object", i_matter, & "=", MINVAL( parts% nu(npart_in:npart_fin), DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Ratio between the two=", parts% nuratio_i(i_matter) PRINT * PRINT *, " * Number of baryons on object", i_matter, "=", & parts% nbar_i(i_matter) PRINT *, " * Total mass of the baryons on object", i_matter, "=", & parts% nbar_i(i_matter)*amu/Msun, "Msun =", & parts% nbar_i(i_matter)*amu/Msun/parts% masses(i_matter), & "of the baryon mass of object", i_matter, "." PRINT * END ASSOCIATE ENDDO parts% nuratio= MAXVAL( parts% nu, DIM= 1 )/MINVAL( parts% nu, DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Baryon number ratio across the stars=", parts% nuratio PRINT * PRINT *, " * Total mass of the baryons=", & parts% nbar_tot*amu/Msun, "Msun =", & parts% nbar_tot*amu/Msun/(SUM(parts% masses, DIM=1)), & "of the total baryon mass." PRINT * ! !-- Adjusting the baryon number per particle uniformly so that !-- the baryon mass is correct. ! IF( parts% correct_nu )THEN parts% nbar_tot= zero DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% npart_fin(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => parts% npart_fin(i_matter) ) parts% nu( npart_in:npart_fin )= parts% nu( npart_in:npart_fin ) & /(parts% nbar_i(i_matter)*amu/Msun/parts% masses(i_matter)) parts% nbar_i(i_matter)= parts% nbar_i(i_matter) & /(parts% nbar_i(i_matter)*amu/Msun/parts% masses(i_matter)) parts% nbar_tot= parts% nbar_tot + parts% nbar_i(i_matter) PRINT *, " * Number of corrected baryons on object", i_matter, "=", & parts% nbar_i(i_matter) PRINT *, " * Total mass of the corrected baryons object", i_matter, & "=", parts% nbar_i(i_matter)*amu/Msun, "Msun =", & parts% nbar_i(i_matter)*amu/Msun/parts% masses(i_matter), & "of the baryon mass of object", i_matter, "." END ASSOCIATE ENDDO PRINT *, " * Total number of corrected baryons=", parts% nbar_tot PRINT *, " * Total mass of the corrected baryons=", & parts% nbar_tot*amu/Msun, "Msun =", & parts% nbar_tot*amu/Msun/(SUM(parts% masses, DIM=1)), & "of the total baryon mass." PRINT * ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------! !-- At this point, the final particle distribution is determined, --! !-- and nu and the first guess for h are assigned. --! !-- Now the ID can be read on the particle positions. --! !--------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Allocate needed memory CALL parts% allocate_particles_memory() ! flag that particles are 'alive' ALLOCATE( alive( parts% npart ) ) alive( 1:parts% npart )= 1 IF( debug ) PRINT *, "33" ! !-- Read the needed ID on the particles, and time the process ! PRINT *, "** Assigning the ID to the particles..." PRINT * CALL parts% importer_timer% start_timer() CALL id% read_id_particles( parts% npart, & parts% pos(1,:), & parts% pos(2,:), & parts% pos(3,:), & parts% lapse, & parts% shift_x, & parts% shift_y, & parts% shift_z, & parts% g_xx, & parts% g_xy, & parts% g_xz, & parts% g_yy, & parts% g_yz, & parts% g_zz, & parts% baryon_density, & parts% energy_density, & parts% specific_energy, & parts% pressure, & parts% v_euler_x, & parts% v_euler_y, & parts% v_euler_z ) CALL parts% importer_timer% stop_timer() IF( debug ) PRINT *, "34" !-----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! If an atmosphere was used during the APM iteration, and kept, assign ! ! the minimum specific internal energy and the minimum velocity, to it. ! ! N.B. The velocity has a hard-wired direction to reproduce counter- ! ! clockwise rotation. ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------! matter_objects_atmo_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% npart_fin(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => parts% npart_fin(i_matter) ) IF( use_atmosphere(i_matter) .AND. .NOT.remove_atmosphere(i_matter) )THEN min_eps= MINVAL( parts% specific_energy(npart_in:npart_fin), & DIM= 1, & MASK= parts% baryon_density(npart_in:npart_fin) > zero ) min_vel= MINVAL( SQRT( & (parts% v_euler_x(npart_in:npart_fin))**2 & + (parts% v_euler_y(npart_in:npart_fin))**2 & + (parts% v_euler_z(npart_in:npart_fin))**2 ), & DIM= 1, & MASK= parts% baryon_density(npart_in:npart_fin) > zero ) particle_loop2: DO a= npart_in, npart_fin, 1 IF( parts% baryon_density(a) <= zero )THEN CALL spherical_from_cartesian( & parts% pos(1,a), parts% pos(2,a), parts% pos(3,a), & center(i_matter,1), center(i_matter,2), center(i_matter,3), & r_a, theta_a, phi_a ) parts% specific_energy(a)= min_eps parts% v_euler_x(a) = & ( min_vel*SIN(theta_a - pi*half)*COS(phi_a) + parts% shift_x(a) ) & /parts% lapse(a) parts% v_euler_y(a) = & ( min_vel*SIN(theta_a - pi*half)*SIN(phi_a) + parts% shift_y(a) ) & /parts% lapse(a) parts% v_euler_z(a) = & ( min_vel*COS(theta_a - pi*half) + parts% shift_z(a) ) & /parts% lapse(a) ENDIF ENDDO particle_loop2 ENDIF END ASSOCIATE ENDDO matter_objects_atmo_loop ! !-- Ensure that the ID does not contain NaNs or infinities ! PRINT *, "** Ensuring that the ID does not have any NaNs or infinities..." CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% lapse, "lapse" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% shift_x, "shift_x" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% shift_y, "shift_y" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% shift_z, "shift_z" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% g_xx, "g_xx" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% g_xy, "g_xy" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% g_xz, "g_xz" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% g_yy, "g_yy" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% g_yz, "g_yz" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, parts% g_zz, "g_zz" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% baryon_density, "baryon_density" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% energy_density, "energy_density" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% specific_energy, "specific_energy" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% pressure, "pressure" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% v_euler_x, "v_euler_x" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% v_euler_y, "v_euler_y" ) CALL scan_1d_array_for_nans( parts% npart, & parts% v_euler_z, "v_euler_z" ) PRINT *, " * the ID does not have NaNs or infinities." PRINT * ! !-- Compute typical length-scale approximating g_00 with the Newtonian !-- potential ! DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 !ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% npart_i(i_matter-1) + 1, & ! npart_fin => parts% npart_i(i_matter-1) + & ! parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% npart_fin(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => parts% npart_fin(i_matter) ) min_g00_abs= HUGE(one) DO itr= npart_in, npart_fin, 1 CALL spatial_vector_norm_sym3x3( & [parts% g_xx(itr), parts% g_xy(itr), parts% g_xz(itr), & parts% g_yy(itr), parts% g_yz(itr), parts% g_zz(itr)], & [parts% shift_x(itr), parts% shift_y(itr), parts% shift_z(itr)], & shift_norm ) IF( min_g00_abs > parts% lapse(itr)**2 - shift_norm )THEN min_g00_abs= parts% lapse(itr)**2 - shift_norm ENDIF ENDDO min_lapse= MINVAL( parts% lapse, DIM= 1 ) IF( one == min_lapse )THEN lapse_lengthscales= HUGE(one)/(ten*ten*ten) ELSE lapse_lengthscales= two*parts% masses(i_matter)/( one - min_lapse ) ENDIF IF( one == min_g00_abs )THEN g00_lengthscales= HUGE(one)/(ten*ten*ten) ELSE g00_lengthscales= two*parts% masses(i_matter)/( one - min_g00_abs ) ENDIF END ASSOCIATE ENDDO PRINT *, "** Approximating the g_00 component of the metric as a ", & "Newtonian potential (!) and neglecting the shift (!), ", & "the minimum lengthscales given by ", & "the lapse on each matter object are: " DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " * Matter object ", i_matter, "=", & lapse_lengthscales(i_matter), "Msun_geo=", & lapse_lengthscales(i_matter)*Msun_geo, "km" ENDDO PRINT * PRINT *, "** Approximating the g_00 component of the metric as a ", & "Newtonian potential (!), ", & "the minimum lengthscales given by ", & "g_00 on each matter object are: " DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 PRINT *, " * Matter object ", i_matter, "=", & g00_lengthscales(i_matter), "Msun_geo=", & g00_lengthscales(i_matter)*Msun_geo, "km" ENDDO PRINT * ! Increase the counter that identifies the particle distribution counter= counter + 1 CONTAINS FUNCTION import_density( x, y, z ) RESULT( density ) !! Wrapper function to read the baryon mass density from the |id| IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: x DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: y DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: z DOUBLE PRECISION:: density density= id% read_mass_density( x, y, z ) END FUNCTION import_density FUNCTION import_pressure_id( x, y, z ) RESULT( pressure ) !! Wrapper function to read the pressure from the |id| USE constants, ONLY: Msun, amu IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: x DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: y DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: z DOUBLE PRECISION:: pressure pressure= id% read_pressure( x, y, z )*Msun/amu END FUNCTION import_pressure_id SUBROUTINE import_id( x, y, z, & sqdetg, & baryon_density, & gamma_euler ) !# Wrapper function to read the ID necessary to compute the relativistic ! baryonic mass USE utility, ONLY: determinant_sym3x3 IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: y DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: z DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: sqdetg DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: baryon_density DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: gamma_euler DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(6) :: g CALL id% read_id_mass_b( x, y, z, & g, & baryon_density, & gamma_euler ) CALL determinant_sym3x3(g,sqdetg) sqdetg= SQRT(sqdetg) END SUBROUTINE import_id SUBROUTINE integrate_mass_density & ( center, radius, central_density, dr, dth, dphi, mass, mass_profile, & mass_profile_idx, radii, surf ) !# Wrapper function to integrate the relativistic baryonic mass density IMPLICIT NONE !> Center of the star DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: center !> Central density of the star DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: central_density !> Radius of the star DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: radius !> Integration steps DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: dr, dth, dphi !> Integrated mass of the star DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT):: mass !> Array storing the radial mass profile of the star !DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT):: & ! mass_profile DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(3,0:NINT(radius/dr)), INTENT(OUT):: & mass_profile !& Array to store the indices for array mass_profile, sorted so that ! mass_profile[mass_profile_idx] is in increasing order !INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT):: mass_profile_idx INTEGER, DIMENSION(0:NINT(radius/dr)), INTENT(OUT):: mass_profile_idx DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL:: radii !> Surface of the matter object TYPE(surface), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL:: surf CALL id% integrate_baryon_mass_density & ( center, radius, central_density, dr, dth, dphi, & mass, mass_profile, mass_profile_idx, radii, surf ) END SUBROUTINE integrate_mass_density FUNCTION validate_position( x, y, z ) RESULT( answer ) !! Wrapper function to validate a position IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: x DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: y DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: z LOGICAL:: answer answer= id% test_position( x, y, z ) END FUNCTION validate_position SUBROUTINE correct_center_of_mass_of_system( npart, pos, nu, & com_system ) !! Set the \(COM\) of the system to `com_system` IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: npart DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: com_system(3) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT):: nu(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT):: pos(3,npart) DOUBLE PRECISION:: nstar_id(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION:: nstar_eul_id(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION:: nu_eul(npart) INTEGER:: a, itr2 PRINT *, "1" !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( npart, pos ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a, itr2 ) find_nan_in_pos: DO a= 1, npart, 1 DO itr2= 1, 3, 1 IF( .NOT.is_finite_number(pos(itr2,a)) )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! pos(", itr2, a, ")= ", pos(itr2,a), & " is not a finite number!" PRINT *, " * Stopping.." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO find_nan_in_pos !$OMP END PARALLEL DO CALL correct_center_of_mass( npart, pos, nu, import_density, & validate_position, com_system, & verbose= .TRUE. ) PRINT *, "4" END SUBROUTINE correct_center_of_mass_of_system SUBROUTINE get_nstar_id(npart, x, y, z, nstar_sph, nstar_id, nlrf_sph, sqg) !! Wrapper function to compute the relativistic baryon mass density IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: npart DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: x(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: y(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: z(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: nstar_sph(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: nstar_id(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: nlrf_sph(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: sqg(npart) DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart):: lapse, & shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, & g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, & g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & baryon_density, & energy_density, & !specific_energy, & pressure, & v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z ! compute_sph_hydro in SUBMODULE sph_particles@sph_variables requires the ! knowledge of parts% specific_energy, to