spatial_rotation Interface

public interface spatial_rotation

Called by

interface~~spatial_rotation~~CalledByGraph interface~spatial_rotation spatial_rotation proc~construct_rotation_angles construct_rotation_angles proc~construct_rotation_angles->interface~spatial_rotation



public module function construct_rotation(euler_angles) result(rotation)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3) :: euler_angles

Euler angles that define the rotation around the axes, in this order

Return Value type(spatial_rotation)

spatial_rotation object to be constructed

public module function construct_rotation_angles(alpha, beta, gamma) result(rotation)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha

Euler angle that defines the rotation around the axis

double precision, intent(in) :: beta

Euler angle that defines the rotation around the axis

double precision, intent(in) :: gamma

Euler angle that defines the rotation around the axis

Return Value type(spatial_rotation)

spatial_rotation object to be constructed