finalize_id Submodule

Implementation of the PROCEDURE that act on the \(\mathrm{ID}\) after it is set up on the mesh and/or on the particles, to finalize its preparation for \(\texttt{SPHINCS_BSSN}\)

FT 14.04.2022


  • module~~finalize_id~~UsesGraph module~finalize_id finalize_id module~bns_lorene bns_lorene module~finalize_id->module~bns_lorene iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~bns_lorene->iso_c_binding module~bns_base bns_base module~bns_lorene->module~bns_base module~id_base id_base module~bns_lorene->module~id_base module~utility utility module~bns_lorene->module~utility timing timing module~bns_lorene->timing module~bns_base->module~id_base module~bns_base->module~utility module~id_base->module~utility module~id_base->timing constants constants module~utility->constants matrix matrix module~utility->matrix


Module Procedures

module procedure correct_adm_linear_momentum module subroutine correct_adm_linear_momentum(npart, pos, nlrf, u, pr, vel_u, theta, nstar, nu, g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, lapse, shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, adm_mom_error, adm_mass)

Correct the velocity and the generalized Lorentz factor, so that the linear momentum of the \(\mathrm{BNS}\) is 0

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: npart

Particle number

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(3,npart) :: pos

Particle positions

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart) :: nlrf

Baryon density in the local rest frame on the particles

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart) :: u

Specific internal energy on the particles

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart) :: pr

Pressure on the particles

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(3,npart) :: vel_u

Spatial velocity in the computing frame on the particles

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart) :: theta

Generalized Lorentz factor on the particles

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart) :: nstar

Proper baryon density in the local rest frame on the particles

double precision, intent(inout), DIMENSION(npart) :: nu

Baryon number per particle

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: g_xx
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: g_xy
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: g_xz
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: g_yy
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: g_yz
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: g_zz
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: lapse

Lapse function on the particles

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: shift_x
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: shift_y
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(npart) :: shift_z
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3) :: adm_mom_error
double precision, intent(in) :: adm_mass