submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90 Source File

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sourcefile~~submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90 submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90 sourcefile~module_standard_tpo_formulation.f90 module_standard_tpo_formulation.f90 sourcefile~submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90->sourcefile~module_standard_tpo_formulation.f90 sourcefile~module_utility.f90 module_utility.f90 sourcefile~submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90->sourcefile~module_utility.f90 sourcefile~module_standard_tpo_formulation.f90->sourcefile~module_utility.f90 sourcefile~module_id_base.f90 module_id_base.f90 sourcefile~module_standard_tpo_formulation.f90->sourcefile~module_id_base.f90 sourcefile~module_sph_particles.f90 module_sph_particles.f90 sourcefile~module_standard_tpo_formulation.f90->sourcefile~module_sph_particles.f90 sourcefile~module_id_base.f90->sourcefile~module_utility.f90 sourcefile~module_sph_particles.f90->sourcefile~module_utility.f90 sourcefile~module_sph_particles.f90->sourcefile~module_id_base.f90


Source Code

! File:         submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_io.f90
! Authors:      Francesco Torsello (FT)
! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello                            *
!                                                                       *
! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID                                       *
!                                                                       *
! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     *
! (at your option) any later version.                                   *
!                                                                       *
! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
! GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
!                                                                       *
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see <>.   *
! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file      *
! 'COPYING'.                                                            *

SUBMODULE (standard_tpo_formulation) io

  !# This submodule contains the implementation of the
  !  methods of TYPE tpo_formulation that handle I/O
  !  (input/output)
  !  FT 5.11.2021



  !--  SUBROUTINES  --!

  MODULE PROCEDURE print_summary

    !# Prints a summary of the properties of the refined mesh,
    !  and optionally, to a formatted file whose name
    !  is given as the optional argument `filename`
    !  FT 5.11.2021

    USE utility,  ONLY: Msun_geo, one, ten
    USE tensor,   ONLY: jx, jy, jz


    INTEGER:: l, last_level, i_matter

    last_level= this% get_nlevels()

    PRINT *, " * Spacetime:"
    PRINT *
    PRINT *, "   Number of refinement levels= ", last_level
    PRINT *
    PRINT *, "   Number of grid points on each level= ", &
             this% get_ngrid_x( 1 ), "**3"
    PRINT *
    DO l= 1, last_level, 1
      PRINT *, "   Resolution on level ", l, "= ", this% get_dx(l), &
               "Msun_geo= ", this% get_dx(l)*Msun_geo*ten*ten*ten, "m"
    PRINT *
    DO l= 1, last_level, 1
      PRINT *, "   x boundary of level ", l, "= ", this% get_xR(l), "= ", &
               this% get_xR(l)*Msun_geo, "km"
      PRINT *, "   y boundary of level ", l, "= ", this% get_yR(l), "= ", &
               this% get_yR(l)*Msun_geo, "km"
      PRINT *, "   z boundary of level ", l, "= ", this% get_zR(l), "= ", &
               this% get_zR(l)*Msun_geo, "km"
    PRINT *
    DO i_matter= 1, this% n_matter, 1
      PRINT *, "   Number of grid points across the x-axis-diameter of ", &
               "matter object ", i_matter, "=", this% npoints_xaxis(i_matter)
    PRINT *
    IF( this% MC_int(1,jx) < HUGE(one) )THEN
      DO l= 1, last_level, 1
        !PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the x component of the ADM ", &
        !         "momentum computed with full ID on the mesh, "
        !PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= ", this% MC_int(l,jx), "Msun*c"
        !PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the y component of the ADM ", &
        !         "momentum computed with full ID on the mesh, "
        !PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= ", this% MC_int(l,jy), "Msun*c"
        !PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the z component of the ADM ", &
        !         "momentum computed with full ID on the mesh, "
        !PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= ", this% MC_int(l,jz), "Msun*c"
        PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the ADM momentum of the fluid ", &
                 "computed with full ID on the mesh, "
        PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= "
        PRINT *, "   (", this% MC_int(l,jx), ","
        PRINT *, "    ", this% MC_int(l,jy), ","
        PRINT *, "    ", this% MC_int(l,jz), ") Msun*c"
        PRINT *
    IF( this% MC_parts_int(1,jx) < HUGE(one) )THEN
      DO l= 1, last_level, 1
        !PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the x component of the ADM ", &
        !"momentum computed with particle data mapped to the mesh, "
        !PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= ", this% MC_parts_int(l,jx), "Msun*c"
        !  PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the y component of the ADM ", &
        !"momentum computed with particle data mapped to the mesh, "
        !PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= ", this% MC_parts_int(l,jy), "Msun*c"
        !  PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the z component of the ADM ", &
        !"momentum computed with particle data mapped to the mesh, "
        !PRINT *, "   on level    ", l, "= ", this% MC_parts_int(l,jz), "Msun*c"
        PRINT *, "   (Rough) Estimate of the ADM momentum of the fluid ", &
                 "computed with particle data mapped to the mesh, "
        PRINT *, "   on refinement level    ", l, "= "
        PRINT *, "   (", this% MC_parts_int(l,jx), ","
        PRINT *, "    ", this% MC_parts_int(l,jy), ","
        PRINT *, "    ", this% MC_parts_int(l,jz), ") Msun*c"
        PRINT *

  END PROCEDURE print_summary