compute the SPH pressure for a ! hot system in the APM, when using the real pressure to compute the ! artifical pressure. ! That is why we allocate (if necessary) and assign values to ! parts% specific_energy ! TODO: Another strategy would be adding the specific energy as an ! optional argument to compute_sph_hydro. ! TODO: Note that, since the pressure from the ID is not known for the ! ejecta, the SPH pressure computed in the APM cannot be compared ! with the pressure from the ID. One need to compute the pressure ! also using the same internalenergy, but the density from the ID ! (not the SPH density) IF(ALLOCATED(parts% specific_energy))THEN IF(SIZE(parts% specific_energy) /= npart)THEN DEALLOCATE(parts% specific_energy) ALLOCATE(parts% specific_energy(npart)) ENDIF ELSE ALLOCATE(parts% specific_energy(npart)) ENDIF CALL id% read_id_particles( npart, x, y, z, & lapse, shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, & g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, & g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & baryon_density, & energy_density, & parts% specific_energy, & pressure, & v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z ) ! !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & ! !$OMP SHARED( npart, nlrf_id, baryon_density ) & ! !$OMP PRIVATE( a ) ! DO a= 1, npart, 1 ! ! nlrf_id(a)= baryon_density(a) ! ! ENDDO ! !$OMP END PARALLEL DO CALL compute_nstar_id( npart, lapse, shift_x, shift_y, & shift_z, v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z, & g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & baryon_density, nstar_sph, nstar_id, nlrf_sph, & sqg ) END SUBROUTINE get_nstar_id SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_id( npart, lapse, shift_x, shift_y, & shift_z, v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z, & g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & baryon_density, nstar_sph, nstar_id, nlrf_sph,& sqg ) !************************************************************** ! !# Compute nstar_id, the relativistic baryon mass density, ! given the required |id| as input ! ! FT 31.08.2021 ! !************************************************************** USE tensor, ONLY: jx, jy, jz, n_sym4x4 USE utility, ONLY: compute_g4, determinant_sym4x4, & spacetime_vector_norm_sym4x4, zero, one, two IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: npart DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: lapse DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: shift_x DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: shift_y DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: shift_z DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: v_euler_x DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: v_euler_y DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: v_euler_z DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_xx DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_xy DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_xz DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_yy DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_yz DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_zz DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: baryon_density DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: nstar_sph DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(OUT):: nstar_id DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(OUT):: nlrf_sph DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(OUT):: sqg INTEGER:: a, i!mus, nus DOUBLE PRECISION:: det, sq_g, Theta_a DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(0:3,npart):: vel !DOUBLE PRECISION:: g4(0:3,0:3) DOUBLE PRECISION:: g4(n_sym4x4) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( npart, lapse, shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, & !$OMP v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z, & !$OMP g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & !$OMP baryon_density, vel, nstar_id, nstar_sph, & !$OMP nlrf_sph, sqg ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a, det, sq_g, Theta_a, g4 ) DO a= 1, npart, 1 ! Coordinate velocity of the fluid [c] vel(0,a) = one vel(jx,a)= lapse(a)*v_euler_x(a) - shift_x(a) vel(jy,a)= lapse(a)*v_euler_y(a) - shift_y(a) vel(jz,a)= lapse(a)*v_euler_z(a) - shift_z(a) CALL compute_g4( lapse(a), [shift_x(a),shift_y(a),shift_z(a)], & [g_xx(a),g_xy(a),g_xz(a),g_yy(a),g_yz(a),g_zz(a)], g4 ) CALL determinant_sym4x4( g4, det ) IF( ABS(det) < 1D-10 )THEN PRINT *, "ERROR! The determinant of the spacetime metric is " & // "effectively 0 at particle ", a PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( det > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "ERROR! The determinant of the spacetime metric is " & // "positive at particle ", a PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( .NOT.is_finite_number(det) )THEN PRINT *, "ERROR! The determinant is ", det, "at particle ", a PRINT * STOP ENDIF sq_g= SQRT(-det) ! !-- Generalized Lorentz factor ! Theta_a= zero CALL spacetime_vector_norm_sym4x4( g4, vel(:,a), Theta_a ) IF( .NOT.is_finite_number(Theta_a) )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The spacetime norm of vel is ", Theta_a, & "at particle ", a, & "in SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_id" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF Theta_a= one/SQRT(-Theta_a) IF( .NOT.is_finite_number(Theta_a) )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The generalized Lorentz factor is ", Theta_a, & "at particle ", a, & "in SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_id" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( Theta_a < one )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The generalized Lorentz factor is ", Theta_a, & "< 1 at particle ", a, & "in SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_id" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF nstar_id(a)= sq_g*Theta_a*baryon_density(a) nlrf_sph(a)= nstar_sph(a)/(sq_g*Theta_a) sqg(a) = sq_g ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_id SUBROUTINE read_particles_options !************************************************************** ! !# Read the parameters in the file sphincs_id_particles.dat ! ! FT 2022 ! !************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER:: unit_particles= 6534 NAMELIST /sphincs_id_particles/ & parts_pos_path, parts_pos, columns, header_lines, n_cols, & read_nu, column_nu, stretch, & use_thres, thres, nu_ratio_des, redistribute_nu, correct_nu, & compose_eos, compose_path, compose_filename, & npart_des, last_r, upper_bound, lower_bound, & upper_factor, lower_factor, max_steps, & randomize_phi, randomize_theta, randomize_r, & apm_iterate, apm_max_it, max_inc, mass_it, & nuratio_thres, reflect_particles_x, nx_gh, ny_gh, nz_gh, & use_atmosphere, remove_atmosphere, nuratio_des, print_step, & ghost_dist, adapt_ghosts, move_away_ghosts, use_pressure parts% sphincs_id_particles= 'sphincs_id_particles.dat' INQUIRE( FILE= parts% sphincs_id_particles, EXIST= file_exists ) IF( file_exists )THEN OPEN( unit_particles, FILE= parts% sphincs_id_particles, STATUS= 'OLD' ) ELSE PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR: ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, " file not found!