find_shared_grid Interface

public interface find_shared_grid

Generic PROCEDURE to compute the grid points shared by all the grids used to perform a Cauchy convergence test

Called by

interface~~find_shared_grid~~CalledByGraph interface~find_shared_grid find_shared_grid proc~perform_cauchy_convergence_test_known_sol perform_cauchy_convergence_test_known_sol proc~perform_cauchy_convergence_test_known_sol->interface~find_shared_grid proc~perform_cauchy_convergence_test_unknown_sol perform_cauchy_convergence_test_unknown_sol proc~perform_cauchy_convergence_test_unknown_sol->interface~find_shared_grid program~convergence_test convergence_test program~convergence_test->interface~find_shared_grid



public module subroutine find_shared_grid_known_sol(tpo_coarse, tpo_fine, num, den, ref_lev, shared_grid)

Find the grid points shared by the 2 grids used in the Cauchy convergence test, when the exact solution is known. The ratio between the grid spacings is num/den


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(tpo), intent(inout) :: tpo_coarse
class(tpo), intent(inout) :: tpo_fine
double precision, intent(in) :: num
double precision, intent(in) :: den
integer, intent(in) :: ref_lev
double precision, intent(out), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: shared_grid

public module subroutine find_shared_grid_unknown_sol(tpo_coarse, tpo_medium, tpo_fine, num, den, ref_lev, shared_grid)

Find the grid points shared by the 3 grids used in the Cauchy convergence test, when the exact solution is not known. The ratio between the grid spacings is num/den


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(tpo), intent(inout) :: tpo_coarse
class(tpo), intent(inout) :: tpo_medium
class(tpo), intent(inout) :: tpo_fine
double precision, intent(in) :: num
double precision, intent(in) :: den
integer, intent(in) :: ref_lev
double precision, intent(out), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: shared_grid