apply_to_vector Module Procedure

module procedure apply_to_vector module function apply_to_vector(this, u) result(transformed_u)

Implements the action of a boost on a vector

FT 08.12.2022


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(lorentz_transformation), intent(in) :: this

lorentz_transformation object to apply

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(4) :: u(0:3)

-vector to be boosted

Return Value double precision, DIMENSION(4), (0:3)

Boosted -vector


proc~~apply_to_vector~~CallsGraph proc~apply_to_vector apply_to_vector proc~row_by_column row_by_column proc~apply_to_vector->proc~row_by_column

Called by

proc~~apply_to_vector~~CalledByGraph proc~apply_to_vector apply_to_vector interface~apply_to_vector apply_to_vector interface~apply_to_vector->proc~apply_to_vector



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
double precision, private, DIMENSION(4) :: column(0:3)
integer, private :: i
double precision, private, DIMENSION(4) :: row(0:3)