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF apm_iterate = .FALSE. use_atmosphere = .FALSE. remove_atmosphere= .FALSE. compose_path = "compose_path is a deprecated variable" compose_filename= "compose_filename is a deprecated variable" READ(unit_particles, NML= sphincs_id_particles) CLOSE(unit_particles) parts% use_thres = use_thres parts% correct_nu = correct_nu parts% compose_eos = compose_eos parts% compose_path = compose_path parts% compose_filename = compose_filename parts% redistribute_nu = redistribute_nu parts% nu_ratio_des = nu_ratio_des parts% reflect_particles_x= reflect_particles_x parts% randomize_phi = randomize_phi parts% randomize_theta = randomize_theta parts% randomize_r = randomize_r ! APM parameters ALLOCATE( parts% apm_iterate(parts% n_matter) ) parts% apm_iterate = apm_iterate(1:parts% n_matter) parts% use_atmosphere= use_atmosphere parts% read_nu = read_nu parts_pos_namefile= TRIM(parts_pos_path)//TRIM(parts_pos) ! !-- Check that the parameters are acceptable ! IF( upper_bound <= lower_bound )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "upper_bound should be greater than lower_bound!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( upper_factor < 1.0D0 )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "upper_factor should be greater than or equal to 1!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( lower_factor > 1 )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "lower_factor should be smaller than or equal to 1!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( max_steps < 10 )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "max_steps should be an integer greater than or equal to 10!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( last_r < 0.95D0 .OR. last_r > 1.0D0 )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "last_r should be greater than or equal to 0.95, ", & "and lower than or equal to 1!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( apm_max_it < 0 .OR. max_inc < 0 .OR. nuratio_thres < 0 & .OR. nuratio_des < 0 .OR. nx_gh < 0 .OR. ny_gh < 0 .OR. nz_gh < 0 )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "the numeric parameters for the APM method should be positive!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( nuratio_des >= nuratio_thres )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "nuratio_des has to be stricly lower than nuratio_thres!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( print_step < 0 )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "print_step has to be a positive integer or zero!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( ghost_dist < zero )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** ERROR in ", parts% sphincs_id_particles, & "ghost_dist has to be a positive double precision or zero!" PRINT * STOP ENDIF ! setup unit system CALL set_units('NSM') CALL read_options ! tabulate kernel, get ndes CALL ktable( ikernel, ndes ) END SUBROUTINE read_particles_options SUBROUTINE check_eos !************************************************************** ! !# Check that the supplied |eos| parameters are consistent ! with the |eos| used to compute the |id| ! ! FT xx.09.2022 ! !************************************************************** USE utility, ONLY: eos$poly, eos$pwpoly, eos$tabu$compose USE options, ONLY: eos_str, eos_type IMPLICIT NONE IF( (eos_type /= 'Poly') .AND. (eos_type /= 'pwp') )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! Unkown EOS specified in parameter file ", & "SPHINCS_fm_input.dat." PRINT *, " * The currently supported EOS types are 'Poly' for a ", & "polytropic EOS, and 'pwp' for a piecewise polytropic EOS." PRINT * PRINT *, " * EOS from the parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat: ", & eos_type PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 IF( parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_parameters(1) == eos$poly )THEN IF( compose_eos )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! On matter object ", i_matter, & ", the EOS taken from the ID is a single polytrope, ", & "so the parameter compose_eos should be set to .FALSE. ", & "in sphincs_id_particles.dat." PRINT * PRINT *, " * EOS from the ID: ", & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( eos_type == 'pwp' )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! On matter object ", i_matter, & ", the EOS taken from the ID is not the same as the ",& "one specified in parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat." PRINT * PRINT *, " * EOS from the ID: ", & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name PRINT *, " * EOS from the parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat: ", & eos_type PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ENDIF IF( parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_parameters(1) == eos$pwpoly )THEN IF( compose_eos )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! On matter object ", i_matter, & ", the EOS taken from the ID is a piecewise polytrope, ", & "so the parameter compose_eos should be set to .FALSE. ", & "in sphincs_id_particles.dat." PRINT * PRINT *, " * EOS from the ID: ", & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( eos_type == 'Poly' )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! On matter object ", i_matter, & ", the EOS taken from the ID is not the same as the ",& "one specified in parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat." PRINT * PRINT *, " * EOS from the ID: ", & parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name PRINT *, " * EOS from the parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat: ", & eos_type PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( (parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name .LT. eos_str)& .OR. & (parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name .GT. eos_str)& )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! On matter object ", i_matter, & ", the EOS taken from the ID is not the same as the ",& "one specified in parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat." PRINT * PRINT *, " * EOS from the ID: ", parts% all_eos(i_matter)% eos_name PRINT *, " * EOS from the parameter file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat: ", & eos_str PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE check_eos SUBROUTINE read_particles_from_formatted_file !************************************************************** ! !# Read particles from formatted file, and ! reflect particles with respect to the yz plane in the case ! of equal-mass binaries ! ! FT 21.10.2022 ! !