! File: submodule_id_base_length_scale.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (id_base) length_scale !******************************************** ! !# Implementation of the method of TYPE idbase ! that estimates typical length scales, one ! per each matter object, by computing ! \(\dfrac{f}{\partial f}\), where \(f\) is a ! field given as input, and \(\partial\) ! represent a derivative of it. ! ! FT 10.02.2022 ! !******************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !-------------------! !-- SUBROUTINES --! !-------------------! MODULE PROCEDURE estimate_lengthscale_field !************************************************ ! !# Estimate typical length scales, one per each ! matter object, by computing \(\dfrac{f}{\partial f}\), ! where \(f\) is a field given as input, and \(\partial\) ! represent a derivative of it. ! Presently, the derivatives are computed separately ! along each spatial dimension, as 1D derivatives. ! ! FT 10.02.2022 ! !************************************************ USE utility, ONLY: zero, two, three, ten, Msun_geo Use constants, ONLY: half IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER:: n= 350 !! Number of grid points along the shortest size of the matter object INTEGER, PARAMETER:: nghost= 4 !INTEGER:: n_mat !! Number of matter objects in the physical system INTEGER:: i_mat !! Index running over the matter objects INTEGER:: i INTEGER:: j INTEGER:: k INTEGER:: ig INTEGER:: jg INTEGER:: kg INTEGER:: nx(n_mat) !! INTEGER:: ny(n_mat) !! INTEGER:: nz(n_mat) !! DOUBLE PRECISION:: xL(n_mat) !! Left boundaries of the lattices in the \(x\) direction DOUBLE PRECISION:: xR(n_mat) !! Right boundaries of the lattices in the \(x\) direction DOUBLE PRECISION:: yL(n_mat) !! Left boundaries of the lattices in the \(y\) direction DOUBLE PRECISION:: yR(n_mat) !! Right boundaries of the lattices in the \(y\) direction DOUBLE PRECISION:: zL(n_mat) !! Left boundaries of the lattices in the \(z\) direction DOUBLE PRECISION:: zR(n_mat) !! Right boundaries of the lattices in the \(z\) direction DOUBLE PRECISION:: sizes(6) !! Temporary array to store the sizes of the matter objects DOUBLE PRECISION:: center(3) !! Temporary array to store the centers of the matter objects DOUBLE PRECISION:: dx(n_mat) !! Uniform spacings of the lattices DOUBLE PRECISION:: x DOUBLE PRECISION:: y DOUBLE PRECISION:: z TYPE field DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: val DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: der DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: ratio END TYPE field TYPE(field), DIMENSION(n_mat):: field_mat matter_objects_loop: DO i_mat= 1, n_mat, 1 sizes= this% return_spatial_extent(i_mat) center= this% return_center(i_mat) xL(i_mat)= center(1) - sizes(1) xR(i_mat)= center(1) + sizes(2) yL(i_mat)= center(2) - sizes(3) yR(i_mat)= center(2) + sizes(4) zL(i_mat)= center(3) - sizes(5) zR(i_mat)= center(3) + sizes(6) dx(i_mat)= MINVAL( [(xR(i_mat)-xL(i_mat))/DBLE(n), & (yR(i_mat)-yL(i_mat))/DBLE(n), & (zR(i_mat)-zL(i_mat))/DBLE(n)] ) PRINT *, " * Lattice step on matter object ", i_mat, "=", & dx(i_mat)*Msun_geo*ten*ten*ten, "m" nx(i_mat)= NINT( (xR(i_mat)-xL(i_mat))/dx(i_mat) ) ny(i_mat)= NINT( (yR(i_mat)-yL(i_mat))/dx(i_mat) ) nz(i_mat)= NINT( (zR(i_mat)-zL(i_mat))/dx(i_mat) ) ALLOCATE( field_mat(i_mat)% val( nx(i_mat) + 2*nghost, & ny(i_mat) + 2*nghost, & nz(i_mat) + 2*nghost ) ) field_mat(i_mat)% val= zero !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( nx, ny, nz, i_mat, xL, xR, yL, yR, zL, zR, & !$OMP dx, field_mat ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, x, y, z ) lattice_loop_x: DO i= 1, nx(i_mat) + 2*nghost, 1 x= xL(i_mat) + DBLE(i-1)*dx(i_mat) lattice_loop_y: DO j= 1, ny(i_mat) + 2*nghost, 1 y= yL(i_mat) + DBLE(j-1)*dx(i_mat) lattice_loop_z: DO k= 1, nz(i_mat) + 2*nghost, 1 z= zL(i_mat) + DBLE(k-1)*dx(i_mat) IF( get_field( x, y, z ) > zero )THEN field_mat(i_mat)% val(i,j,k)= get_field( x, y, z ) ENDIF ENDDO lattice_loop_z ENDDO lattice_loop_y ENDDO lattice_loop_x !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ! Derivatives ALLOCATE( field_mat(i_mat)% der( nx(i_mat), ny(i_mat), nz(i_mat) ) ) ALLOCATE( field_mat(i_mat)% ratio( nx(i_mat), ny(i_mat), nz(i_mat) ) ) field_mat(i_mat)% der = zero field_mat(i_mat)% ratio= zero !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( nx, ny, nz, i_mat, xL, xR, yL, yR, zL, zR, & !$OMP dx, field_mat ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( i, j, k, ig, jg, kg, x, y, z ) lattice_loop_x_der: DO i= 1, nx(i_mat), 1 x= xL(i_mat) + DBLE(i-1)*dx(i_mat) ig= nghost + i lattice_loop_y_der: DO j= 1, ny(i_mat), 1 y= yL(i_mat) + DBLE(j-1)*dx(i_mat) jg= nghost + j lattice_loop_z_der: DO k= 1, nz(i_mat), 1 z= zL(i_mat) + DBLE(k-1)*dx(i_mat) kg= nghost + k field_mat(i_mat)% der(i,j,k)= & !( field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig+1,jg,kg) - field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig-1,jg,kg) )*half ! - field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig+2,jg,kg)/(two*two*three) & ! + field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig+1,jg,kg)*two/three & ! - field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig-1,jg,kg)*two/three & ! + field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig-2,jg,kg)/(two*two*three) & ( field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig+3,jg,kg)/(two*three*ten) & - field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig+2,jg,kg)*three/(two*ten) & + field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig+1,jg,kg)*three/(two*two) & - field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig-1,jg,kg)*three/(two*two) & + field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig-2,jg,kg)*three/(two*ten) & - field_mat(i_mat)% val(ig-3,jg,kg)/(two*three*ten) )/dx(i_mat) IF( field_mat(i_mat)% der(i,j,k) /= zero )THEN field_mat(i_mat)% ratio(i,j,k)= & field_mat(i_mat)% val(i,j,k)/ABS(field_mat(i_mat)% der(i,j,k)) ENDIF ENDDO lattice_loop_z_der ENDDO lattice_loop_y_der ENDDO lattice_loop_x_der !$OMP END PARALLEL DO scales(i_mat)= MINVAL( field_mat(i_mat)% ratio, & field_mat(i_mat)% ratio > 0 ) !PRINT *, SUM( field_mat(i_mat)% ratio )/(nx(i_mat)*ny(i_mat)*nz(i_mat)) !STOP DEALLOCATE( field_mat(i_mat)% val ) DEALLOCATE( field_mat(i_mat)% der ) DEALLOCATE( field_mat(i_mat)% ratio ) ENDDO matter_objects_loop PRINT * END PROCEDURE estimate_lengthscale_field END SUBMODULE length_scale