sanity_check Module Procedure

module procedure sanity_check module subroutine sanity_check(derived_type)

Checks that n_matter and the sizes returned by return_spatial_extent and get_total_spatial_extent are acceptable. It is called by initialize, after the constructor of the derived type.

FT 8.11.2021


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(idbase), intent(in) :: derived_type

Object of DERIVED TYPE that extends idbase

Called by

proc~~sanity_check~~CalledByGraph proc~sanity_check sanity_check interface~sanity_check sanity_check interface~sanity_check->proc~sanity_check



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
double precision, private, DIMENSION(derived_type% n_matter,3) :: centers
integer, private :: i_matter
integer, private :: itr
double precision, private, DIMENSION(derived_type% n_matter,6) :: sizes
double precision, private, DIMENSION(6) :: total_sizes