************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE PRINT *, " * Reading particle positions from formatted file " & // TRIM(parts_pos_namefile) PRINT * INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(parts_pos_namefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= unit_pos, FILE= TRIM(parts_pos_namefile), & FORM= "FORMATTED", ACTION= "READ", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // TRIM(parts_pos_namefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ELSE PRINT *, "** ERROR! Unable to find file " // TRIM(parts_pos_namefile) STOP ENDIF ! Get total number of lines in the file nlines = 0 DO READ( unit_pos, * , IOSTAT= ios ) IF ( ios /= 0 ) EXIT nlines = nlines + 1 ENDDO IF( debug ) PRINT *, "nlines=", nlines CLOSE( UNIT= unit_pos ) ! Set the total number of particles to the number of lines in the file, ! minus the number of header lines, minus the line containing the number ! of particles on each matter object npart_tmp= nlines - header_lines - 1 IF( debug ) PRINT *, "npart_tmp=", npart_tmp ! Read all particle positions, and nu, if present OPEN( UNIT= unit_pos, FILE= TRIM(parts_pos_namefile), & FORM= "FORMATTED", ACTION= "READ" ) ! Skip header DO itr= 1, header_lines, 1 READ( unit_pos, * ) ENDDO ! Read the number of matter objects and the particle numbers on each ! matter object READ( UNIT= unit_pos, FMT= *, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) & n_matter_tmp, npart_i_tmp(1:parts% n_matter) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when reading " // TRIM(parts_pos_namefile), & " at particle ", itr,". The status variable is ", ios, & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ! Check that the numbers of matter objects is consistent IF( n_matter_tmp /= parts% n_matter )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The numbers of matter objects", & " in file ", TRIM(parts_pos_namefile), ", equal to ", & n_matter_tmp, ", is not consistent", & " with the one corresponding to ID file, equal to", & parts% n_matter PRINT *, " Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF ! Check that the numbers of particles are consistent IF( npart_tmp /= SUM(npart_i_tmp) )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The numbers of particles on each matter object", & " do not add up to the total number of particles, in file ", & TRIM(parts_pos_namefile) PRINT *, " * npart_tmp= ", npart_tmp PRINT *, " * npart_i_tmp=", npart_i_tmp PRINT *, " * SUM(npart_i_tmp)=", SUM(npart_i_tmp) PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF parts% npart_i(1:parts% n_matter)= npart_i_tmp(1:parts% n_matter) parts% npart = SUM(parts% npart_i) CALL parts% placer_timer% start_timer() matter_objects_formatted_file_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 ASSOCIATE( nline_in => header_lines + 1 + & npart_i_tmp(i_matter)*(i_matter-1) + 1, & nline_fin => header_lines + 1 + & npart_i_tmp(i_matter) + & npart_i_tmp(i_matter)*(i_matter-1) ) ! Determine boundaries of the lattices xmin= ABS(center(i_matter, 1)) + sizes(i_matter, 1) xmax= ABS(center(i_matter, 1)) + sizes(i_matter, 2) ymin= ABS(center(i_matter, 2)) + sizes(i_matter, 3) ymax= ABS(center(i_matter, 2)) + sizes(i_matter, 4) zmin= ABS(center(i_matter, 3)) + sizes(i_matter, 5) zmax= ABS(center(i_matter, 3)) + sizes(i_matter, 6) CALL parts% read_particles_formatted_file & ( unit_pos, nline_in, nline_fin, & xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i ) IF(.NOT.parts% read_nu) parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i= & parts% masses(i_matter)/npart_i_tmp(i_matter) ! Now that the real particle numbers are known, reallocate the arrays ! to the appropriate sizes. Note that, if the APM is performed, ! this step will be done after it as well ! TODO: maybe it is not necessary for the arrays pvol_i, nu_i and h_i? parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i( :, 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% h_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) CALL impose_equatorial_plane_symmetry & ( npart_i_tmp(i_matter), parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i ) PRINT *, " * Maximum n. baryon per particle (nu) on object", & i_matter, "=", MAXVAL( parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Minimum n. baryon per particle (nu) on object", & i_matter, "=", MINVAL( parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, DIM= 1 ) PRINT *, " * Ratio between the two=", & MAXVAL( parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, DIM= 1 )& /MINVAL( parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, DIM= 1 ) PRINT * two_matter_objects_read: & IF( i_matter == 1 .AND. parts% n_matter == 2 )THEN ! with practically the same mass, and the physical system ! is symmetric wrt the yz plane (in which case the user should set ! the reflect_particles_x to .TRUE. in the parameter file) equal_masses_read: & IF( ABS(parts% masses(1) - parts% masses(2)) & /parts% masses(2) <= tol_equal_mass .AND. reflect_particles_x )THEN ! ...reflect particles DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% pos_i) DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% pvol_i) DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% h_i) DEALLOCATE(parts_all(2)% nu_i) CALL reflect_particles_yz_plane( parts_all(1)% pos_i, & parts_all(1)% pvol_i, & parts_all(1)% nu_i, & parts_all(1)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(1), & parts_all(2)% pos_i, & parts_all(2)% pvol_i, & parts_all(2)% nu_i, & parts_all(2)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(2) ) PRINT *, "** Particles placed on star 1, read from formatted ", & " file and reflected about the yz plane onto star 2." PRINT * EXIT ENDIF equal_masses_read ENDIF two_matter_objects_read END ASSOCIATE ENDDO matter_objects_formatted_file_loop CALL parts% placer_timer% stop_timer() CLOSE( unit= unit_pos ) IF( debug )THEN PRINT *, "parts% npart_i_tmp=", npart_i_tmp PRINT *, "parts% npart_i=", parts% npart_i PRINT *, "parts% npart=", parts% npart PRINT * ENDIF END SUBROUTINE read_particles_from_formatted_file SUBROUTINE place_particles_on_lattices !************************************************************** ! !# Place particles on lattices, one per matter object, and ! reflect particles with respect to the yz plane in the case ! of equal-mass binaries ! ! FT 24.10.2022 ! !