! File: submodule_ejecta_generic_constructor.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (ejecta_generic) constructor !********************************************************* ! !# Implementation of the constructor and ! destructor of TYPE [[ejecta]] ! ! FT xx.11.2021 ! !********************************************************* IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS ! !-- Implementation of the constructor of the ejecta object ! MODULE PROCEDURE construct_ejecta !**************************************************** ! !# Constructs an object of TYPE [[ejecta]] ! @todo to be OMP parallelized ! ! FT xx.11.2021 ! !**************************************************** USE constants, ONLY: pi USE utility, ONLY: zero, one, two, four, ten, eos$poly, eos$pwpoly, & sph_path USE NR, ONLY: indexx USE pwp_EOS, ONLY: get_Gamma0, get_Gamma1, get_Gamma2, get_Gamma3, & get_K0, get_K1, get_K2, get_K3, get_p1, & get_rho_0, get_rho_1, get_rho_2, select_EOS_parameters USE timing, ONLY: timer IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER:: unit_pos= 2589 INTEGER, PARAMETER:: n_matter= 1 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER:: atmosphere_density= 1.0439859633622731D-17 INTEGER:: header_lines= 2 ! TODO: give this as input INTEGER:: nlines, ntmp INTEGER:: i_matter, itr, i, j, k ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: x_sorted, y_sorted, z_sorted INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: mass_profile_idx DOUBLE PRECISION:: xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, & rhotmp, epstmp, vxtmp, vytmp, vztmp, & dr, dphi, dth DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: grid_tmp !DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: rho_tmp DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: mass_profile LOGICAL:: exist CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE:: finalnamefile PRINT *, " * Reading ID on Cartesian, uniform grid from formatted file " & // TRIM(filename), "..." CALL derived_type% set_n_matter(n_matter) CALL derived_type% set_cold_system(.FALSE.) derived_type% construction_timer= timer( "ejecta_construction_timer" ) CALL derived_type% construction_timer% start_timer() INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(filename), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= unit_pos, FILE= TRIM(filename), & FORM= "FORMATTED", ACTION= "READ", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // TRIM(filename), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ELSE PRINT *, "** ERROR! Unable to find file " // TRIM(filename) STOP ENDIF ! Get total number of lines in the file nlines = 0 DO READ( unit_pos, * , IOSTAT= ios ) IF ( ios /= 0 ) EXIT nlines = nlines + 1 ENDDO CLOSE( UNIT= unit_pos ) derived_type% n_gridpoints= nlines - header_lines ! Allocate the temporary array to store data ALLOCATE( grid_tmp( 2*derived_type% n_gridpoints, 8 ) ) grid_tmp= zero ! Read the ID OPEN( UNIT= unit_pos, FILE= TRIM(filename), & FORM= "FORMATTED", ACTION= "READ" ) ! Skip header DO itr= 1, header_lines, 1 READ( unit_pos, * ) ENDDO ! Read the data into the temporary array ntmp= 0 DO itr= 1, derived_type% n_gridpoints, 1 READ( UNIT= unit_pos, FMT= *, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) & xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, rhotmp, epstmp, vxtmp, vytmp, vztmp IF( ztmp > 0 )THEN ntmp= ntmp + 1 grid_tmp( ntmp, 1 )= xtmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 2 )= ytmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 3 )= ztmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 4 )= rhotmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 5 )= epstmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 6 )= vxtmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 7 )= vytmp grid_tmp( ntmp, 8 )= vztmp ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when reading " // TRIM(filename), & " at particle ", itr,". The status variable is ", ios, & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDDO derived_type% n_gridpoints= ntmp grid_tmp= grid_tmp( 1:2*derived_type% n_gridpoints, : ) CLOSE( UNIT= unit_pos ) DO itr= 1, SIZE(grid_tmp(:,1)), 1 IF( grid_tmp(itr,1) > grid_tmp(1,1) )THEN derived_type% dx_grid= grid_tmp(itr,1) - grid_tmp(1,1) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO DO itr= 1, SIZE(grid_tmp(:,2)), 1 IF( grid_tmp(itr,2) > grid_tmp(1,2) )THEN derived_type% dy_grid= grid_tmp(itr,2) - grid_tmp(1,2) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO DO itr= 1, SIZE(grid_tmp(:,3)), 1 IF( grid_tmp(itr,3) > grid_tmp(1,3) )THEN derived_type% dz_grid= grid_tmp(itr,3) - grid_tmp(1,3) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO derived_type% xL_grid= MINVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )) derived_type% yL_grid= MINVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )) derived_type% zL_grid= MINVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 ), grid_tmp( :, 3 ) /= 0 ) derived_type% xR_grid= MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )) derived_type% yR_grid= MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )) derived_type% zR_grid= MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 ) ) derived_type% nx_grid= NINT((MAXVAL(grid_tmp(:,1)) - derived_type% xL_grid)& /derived_type% dx_grid + 