! File: submodule_standard_tpo_formulation_recovery.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (standard_tpo_formulation) recovery_m2p !************************************************ ! !# This SUBMODULE contains the implementation ! of the method test_recovery of TYPE particles. ! ! FT 25.02.2020 ! !************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS MODULE PROCEDURE test_recovery_m2p !************************************************ ! !# Tests the recovery using the metric mapped ! from the emsh to the particles. Computes the ! conserved variables from the physical ones, ! and then the physical ones from the conserved ! ones. It then compares the variables computed ! with the recovery PROCEDURES, with those ! computed with |sphincsid|. ! @todo add reference for recovery ! ! FT 25.02.2020 ! !************************************************ USE recovery, ONLY: phys_2_cons, cons_2_phys USE tensor, ONLY: jx, jy, jz, n_sym4x4, itt, itx, ity, itz, & ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz USE deactivate_particles, ONLY: nlrf_fb, u_fb, pr_fb, vel_u_fb, theta_fb, & cs_fb USE metric_on_particles, ONLY: allocate_metric_on_particles, & deallocate_metric_on_particles, & get_metric_on_particles, g4_ll !USE map_metric_2_particles_refine, & ! ONLY: update_ADM_metric_on_particles USE ADM_refine, ONLY: lapse, shift_u, g_phys3_ll, & allocate_ADM, deallocate_ADM USE BSSN_refine, ONLY: allocate_BSSN, deallocate_BSSN USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: nlevels, levels, rad_coord, coords, & allocate_grid_function, & deallocate_grid_function USE gradient, ONLY: allocate_gradient, deallocate_gradient USE McLachlan_refine, ONLY: allocate_Ztmp, deallocate_Ztmp USE alive_flag, ONLY: alive USE input_output, ONLY: read_options USE units, ONLY: set_units USE sph_variables, ONLY: allocate_SPH_memory, & deallocate_SPH_memory USE utility, ONLY: compute_g4, determinant_sym4x4, & zero, one, ten, eos$tabu$compose IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER:: unit_recovery= 34156 INTEGER:: npart, i_matter, a, l, eos_id !DOUBLE PRECISION:: det DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: pos DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: nstar DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: nlrf_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: u_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: pr_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: vel_u_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: theta_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: nstar_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: s_l_rec DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: e_hat_rec !DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: lapse_parts !DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: shift_parts !DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: g3_parts LOGICAL:: exist CHARACTER(LEN= 2):: i_mat CHARACTER(LEN= :), ALLOCATABLE:: finalnamefile LOGICAL, PARAMETER:: debug= .FALSE. npart= parts% get_npart() pos = parts% get_pos() ALLOCATE ( levels( this% nlevels ), STAT=ios ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT*,'...allocation error for levels' STOP ENDIF nlevels= this% nlevels levels = this% levels coords = this% coords CALL allocate_ADM() CALL allocate_BSSN() ! Allocate temporary memory for time integration CALL allocate_Ztmp() ! Allocate memory for the derivatives of the ADM variables ! CALL allocate_GravityAcceleration() CALL allocate_grid_function( rad_coord, 'rad_coord', 1 ) ! Initialize the stress-energy tensor to 0 DO l= 1, this% nlevels, 1 rad_coord% levels(l)% var= this% rad_coord% levels(l)% var g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var= this% g_phys3_ll% levels(l)% var shift_u% levels(l)% var= this% shift_u% levels(l)% var lapse% levels(l)% var= this% lapse% levels(l)% var