! File: submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_standard_tpo_variables.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (standard_tpo_formulation) standard_tpo_variables !**************************************************** ! !# Implementation of the methods of TYPE [[tpo]] ! that are called from the constructors and ! destructors of its EXTENDED TYPES ! ! FT 22.10.2020 ! !**************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !-------------------! !-- SUBROUTINES --! !-------------------! MODULE PROCEDURE setup_standard_tpo_variables !************************************************* ! !# Read the gravity grid parameters, computes ! gravity grid coordinates, imports the ! spacetime ID on the gravity grid, and ! performs some checks on it. ! ! FT 22.10.2020 ! Last updated: FT 05.07.2022 ! !************************************************* USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: levels, nlevels, initialize_grid, & allocate_grid_function, & deallocate_grid_function, & coords, rad_coord USE tensor, ONLY: jx, jy, jz, jxx, jxy, jxz, & jyy, jyz, jzz, n_sym3x3 USE utility, ONLY: zero, determinant_sym3x3, one, flag$tpo, & scan_3d_array_for_nans IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, SAVE:: tpo_id_number= -1 !! Negative integer that identifies the [[tpo]] object ! Index running over the refinement levels INTEGER:: l ! Indices running over the grids INTEGER:: i, j, k, i_matter ! Determinant of the standard 3+1 spatial metric DOUBLE PRECISION:: detg DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(6):: system_size DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(id% get_n_matter(),6):: sizes tpof% tpo_id_number= tpo_id_number tpo_id_number = tpo_id_number - 1 ! Get the number of matter objects in the physical system tpof% n_matter= id% get_n_matter() ! !-- Initialize timers ! tpof% grid_timer = timer( "grid_timer" ) tpof% importer_timer= timer( "importer_timer" ) CALL tpof% grid_timer% start_timer() IF( PRESENT(dx) .AND. PRESENT(dy) .AND. PRESENT(dz) )THEN CALL initialize_grid( dx, dy, dz ) ELSE CALL initialize_grid() ENDIF !PRINT *, ABS(id% get_center1_x()) + id% get_radius1_x_opp() !PRINT *, ABS(id% get_center2_x()) + id% get_radius2_x_opp() !PRINT *, ABS(levels(nlevels)% xR) ! !-- Check that the stars are inside the finest refinement lvel ! system_size= id% get_total_spatial_extent() IF( MAXVAL( ABS(system_size) ) > ABS(levels(nlevels)% xR) )THEN PRINT * PRINT *, "** The innermost, finest refinement level does not contain ", & "the entire system." PRINT *, " Boundary of the innermost, finest level: ", & ABS(levels(nlevels)% xR), " Msun_geo" PRINT *, " Size of the system: ", MAXVAL( ABS(system_size) ), & " Msun_geo" PRINT *, " Please make the boundary of the innermost, finest level, ", & "larger than ", MAXVAL( ABS(system_size) ), & " Msun_geo" PRINT *, " Stopping..." PRINT * STOP ENDIF CALL allocate_grid_function( tpof% coords, "coords_id", 3 ) CALL allocate_grid_function( tpof% rad_coord, 'rad_coord_id', 1 ) tpof% nlevels= nlevels tpof% levels = levels ALLOCATE( tpof% npoints_xaxis( tpof% n_matter ) ) DO i_matter= 1, tpof% n_matter, 1 sizes(i_matter,:)= id% return_spatial_extent(i_matter) tpof% npoints_xaxis(i_matter)= FLOOR( ( sizes(i_matter,1) & + sizes(i_matter,2) ) & /tpof% get_dx( tpof% nlevels ) ) ENDDO ref_levels: DO l= 1, tpof% nlevels tpof% coords% levels(l)% var= coords% levels(l)% var tpof% rad_coord% levels(l)% var= rad_coord% levels(l)% var ENDDO ref_levels CALL deallocate_grid_function ( coords, 'coords' ) CALL deallocate_grid_function ( rad_coord, 'rad_coord' ) ! !-- Allocating the memory for the grid functions !-- storing the spacetime ID at the grid points ! CALL allocate_grid_function( tpof% lapse, "lapse_id", 1 ) CALL allocate_grid_function( tpof% shift_u, "shift_u_id", 3 ) CALL allocate_grid_function( tpof% g_phys3_ll, "g_phys3_ll_id", 6 ) CALL allocate_grid_function( tpof% K_phys3_ll, "K_phys3_ll_id", 6 ) CALL tpof% grid_timer% stop_timer() CALL id% initialize_id(tpof% tpo_id_number, switch=.TRUE.) !CALL id% initialize_id(flag$tpo) ! !-- Import the spacetime ID on the refined mesh, !-- and time the process ! PRINT * PRINT *, "** Importing the spacetime ID on the refined mesh..." PRINT * CALL tpof% importer_timer% start_timer() ref_levels2: DO l= 1, tpof% nlevels, 1 PRINT *, " * Importing on refinement level l=", l, "..." CALL id% initialize_id(l) CALL id% read_id_spacetime( tpof% get_ngrid_x(l), & tpof% get_ngrid_y(l), & tpof% get_ngrid_z(l), & tpof% coords% levels(l)% var, & tpof% lapse% levels(l)% var, & tpof% shift_u% levels(l)% var, & tpof% g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var, & tpof% K_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var ) ENDDO ref_levels2 CALL tpof% importer_timer% stop_timer() PRINT *, " * Spacetime ID imported on the gravity grid." PRINT * ! !-- Ensure that the standard 3+1 ID does not contain NaNs, !-- and that the determinant of the spatial metric is !-- strictly positive ! PRINT *, "** Ensuring that the ID does not have any NaNs or infinities, ", & "and that the determinant of the spatial metric is strictly ", & "positive..." DO l= 1, tpof% nlevels, 1 ASSOCIATE( nx => tpof% get_ngrid_x(l), & ny => tpof% get_ngrid_y(l), & nz => tpof% get_ngrid_z(l), & coords => tpof% coords% levels(l)% var, & lapse => tpof% lapse% levels(l)% var, & shift => tpof% shift_u% levels(l)% var, & g => tpof% g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var, & eK => tpof% K_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, lapse, "lapse" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jx), & "shift(:,:,:,jx)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jy), & "shift(:,:,:,jy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, shift(:,:,:,jz), & "shift(:,:,:,jz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxx), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxx)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxy), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jxz), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jyy), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jyz), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, g(:,:,:,jzz), & "g_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jzz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxx), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxx)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxy), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jxz), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jxz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jyy), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyy)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jyz), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jyz)" ) CALL scan_3d_array_for_nans( nx, ny, nz, eK(:,:,:,jzz), & "K_phys3_ll(:,:,:,jzz)" ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( tpof, l ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, detg ) DO k= 1, nz, 1 DO j= 1, ny, 1 DO i= 1, nx, 1 CALL determinant_sym3x3(g(i,j,k,:), detg) IF( detg < 1.D-10 )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR in setup_standard_tpo_variables: The " & // "determinant of the spatial metric is " & // "effectively 0 at the grid point " & // "(i,j,k)= (", i, ",", j,",",k, "), " & // "(x,y,z)= ", "(", & coords(i, j, k, 1), ",", & coords(i, j, k, 2), ",", & coords(i, j, k, 3), ")." PRINT * PRINT *, " nx, ny, nz =", nx, ny, nz PRINT * PRINT *, " detg=", detg PRINT * PRINT *, " g_xx=", g(i,j,k,jxx) PRINT *, " g_xy=", g(i,j,k,jxy) PRINT *, " g_xz=", g(i,j,k,jxz) PRINT *, " g_yy=", g(i,j,k,jyy) PRINT *, " g_yz=", g(i,j,k,jyz) PRINT *, " g_zz=", g(i,j,k,jzz) PRINT * STOP ELSEIF( detg < zero )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR in setup_standard_tpo_variables: The " & // "determinant of the spatial metric is " & // "negative at the grid point " & // "(i,j,k)= (", i, ",", j,",",k, "), " & // "(x,y,z)= ", "(", & coords(i, j, k, 1), ",", & coords(i, j, k, 2), ",", & coords(i, j, k, 3), ")." PRINT * PRINT *, " nx, ny, nz =", nx, ny, nz PRINT * PRINT *, " detg=", detg PRINT * PRINT *, " g_xx=", g(i,j,k,jxx) PRINT *, " g_xy=", g(i,j,k,jxy) PRINT *, " g_xz=", g(i,j,k,jxz) PRINT *, " g_yy=", g(i,j,k,jyy) PRINT *, " g_yz=", g(i,j,k,jyz) PRINT *, " g_zz=", g(i,j,k,jzz) PRINT * STOP ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END ASSOCIATE ENDDO PRINT *, "...the standard 3+1 ID does not contain NaNs or infinites, ", & "and the determinant of the spatial metric is strictly positive." PRINT * ! !-- Initialize the arrays containing the integrals of the constraints over !-- the refined mesh ! IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( tpof% HC_int ))THEN ALLOCATE( tpof% HC_int( tpof% nlevels ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array HC_int. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDIF IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( tpof% MC_int ))THEN ALLOCATE( tpof% MC_int( tpof% nlevels, 3 ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array MC_int. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDIF tpof% HC_int= HUGE(one) tpof% MC_int= HUGE(one) IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( tpof% HC_parts_int ))THEN ALLOCATE( tpof% HC_parts_int( tpof% nlevels ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array MC_int. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDIF IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( tpof% MC_parts_int ))THEN ALLOCATE( tpof% MC_parts_int( tpof% nlevels, 3 ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array MC_int. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDIF tpof% HC_parts_int= HUGE(one) tpof% MC_parts_int= HUGE(one) END PROCEDURE setup_standard_tpo_variables MODULE PROCEDURE deallocate_standard_tpo_variables !*************************************************** ! !# Core of the destructors of TYPES derived from ! [[tpo]]. Their destructors should call this ! SUBROUTINE. It deallocates memory. ! ! FT ! !*************************************************** USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: deallocate_grid_function IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN= 2):: tpo_id WRITE( tpo_id, "(I2)" ) this% tpo_id_number IF( ALLOCATED( this% coords% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% coords, "coords_id" ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% rad_coord% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% rad_coord, "rad_coord_id" ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% lapse% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% lapse, "lapse_id" ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% shift_u% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% shift_u, "shift_u_id" ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% g_phys3_ll% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% g_phys3_ll, "g_phys3_ll_id" ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% K_phys3_ll% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% K_phys3_ll, "K_phys3_ll_id" ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% HC% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% HC, "HC_id"//tpo_id ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% HC_parts% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% HC_parts, "HC_parts_id"//tpo_id ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% MC% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% MC, "MC_id"//tpo_id ) ENDIF IF( ALLOCATED( this% MC_parts% levels ) )THEN CALL deallocate_grid_function( this% MC_parts, "MC_parts_id"//tpo_id ) ENDIF END PROCEDURE deallocate_standard_tpo_variables END SUBMODULE standard_tpo_variables