get_neighbours_bf Module Procedure

module procedure get_neighbours_bf module subroutine get_neighbours_bf(ipart, npart, pos, h, dimensions, nnei, neilist)

just for test purposes: get neighbours of particle ipart in a "brute force" way; ipart is ALSO on the neighbour list; SKR 8.2.2010

Removed ipart from its own neighbors' list FT 04.06.2021


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ipart
integer, intent(in) :: npart
double precision, intent(in) :: pos(dimensions,npart)
double precision, intent(in) :: h(npart)
integer, intent(in) :: dimensions
integer, intent(out) :: nnei
integer, intent(out) :: neilist(npart)

Called by

proc~~get_neighbours_bf~~CalledByGraph proc~get_neighbours_bf get_neighbours_bf interface~get_neighbours_bf get_neighbours_bf interface~get_neighbours_bf->proc~get_neighbours_bf



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, private :: a
double precision, private :: d2
double precision, private :: diff(dimensions)
double precision, private :: r_int2