************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE PRINT *, " * Placing particles on lattices, one around each ", & "matter object." PRINT * ! Place particles, and time the process CALL parts% placer_timer% start_timer() matter_objects_lattices_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 ! Determine boundaries of the lattices xmin= center(i_matter, 1) - stretch*sizes(i_matter, 1) xmax= center(i_matter, 1) + stretch*sizes(i_matter, 2) ymin= center(i_matter, 2) - stretch*sizes(i_matter, 3) ymax= center(i_matter, 2) + stretch*sizes(i_matter, 4) zmin= center(i_matter, 3) - stretch*sizes(i_matter, 5) zmax= center(i_matter, 3) + stretch*sizes(i_matter, 6) central_density(i_matter)= id% read_mass_density & ( center(i_matter, 1), center(i_matter, 2), center(i_matter, 3) ) CALL parts% place_particles_lattice( central_density(i_matter), & xmin, xmax, ymin, & ymax, zmin, zmax, & npart_des_i(i_matter), & parts% npart_i(i_matter), & stretch, thres, & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i, & import_density, & import_id, & validate_position ) ! Now that the real particle numbers are known, reallocate the arrays ! to the appropriate sizes. Note that, if the APM is performed, ! this step will be done after it as well ! TODO: maybe this is not necessary for the arrays pvol_i, nu_i and h_i? parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i( :, 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% h_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) ! If there are 2 matter objects... equal_masses_lattices: & IF( i_matter == 1 .AND. parts% n_matter == 2 )THEN ! ...with practically the same mass, and the physical system is ! symmetric wrt the yz plane (in which case the user should ! set reflect_particles_x in the parameter file)... IF( ABS(parts% masses(1) - parts% masses(2)) & /parts% masses(2) <= tol_equal_mass .AND. reflect_particles_x )THEN CALL reflect_particles_yz_plane( parts_all(1)% pos_i, & parts_all(1)% pvol_i, & parts_all(1)% nu_i, & parts_all(1)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(1), & parts_all(2)% pos_i, & parts_all(2)% pvol_i, & parts_all(2)% nu_i, & parts_all(2)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(2) ) EXIT ENDIF ENDIF equal_masses_lattices ENDDO matter_objects_lattices_loop CALL parts% placer_timer% stop_timer() parts% npart= SUM( parts% npart_i ) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "10" END SUBROUTINE place_particles_on_lattices SUBROUTINE place_particles_on_ellipsoidal_surfaces !************************************************************** ! !# Place particles on ellipsoidal surfaces, and ! reflect particles with respect to the yz plane in the case ! of equal-mass binaries ! ! FT 24.10.2022 ! !************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: surface_geometry PRINT *, "** Placing equal-mass particles on surfaces, " & // "taking into account the mass profile of the stars." PRINT * ! Here the particle mass is computed using the radial mass profile ! of the star, so nu should not be redistributed to achieve a given ! particle mass ratio ! IF( parts% redistribute_nu .EQV. .TRUE. )THEN ! parts% redistribute_nu= .FALSE. ! ENDIF ! Place particles, and time the process CALL parts% placer_timer% start_timer() matter_objects_sphersurfaces_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 IF( i_matter <= 9 ) WRITE( str_i, '(I1)' ) i_matter IF( i_matter >= 10 .AND. parts% n_matter <= 99 ) & WRITE( str_i, '(I2)' ) i_matter IF( i_matter >= 100 .AND. parts% n_matter <= 999 ) & WRITE( str_i, '(I3)' ) i_matter IF( parts% surfaces(i_matter)% is_known )THEN surface_geometry="oval_surfaces" ELSE surface_geometry="ellipsoidal_surfaces" ENDIF filename_mass_profile= TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(surface_geometry) & //"_mass_profile"//TRIM(str_i)//".dat" filename_shells_radii= TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(surface_geometry) & //"_radii"//TRIM(str_i)//".dat" filename_shells_pos = TRIM(sph_path)//TRIM(surface_geometry) & //"_pos"//TRIM(str_i)//".dat" CALL parts% place_particles_ellipsoidal_surfaces( & parts% masses(i_matter), & MAXVAL(sizes(i_matter,1:2)), & center(i_matter,:), & central_density(i_matter), & npart_des_i(i_matter), & parts% npart_i(i_matter), & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i, & parts_all(i_matter)% h_i, & last_r, & upper_bound, lower_bound, & upper_factor, lower_factor,& max_steps, & filename_mass_profile, & filename_shells_radii, & filename_shells_pos, & import_density, & integrate_mass_density, & import_id, & validate_position= validate_position, & radii= [MAXVAL(sizes(i_matter,3:4)),MAXVAL(sizes(i_matter,5:6))], & surf= parts% surfaces(i_matter) ) ! Now that the real particle numbers are known, reallocate the arrays ! to the appropriate sizes. Note that, if the APM is performed, ! this step will be done after it as well ! TODO: maybe this is not necessary for the arrays pvol_i, nu_i and h_i? ! parts_all(itr)% pos_i = & ! parts_all(itr)% pos_i( :, 1:parts% npart_i(itr) ) ! parts_all(itr)% pvol_i = & ! parts_all(itr)% pvol_i( 1:parts% npart_i(itr) ) ! parts_all(itr)% nu_i = & ! parts_all(itr)% nu_i( 1:parts% npart_i(itr) ) ! parts_all(itr)% h_i = & ! parts_all(itr)% h_i( 1:parts% npart_i(itr) ) ! If there are 2 matter objects... equal_masses: IF( i_matter == 1 .AND. parts% n_matter == 2 )THEN ! ...with practically the same mass, and the physical system is ! symmetric wrt the yz plane (in which case the user should ! set reflect_particles_x in the parameter file)... IF( ABS(parts% masses(1) - parts% masses(2)) & /parts% masses(2) <= tol_equal_mass .AND. reflect_particles_x )THEN CALL reflect_particles_yz_plane( parts_all(1)% pos_i, & parts_all(1)% pvol_i, & parts_all(1)% nu_i, & parts_all(1)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(1), & parts_all(2)% pos_i, & parts_all(2)% pvol_i, & parts_all(2)% nu_i, & parts_all(2)% h_i, & parts% npart_i(2) ) EXIT ENDIF ENDIF equal_masses !STOP ENDDO matter_objects_sphersurfaces_loop CALL parts% placer_timer% stop_timer() DO i_matter= 1, parts% n_matter, 1 parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% pos_i( :, 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% pvol_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i = & parts_all(i_matter)% nu_i( 1:parts% npart_i(i_matter) ) ENDDO parts% npart= SUM( parts% npart_i ) END SUBROUTINE place_particles_on_ellipsoidal_surfaces SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_eul_id( npart, & v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z, & g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & baryon_density, nstar_eul_id ) !************************************************************** ! !# Compute nstar_eul_id, the relativistic baryon mass density ! seen by the Eulerian observer, given the |id| ! ! FT 31.08.2021 ! !************************************************************** USE tensor, ONLY: jx, jy, jz, n_sym4x4 USE utility, ONLY: compute_g4, determinant_sym3x3, & spatial_vector_norm_sym3x3, zero, one, two IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: npart DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: v_euler_x DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: v_euler_y DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: v_euler_z DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_xx DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_xy DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_xz DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_yy DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_yz DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: g_zz DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(IN):: baryon_density DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart), INTENT(OUT):: nstar_eul_id INTEGER:: a, i!mus, nus DOUBLE PRECISION:: det, sq_g, v_euler_norm2, gamma_eul_a DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(0:3,npart):: vel !DOUBLE PRECISION:: g4(0:3,0:3) DOUBLE PRECISION:: g4(n_sym4x4) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( npart, & !