compute_sph_hydro Module Procedure

module procedure compute_sph_hydro module subroutine compute_sph_hydro(this, npart_in, npart_fin, eqos, nlrf, u, Pr, enthalpy, cs, verbose)


    • pwp_EOS
    • units
    • numerics
  • proc~~compute_sph_hydro~~UsesGraph proc~compute_sph_hydro compute_sph_hydro numerics numerics proc~compute_sph_hydro->numerics pwp_EOS pwp_EOS proc~compute_sph_hydro->pwp_EOS units units proc~compute_sph_hydro->units

Computes the hydro fields on a section of the particles specified as input. First, computes the \(\mathrm{SPH}\) pressure starting from the \(\mathrm{SPH}\) baryon mass density, and the specific internal energy. The pressure is computed differently for different \(\mathrm{EOS}\), and for cold and hot systems. Then computes the enthalpy and the sound speed accordingly.

FT 02.12.2022


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(particles), intent(inout) :: this

particles object which this PROCEDURE is a member of

integer, intent(in) :: npart_in

First index of the desired section of the particles

integer, intent(in) :: npart_fin

Last index of the desired section of the particles

class(eos), intent(in) :: eqos

\(\mathrm{EOS}\) to be used

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart_fin - npart_in + 1) :: nlrf

Baryon mass density in the local rest frame

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart_fin - npart_in + 1) :: u

Specific internal energy

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart_fin - npart_in + 1) :: Pr


double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart_fin - npart_in + 1) :: enthalpy


double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart_fin - npart_in + 1) :: cs

Speed of sound

logical, intent(in), optional :: verbose


proc~~compute_sph_hydro~~CallsGraph proc~compute_sph_hydro compute_sph_hydro gen_pwp_eos gen_pwp_eos proc~compute_sph_hydro->gen_pwp_eos linear_interpolation linear_interpolation proc~compute_sph_hydro->linear_interpolation select_eos_parameters select_eos_parameters proc~compute_sph_hydro->select_eos_parameters

Called by

proc~~compute_sph_hydro~~CalledByGraph proc~compute_sph_hydro compute_sph_hydro interface~compute_sph_hydro compute_sph_hydro interface~compute_sph_hydro->proc~compute_sph_hydro



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, private :: a
integer, private :: dim_table
double precision, private :: gamma_poly
double precision, private :: kappa_poly
double precision, private :: tmp
double precision, private :: tmp2
logical, private :: verb