ENDDO CALL set_units('NSM') CALL read_options CALL allocate_SPH_memory ALLOCATE( nlrf_rec (npart) ) ALLOCATE( u_rec (npart) ) ALLOCATE( pr_rec (npart) ) ALLOCATE( vel_u_rec(3,npart) ) ALLOCATE( theta_rec(npart) ) ALLOCATE( nstar_rec(npart) ) ALLOCATE( s_l_rec (3,npart) ) ALLOCATE( e_hat_rec(npart) ) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "0" ! flag that particles are 'alive' IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( alive ) ) ALLOCATE( alive( npart ) ) alive( 1:npart )= 1 CALL allocate_gradient( npart ) IF( ALLOCATED(g4_ll) )THEN DEALLOCATE(g4_ll) ENDIF CALL allocate_metric_on_particles(npart) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "0.25" ! !-- Uncomment the following lines to use the metric from the particles !-- This is to compare with he SUBROUTINE recovery_test in TYPE particles, !-- and check that both give the same results when using the same data. !-- They do on 25.02.2022 ! !ALLOCATE( lapse_parts(npart) ) !ALLOCATE( shift_parts(3,npart) ) !ALLOCATE( g3_parts (6,npart) ) !lapse_parts= parts% get_lapse() !shift_parts= parts% get_shift() !g3_parts = parts% get_g3() !DO a= 1, npart, 1 ! ! CALL compute_g4( lapse_parts(a), & ! [shift_parts(1,a), shift_parts(2,a), shift_parts(3,a)], & ! [g3_parts(1,a), g3_parts(2,a), g3_parts(3,a), & ! g3_parts(4,a), g3_parts(5,a), g3_parts(6,a)], & ! g4_ll(1:n_sym4x4,a) ) ! ! CALL determinant_sym4x4( g4_ll(1:n_sym4x4,a), det ) ! IF( ABS(det) < 1D-10 )THEN ! PRINT *, "** ERROR! The determinant of the spacetime metric is " & ! // "effectively 0 at particle ", a ! STOP ! ELSEIF( det > 0 )THEN ! PRINT *, "** ERROR! The determinant of the spacetime metric is " & ! // "positive at particle ", a ! STOP ! ENDIF ! !ENDDO ! Uncomment the following lines for testing !g4_ll(itt,:)= - one !g4_ll(itx,:)= zero !g4_ll(ity,:)= zero !g4_ll(itz,:)= zero !g4_ll(ixx,:)= one !g4_ll(ixy,:)= zero !g4_ll(ixz,:)= zero !g4_ll(iyy,:)= one !g4_ll(iyz,:)= zero !g4_ll(izz,:)= one ! !sq_det_g4= - ten*ten ! Uncomment the following line to use the metric mapped from the mesh ! to the particles CALL get_metric_on_particles( npart, pos ) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "0.5" ALLOCATE( nlrf_fb (npart) ) ALLOCATE( u_fb (npart) ) ALLOCATE( pr_fb (npart) ) ALLOCATE( vel_u_fb(3,npart) ) ALLOCATE( theta_fb(npart) ) ALLOCATE( cs_fb (npart) ) nstar = parts% get_nstar_sph() nlrf_fb = parts% get_nlrf_sph() u_fb = parts% get_u_sph() pr_fb = parts% get_pressure_sph() vel_u_fb= parts% get_vel() theta_fb= parts% get_theta() ! TODO: set the sound speed properly. From pwp_eos MODULE: ! enth= 1.0D0 + u + rho_rest/P ! cs= SQRT((Gamma*P_cold + Gamma_th*P_th)/(rho_rest*enth)) cs_fb = one ! Initialize local arrays nlrf_rec = zero u_rec = zero pr_rec = zero vel_u_rec= zero theta_rec= zero nstar_rec= zero s_l_rec = zero e_hat_rec= zero IF( debug ) PRINT *, "1" ! !-- Compute conserved fields from physical fields ! CALL phys_2_cons( npart, nlrf_fb, u_fb, pr_fb, vel_u_fb, & ! following is output nstar_rec, s_l_rec, e_hat_rec ) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "2" ! !-- Recover physical fields from conserved fields ! pr_rec= pr_fb CALL cons_2_phys( npart, nstar_rec, s_l_rec, e_hat_rec, & ! following is output (pressure is INOUT) nlrf_rec, vel_u_rec, u_rec, pr_rec, theta_rec ) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "3" CALL deallocate_metric_on_particles CALL deallocate_gradient DEALLOCATE(alive) CALL deallocate_sph_memory CALL deallocate_grid_function ( rad_coord, 'rad_coord' ) CALL deallocate_ADM() CALL deallocate_Ztmp() !CALL deallocate_GravityAcceleration() CALL deallocate_BSSN() DEALLOCATE( levels ) IF( debug ) PRINT *, "4" matter_objects_loop: DO i_matter= 1, parts% get_n_matter(), 1 IF( i_matter > 9 )THEN WRITE( i_mat, "(I2)" ) i_matter ELSE WRITE( i_mat, "(I1)" ) i_matter ENDIF finalnamefile= TRIM(namefile)//"-"//TRIM(i_mat)//".dat" !PRINT *, "------------" !PRINT *, TRIM(namefile) !PRINT *, "------------" !PRINT *, finalnamefile !PRINT *, "------------" ASSOCIATE( npart_in => parts% get_npart_i(i_matter-1) + 1, & npart_fin => parts% get_npart_i(i_matter-1) + & parts% get_npart_i(i_matter) ) ! !