$OMP v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z, & !$OMP g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & !$OMP baryon_density, nstar_eul_id ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a, det, sq_g, v_euler_norm2, gamma_eul_a ) DO a= 1, npart, 1 CALL determinant_sym3x3( & [g_xx(a),g_xy(a),g_xz(a),g_yy(a),g_yz(a),g_zz(a)], det ) IF( ABS(det) < 1D-10 )THEN PRINT *, "ERROR! The determinant of the spatial metric is " & // "effectively 0 at particle ", a PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( det < 0 )THEN PRINT *, "ERROR! The determinant of the spatial metric is " & // "negative at particle ", a PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( .NOT.is_finite_number(det) )THEN PRINT *, "ERROR! The determinant is ", det, "at particle ", a PRINT * STOP ENDIF sq_g= SQRT(det) ! !-- Generalized Lorentz factor ! v_euler_norm2= zero CALL spatial_vector_norm_sym3x3( & [g_xx(a),g_xy(a),g_xz(a),g_yy(a),g_yz(a),g_zz(a)], & [v_euler_x(a),v_euler_y(a),v_euler_z(a)], v_euler_norm2 ) IF( .NOT.is_finite_number(v_euler_norm2) )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The spatial norm of v_euler is ", v_euler_norm2, & "at particle ", a, & "in SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_eul_id" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF gamma_eul_a= one/SQRT(one - v_euler_norm2) IF( .NOT.is_finite_number(gamma_eul_a) )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The Lorentz factor is ", gamma_eul_a, & "at particle ", a, & "in SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_eul_id" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF IF( gamma_eul_a < one )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! The Lorentz factor is ", gamma_eul_a, & "< 1 at particle ", a, & "in SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_eul_id" PRINT *, " * Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF nstar_eul_id(a)= sq_g*gamma_eul_a*baryon_density(a) ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END SUBROUTINE compute_nstar_eul_id SUBROUTINE compute_pressure( npart, x, y, z, nlrf, eqos, pressure, verbose ) !! Wrapper function to compute the pressure from the given input IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: npart !! Returns the baryon mass density at the desired point DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x(npart) !! \(x\) coordinate of the desired point DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: y(npart) !! \(y\) coordinate of the desired point DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: z(npart) !! \(z\) coordinate of the desired point DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: nlrf(npart) !! Baryon mass density in the local rest frame TYPE(eos), INTENT(IN) :: eqos !! |eos| to use DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(INOUT):: pressure(npart) !! Pressure at \((x,y,z)\) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL:: verbose DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(npart):: tmp, tmp2, tmp3 LOGICAL:: verb IF(PRESENT(verbose))THEN verb= verbose ELSE verb=.TRUE. ENDIF CALL parts% compute_sph_hydro( 1, npart, & eqos, nlrf, tmp, pressure, tmp2, tmp3, verb ) END SUBROUTINE compute_pressure SUBROUTINE reflect_particles_yz_plane( pos_star1, pvol_star1, & nu_star1, h_star1, npart_star1, & pos_star2, pvol_star2, & nu_star2, h_star2, npart_star2 ) !************************************************************** ! !# Reflect particles of star 1 ! with respect to the \(yz\) plane and place them on star 2 ! ! FT 07.02.2022 ! !************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN):: pos_star1 !! Array where to store the particle positions for star 1 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN):: pvol_star1 !! Array where to store the particle volumes for star 1 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN):: nu_star1 !! Array where to store the particle baryon number for star 1 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN):: h_star1 !! Array where to store the particle smoothing lengths for star 1 INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: npart_star1 !! Variable where to store the particle number for star 1 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT):: pos_star2 !! Array where to store the particle positions for star 2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT):: pvol_star2 !! Array where to store the particle volumes for star 2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT):: nu_star2 !! Array where to store the particle baryon number for star 2 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT):: h_star2 !! Array where to store the particle smoothing lengths for star 2 INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT):: npart_star2 !! Variable where to store the particle number for star 2 IF(ALLOCATED(pos_star2)) DEALLOCATE(pos_star2) ALLOCATE( pos_star2( 3, npart_star1 ), STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array pos_star2 in SUBROUTINE" & // "reflect_particles_yz_plane. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF IF(ALLOCATED(pvol_star2)) DEALLOCATE(pvol_star2) ALLOCATE( pvol_star2( npart_star1 ), STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array pvol_star2 in SUBROUTINE" & // "reflect_particles_yz_plane. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF IF(ALLOCATED(nu_star2)) DEALLOCATE(nu_star2) ALLOCATE( nu_star2( npart_star1 ), STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array nu_star2 in SUBROUTINE" & // "reflect_particles_yz_plane. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF IF(ALLOCATED(h_star2)) DEALLOCATE(h_star2) ALLOCATE( h_star2( npart_star1 ), STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array h_star2 in SUBROUTINE" & // "reflect_particles_yz_plane. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF PRINT *, " * Reflecting particles with respect to the yz plane..." PRINT * ! Reflect the particles on matter object 1, and their properties, ! to matter object 2 npart_star2= npart_star1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( pos_star1, pos_star2, pvol_star1, pvol_star2, & !$OMP nu_star1, nu_star2, h_star1, h_star2, & !$OMP npart_star2 ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a ) DO a= 1, npart_star2, 1 pos_star2(1,a)= - pos_star1(1,a) pos_star2(2,a)= pos_star1(2,a) pos_star2(3,a)= pos_star1(3,a) pvol_star2 (a)= pvol_star1(a) nu_star2 (a)= nu_star1 (a) h_star2 (a)= h_star1 (a) ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END SUBROUTINE reflect_particles_yz_plane END PROCEDURE construct_particles_std MODULE PROCEDURE destruct_particles !********************************************* ! !# Destructor of a particles object ! ! FT ! !********************************************* IMPLICIT NONE CALL this% deallocate_particles_memory() END PROCEDURE destruct_particles END SUBMODULE constructor_std ! DEPRECATED? This is a relic from when nu was re-assigned to the particles ! ! IF( this% redistribute_nu )THEN ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------! ! !