1) derived_type% ny_grid= NINT((MAXVAL(grid_tmp(:,2)) - derived_type% yL_grid)& /derived_type% dy_grid + 1 ) derived_type% nz_grid= NINT((MAXVAL(grid_tmp(:,3)) - derived_type% zL_grid)& /derived_type% dz_grid + 1 ) PRINT *, " * ID on Cartesian, uniform grid read." PRINT * PRINT *, "** Grid information:" PRINT * PRINT *, " * Grid size in x direction:", & derived_type% xL_grid, derived_type% xR_grid PRINT *, " * Grid size in y direction:", & derived_type% yL_grid, derived_type% yR_grid PRINT *, " * Grid size in z direction:", & derived_type% zL_grid, derived_type% zR_grid PRINT * PRINT *, " * Grid spacing in the x direction:", derived_type% dx_grid PRINT *, " * Grid spacing in the y direction:", derived_type% dy_grid PRINT *, " * Grid spacing in the z direction:", derived_type% dz_grid PRINT * PRINT *, " * Number of grid points in the x direction:", & derived_type% nx_grid PRINT *, " * Number of grid points in the y direction:", & derived_type% ny_grid PRINT *, " * Number of grid points in the z direction:", & derived_type% nz_grid PRINT * PRINT *, "** Checking that the grid dimensions are consistent with the " & //"number of lines in the file..." ! Check that the grid dimensions are consistent IF( derived_type% nx_grid*derived_type% ny_grid*derived_type% nz_grid & /= derived_type% n_gridpoints )THEN PRINT *, derived_type% nx_grid PRINT *, derived_type% ny_grid PRINT *, derived_type% nz_grid PRINT *, derived_type% nx_grid*derived_type% ny_grid*derived_type% nz_grid PRINT *, derived_type% n_gridpoints STOP ENDIF PRINT *, "** Checking that the number of grid points, the grid spacings " & //"and the grid sizes are consistent..." ! Check that nx dx and the grid extent are consistent ztmp= derived_type% zL_grid DO k= 1, derived_type% nz_grid - 1, 1 ztmp= ztmp + derived_type% dz_grid ENDDO IF( ABS( ztmp - MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 )) ) & > derived_type% dz_grid/1.0D+6 )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! ztmp=", ztmp PRINT *, " zR_grid=", MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 )) STOP ENDIF ytmp= derived_type% yL_grid DO j= 1, derived_type% ny_grid - 1, 1 ytmp= ytmp + derived_type% dy_grid ENDDO IF( ABS( ytmp - MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )) ) & > derived_type% dz_grid/1.0D+6 )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! ytmp=", ytmp PRINT *, " yR_grid=", MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )) STOP ENDIF xtmp= derived_type% xL_grid DO i= 1, derived_type% nx_grid - 1, 1 xtmp= xtmp + derived_type% dx_grid ENDDO IF( ABS( xtmp - MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )) ) & > derived_type% dx_grid/1.0D+6 )THEN PRINT *, "** ERROR! xtmp=", xtmp PRINT *, " xR_grid=", MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )) STOP ENDIF PRINT * ! Allocate and initialize member arrays CALL derived_type% allocate_gridid_memory( n_matter ) derived_type% grid= zero derived_type% baryon_mass_density= zero derived_type% specific_energy= zero derived_type% vel= zero ! Store the ID into the member arrays DO i= 1, derived_type% nx_grid, 1 DO j= 1, derived_type% ny_grid, 1 DO k= 1, derived_type% nz_grid, 1 derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 1 )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 1 ) derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 2 )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 2 ) derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 3 )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 3 ) derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 4 ) derived_type% specific_energy( i, j, k )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 5 ) derived_type% vel( i, j, k, 1 )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 6 ) derived_type% vel( i, j, k, 2 )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 7 ) derived_type% vel( i, j, k, 3 )= & grid_tmp( (i-1)*(derived_type% ny_grid)*(derived_type% nz_grid) & + (j-1)*(derived_type% nz_grid) + k, 8 ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Get rid of the atmosphere coming from a mesh-based simulation, if present DO i= 1, derived_type% nx_grid, 1 DO j= 1, derived_type% ny_grid, 1 DO k= 1, derived_type% nz_grid, 1 IF( derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k ) & <= atmosphere_density )THEN derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k )= zero derived_type% specific_energy( i, j, k )= zero derived_type% vel( i, j, k, : )= zero ENDIF !derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k )= & ! MAX( zero, & ! derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k ) - atmosphere_density ) ! !IF( derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k ) == zero )THEN ! ! derived_type% specific_energy( i, j, k )= zero ! ! derived_type% vel( i, j, k, : )= zero ! !ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Assign ID properties to member arrays DO i_matter= 1, n_matter, 1 !derived_type% masses(i_matter)= zero derived_type% centers(i_matter,:)= zero derived_type% barycenters(i_matter,:)= zero derived_type% sizes(i_matter,:)= [ & !1.3D0*SQRT( ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))**two & ! + ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )))**two ), & !1.3D0*SQRT( ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))**two & ! + ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )))**two ), & !1.3D0*SQRT( ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))**two & ! + ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )))**two ), & !1.3D0*SQRT( ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))**two & ! + ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 )))**two ), & !1.3D0*SQRT( ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))**two & ! + ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 )))**two ), & !1.3D0*SQRT( ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))**two & ! + ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 )))**two ) ] ABS(derived_type% xL_grid), & ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 ))), & ABS(derived_type% yL_grid), & ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 2 ))), & ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 ))), & ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 3 ))) ] ENDDO finalnamefile= TRIM(sph_path)//"pos_ejecta.dat" INQUIRE( FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), EXIST= exist ) IF( exist )THEN OPEN( UNIT= 2, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "REPLACE", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & POSITION= "REWIND", ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, & IOMSG= err_msg ) ELSE OPEN( UNIT= 2, FILE= TRIM(finalnamefile), STATUS= "NEW", & FORM= "FORMATTED", & ACTION= "WRITE", IOSTAT= ios, IOMSG= err_msg ) ENDIF IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...error when opening " // TRIM(finalnamefile), & ". The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF DO i= 1, derived_type% nx_grid - 1, 1 DO j= 1, derived_type% ny_grid - 1, 1 DO k= 1, derived_type% nz_grid - 1, 1 WRITE( UNIT = 2, IOSTAT = ios, IOMSG = err_msg, FMT = * ) & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 1 ), & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 2 ), & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 3 ), & derived_type% baryon_mass_density( i, j, k ), & derived_type% read_mass_density( & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 1 ) + derived_type% dx_grid/two, & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 2 ), & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 3 ) ), & derived_type% grid( i, j, k, 1 ) + derived_type% dx_grid/two, & derived_type% specific_energy( i, j, k ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CLOSE( UNIT= 2 ) ! Assign total mass to member variable dr = derived_type% dx_grid/four dth = pi/two/ten*ten dphi = two*pi/ten*ten ALLOCATE( mass_profile( 3, 0:NINT(ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))/dr) ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) ALLOCATE( mass_profile_idx( 0:NINT(ABS(MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )))/dr) ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) CALL derived_type% integrate_baryon_mass_density( & derived_type% centers(1,:), & MAXVAL(grid_tmp( :, 1 )), & derived_type% read_mass_density( & derived_type% centers(1,1), & derived_type% centers(1,2), & derived_type% centers(1,3) ), & dr, dth, dphi, & derived_type% masses(1), mass_profile, & mass_profile_idx )!, & !radii= [MAXVAL(derived_type% sizes(1,3:4)), & ! MAXVAL(derived_type% sizes(1,5:6))] ) ! Set the EOS parameters derived_type% eos_id= eos$pwpoly CALL select_EOS_parameters("APR4") derived_type% npeos = 3 derived_type% gamma0 = get_Gamma0() derived_type% gamma1 = get_Gamma1() derived_type% gamma2 = get_Gamma2() derived_type% gamma3 = get_Gamma3() derived_type% kappa0 = get_K0() derived_type% kappa1 = get_K1() derived_type% kappa2 = get_K2() derived_type% kappa3 = get_K3() derived_type% logP1 = LOG10(get_p1()) derived_type% logRho0= LOG10(get_rho_0()) derived_type% logRho1= LOG10(get_rho_1()) derived_type% logRho2= LOG10(get_rho_2()) derived_type% finalize_sph_id_ptr => finalize CALL derived_type% construction_timer% stop_timer() END PROCEDURE construct_ejecta MODULE PROCEDURE finalize !*********************************************** ! !# This SUBROUTINE is curretly just a placeholder. ! It could be used, for exmaple, to correct ! the ADM momentum at the end of the execution, ! or correct for residual eccentricity, etc. ! ! @note Temporary implementation, to avoid warnings ! about unused variables. ! ! FT 14.04.2022 ! !*********************************************** IMPLICIT NONE ! Temporary implementation, to avoid warnings about unused variables pos = pos nlrf = nlrf nu = nu pr = pr vel_u= vel_u theta= theta nstar= nstar u = u END PROCEDURE finalize MODULE PROCEDURE nothing !*********************************************** ! !# Procedure that does nothing. It is used to instantiate a deferred ! idbase procedure which s not needed in TYPE [[ejecta_generic]]. ! It also serves as a placeholder in case the idbase procedure ! will be needed in the future. ! ! FT 15.09.2022 ! !*********************************************** IMPLICIT NONE END PROCEDURE nothing ! !-- Implementation of the destructor of the bns object ! MODULE PROCEDURE destruct_ejecta !**************************************************** ! !# Destructs an object of TYPE [[ejecta]] ! ! FT xx.11.2021 ! !**************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CALL this% deallocate_gridid_memory() END PROCEDURE destruct_ejecta END SUBMODULE constructor