-- Print the original and recovered fields to formatted file ! INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= unit_recovery, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), & STATUS= "REPLACE", FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= unit_recovery, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "NEW", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = unit_recovery, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Run ID [ccyymmdd-hhmmss.sss]: " // run_id WRITE( UNIT = unit_recovery, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# Values of the hydro fields computed by SPHINCS_ID and by the " & //"recovery, on the particles" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 1 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = unit_recovery, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# column: 1 2 3 4 5", & " 6 7 8", & " 9 10 11", & " 12 13 14", & " 15 16 17", & " 18 19 20" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 2 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = unit_recovery, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & "# particle index x [Msun_geo] y [Msun_geo] ", & " z [Msun_geo] nstar recovered nstar", & " nlrf recovered nlrf", & " specific internal energy recovered specific internal energy",& " pressure recovered pressure", & " x component of the computing frame velocity " & //"x component of the recovered computing frame velocity", & " y component of the computing frame velocity " & //"y component of the recovered computing frame velocity", & " z component of the computing frame velocity " & //"z component of the recovered computing frame velocity", & " generalized Lorentz factor " & //"recovered generalized Lorentz factor" IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing line 3 in " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF print_data_loop: DO a = npart_in, npart_fin, 1 ! TODO: make the variables export_form-xy and export_form_x member ! of tpo, not bssn ! IF( this% export_form_xy .AND. & ! ( pos( 3, a ) >= 0.5D0 .OR. & ! pos( 3, a ) <= -0.5D0 ) & ! )THEN ! CYCLE ! ENDIF ! IF( this% export_form_x .AND. & ! ( pos( 3, a ) >= 0.5D0 .OR. & ! pos( 3, a ) <= -0.5D0 .OR. & ! pos( 2, a ) >= 0.5D0 .OR. & ! pos( 2, a ) <= -0.5D0 ) & ! )THEN ! CYCLE ! ENDIF WRITE( UNIT = unit_recovery, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & a, & ! 1 pos ( jx, a ), & ! 2 pos ( jy, a ), & ! 3 pos ( jz, a ), & ! 4 nstar ( a ), & ! 5 nstar_rec( a ), & ! 6 nlrf_fb ( a ), & ! 7 nlrf_rec ( a ), & ! 8 u_fb ( a ), & ! 9 u_rec ( a ), & ! 10 pr_fb ( a ), & ! 11 pr_rec ( a ), & ! 12 vel_u_fb ( jx, a ), & ! 13 vel_u_rec( jx, a ), & ! 14 vel_u_fb ( jy, a ), & ! 15 vel_u_rec( jy, a ), & ! 16 vel_u_fb ( jz, a ), & ! 17 vel_u_rec( jz, a ), & ! 18 theta_fb ( a ), & ! 19 theta_rec( a ) ! 20 IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when writing the arrays in " & // TRIM(finalnamefile), ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDDO print_data_loop CLOSE( unit_recovery ) END ASSOCIATE PRINT *, " * Results from the recovery test on matter object ", & i_matter, ", using the metric mapped from the emsh to the ", & "particles printed to file ", finalnamefile PRINT * ENDDO matter_objects_loop DEALLOCATE( nlrf_fb ) DEALLOCATE( u_fb ) DEALLOCATE( pr_fb ) DEALLOCATE( vel_u_fb ) DEALLOCATE( theta_fb ) DEALLOCATE( cs_fb ) DEALLOCATE( pos ) DEALLOCATE( nstar ) DEALLOCATE( nlrf_rec ) DEALLOCATE( u_rec ) DEALLOCATE( pr_rec ) DEALLOCATE( vel_u_rec ) DEALLOCATE( theta_rec ) DEALLOCATE( nstar_rec ) DEALLOCATE( s_l_rec ) DEALLOCATE( e_hat_rec ) END PROCEDURE test_recovery_m2p END SUBMODULE recovery_m2p