sph_adm_variables Submodule

This SUBMODULE contains the implementation of the methods that compute an estimate of the ADM variables on the \(\mathrm{SPH}\) fluid, using the metric mapped from the mesh to the particles

FT 12.04.2020


  • module~~sph_adm_variables~~UsesGraph module~sph_adm_variables sph_adm_variables module~standard_tpo_formulation standard_tpo_formulation module~sph_adm_variables->module~standard_tpo_formulation mesh_refinement mesh_refinement module~standard_tpo_formulation->mesh_refinement module~id_base id_base module~standard_tpo_formulation->module~id_base module~sph_particles sph_particles module~standard_tpo_formulation->module~sph_particles module~utility utility module~standard_tpo_formulation->module~utility timing timing module~standard_tpo_formulation->timing module~id_base->module~utility module~id_base->timing module~sph_particles->module~id_base module~sph_particles->module~utility module~sph_particles->timing constants constants module~utility->constants matrix matrix module~utility->matrix


Module Procedures

module procedure compute_adm_momentum_fluid_m2p module subroutine compute_adm_momentum_fluid_m2p(this, parts, adm_mom)

Computes an estimate of the linear momentum using the \(\mathrm{SPH}\) fields on the particles

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(tpo), intent(in) :: this

tpo object which this PROCEDURE is a member of

class(particles), intent(in) :: parts

particles object used to map the metric from the mesh to the particles, and to call the recovery procedures

double precision, intent(out), DIMENSION(3) :: adm_mom

ADM linear momentum of the fluid computed using the metric mapped with the mesh-to-particle mapping