-- Assignment of nu on the stars, with the purpose --! ! !-- of having a more uniform nu over the particles without losing --! ! !-- baryon mass. This is used only on the lattice, optionally. --! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! IF( this% distribution_id == id_particles_on_ellipsoidal_surfaces )THEN ! PRINT *, "** ERROR! Particle placer ", this% distribution_id, & ! " is not compatible with redistribute_nu= .TRUE." ! PRINT *, " * Check the parameter file lorene_bns_id_particles.par. ", & ! "Stopping..." ! PRINT * ! STOP ! ENDIF ! ! nu_max1= nlrf( this% baryon_density_index( this% npart1 ) )& ! *this% pvol( this% npart1 ) & ! *Theta( this% baryon_density_index( this% npart1 ) )& ! *sq_det_g4( this% baryon_density_index( this% npart1 ) ) ! nu_max2= nlrf( this% baryon_density_index( this% npart ) )& ! *this% pvol( this% npart ) & ! *Theta( this% baryon_density_index( this% npart ) )& ! *sq_det_g4( this% baryon_density_index( this% npart ) ) ! ! nu_thres1= nu_max1/this% nu_ratio ! nu_thres2= nu_max2/this% nu_ratio ! ! ! Reset the total baryon number to 0 (necessary), and nu to an arbitrary ! ! value (to make debugging easier) ! ! nu= one ! this% nu= one ! this% nbar_tot= zero ! this% nbar1= zero ! this% nbar2= zero ! ! cnt1= 0 ! compute_nu_on_particles_star1: DO itr= this% npart1, 1, -1 ! ! cnt1= cnt1 + 1 ! ! nu_tmp= nlrf( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) & ! *this% pvol(itr) & ! *Theta( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) )& ! *sq_det_g4( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) ! ! !IF( itr == this% npart1 ) nu_max= nu_tmp ! move this out of the loop ! ! IF( nu_tmp > nu_thres1 )THEN ! nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) = nu_tmp ! this% nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) )= nu_tmp ! ELSE ! nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) = nu_thres1 ! this% nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) )= nu_thres1 ! ENDIF ! ! this% nbar1= this% nbar1 + & ! this% nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) ! ! IF( this% nbar1*amu/MSun > this% masses(1) )THEN ! EXIT ! ENDIF ! ! ENDDO compute_nu_on_particles_star1 ! ! cnt2= 0 ! compute_nu_on_particles_star2: DO itr= this% npart, this% npart1 + 1, -1 ! ! cnt2= cnt2 + 1 ! ! nu_tmp= nlrf( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) & ! *this% pvol(itr) & ! *Theta( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) & ! *sq_det_g4( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) ! ! !IF( itr == this% npart ) nu_max= nu_tmp ! ! IF( nu_tmp > nu_thres2 )THEN ! nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) = nu_tmp ! this% nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) )= nu_tmp ! ELSE ! nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) = nu_thres2 ! this% nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) )= nu_thres2 ! ENDIF ! ! this% nbar2= this% nbar2 + & ! this% nu( this% baryon_density_index( itr ) ) ! ! IF( this% nbar2*amu/MSun > this% masses(2) )THEN ! EXIT ! ENDIF ! ! ENDDO compute_nu_on_particles_star2 ! this% nbar_tot= this% nbar1 + this% nbar2 ! ! ! ! !-- Reshape MODULE variables ! ! ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( pos_u, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( vel_u, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( Theta, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( h, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( nlrf, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( u, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( Pr, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( nu, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( temp, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( av, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( divv, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! ! ! !-- Reshape TYPE member SPH variables ! ! ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% pos, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% v, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% v_euler_x, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% v_euler_y, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% v_euler_z, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% Theta, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% h, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% baryon_density, cnt1, & ! cnt2, this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% nlrf, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% energy_density, cnt1, & ! cnt2, this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% specific_energy, cnt1, & ! cnt2, this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% pressure, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% pressure_sph, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% nu, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% pvol, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! ! ! !-- Reshape TYPE member spacetime variables ! ! ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% lapse, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% shift_x, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% shift_y, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% shift_z, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% g_xx, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% g_xy, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% g_xz, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% g_yy, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% g_yz, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! CALL this% reshape_sph_field( this% g_zz, cnt1, cnt2, & ! this% baryon_density_index ) ! ! ! ! !-- Reassign particle numbers ! ! ! ! npart= cnt1 + cnt2 ! this% npart= npart ! this% npart1= cnt1 ! this% npart2= cnt2 ! n1= this% npart1 ! n2= this% npart2 ! ! PRINT *, " * Particles replaced after reassigning nu." ! PRINT *, " * New number of particles=", this% npart ! PRINT * ! PRINT *, " * Number of particles on NS 1=", this% npart1 ! PRINT *, " * Number of particles on NS 2=", this% npart2 ! PRINT * ! DEPRECATED? This is a relic from when nu was re-assigned to the particles ! It was executed at the end of the constructor ! ! IF( parts% redistribute_nu )THEN ! ! ! Index particles on star 1 in increasing order of nu ! ! CALL indexx( parts% npart1, & ! parts% baryon_density( 1 : parts% npart1 ), & ! parts% baryon_density_index( 1 : parts% npart1 ) ) ! ! ! Index particles on star 2 in increasing order of nu ! ! CALL indexx( parts% npart2, & ! parts% baryon_density( parts% npart1 + 1 : & ! parts% npart ), & ! parts% baryon_density_index( parts% npart1 + 1 : & ! parts% npart ) ) ! ! ! Shift indices on star 2 by npart1 since all the arrays store ! ! the quantities on star 1 first, and then on star 2 ! ! parts% baryon_density_index( parts% npart1 + 1 : & ! parts% npart )= & ! parts% npart1 + & ! parts% baryon_density_index( parts% npart1 + 1 : & ! parts% npart ) ! ! ENDIF