! File: submodule_bssn_formulation_constructor.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (bssn_formulation) constructor !************************************************ ! !# Implementation of the constructor and ! destructor of TYPE [[bssn]] ! ! FT 23.10.2020 ! ! Updated to support mesh refinement ! ! FT 26.03.2021 ! !************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS MODULE PROCEDURE construct_bssn !**************************************************** ! !# This constructor of TYPE [[bssn]] calls the ! SUBROUTINES that rely on an [[idbase]] object, and ! allocates memory. It constructs the grid ! using the number of grid points along each axis. ! ! FT 23.10.2020 ! !**************************************************** USE McLachlan_refine, ONLY: initialize_bssn USE BSSN_refine, ONLY: deallocate_bssn USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: levels, allocate_grid_function USE Extract_Mass, ONLY: radius2 USE utility, ONLY: zero, one USE options, ONLY: integ_meth IMPLICIT NONE ! integ_meth is a parameter set in SPHINCS_fm_input.dat, ! needed during the time integration. It is not needed at the level ! of the ID, but it must be set, otherwise the allocation of Ztmp ! does not work (see allocate_Ztmp). Ztmp s needed during the integration, ! so it should not be needed at the level of the ID. Nevertheless, ! some SUBROUTINES complain if it is not allocated (TODO: double check). ! When SPHINCS_ID is called with the parameter run_sph=.FALSE., the ! file SPHINCS_fm_input.dat is not read, hence integ_meth is not set. ! That is why it is set here. IF(integ_meth /= 1 .AND. integ_meth /= 2) integ_meth= 1 ! Initialize the timer bssnid% bssn_computer_timer= timer( "bssn_computer_timer" ) ! Construct the gravity grid and read the ID on it, ! in standard 3+1 formulation IF( PRESENT(dx) .AND. PRESENT(dy) .AND. PRESENT(dz) )THEN CALL bssnid% setup_standard_tpo_variables(id, dx, dy, dz) ELSE CALL bssnid% setup_standard_tpo_variables(id) ENDIF ! Read and store the BSSN parameters CALL initialize_bssn() CALL deallocate_bssn() DEALLOCATE(levels) IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( bssnid% GC_int ))THEN ALLOCATE( bssnid% GC_int( bssnid% nlevels, 3 ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array GC_loo. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDIF bssnid% GC_int= HUGE(one) IF( .NOT.ALLOCATED( bssnid% GC_parts_int ))THEN ALLOCATE( bssnid% GC_parts_int( bssnid% nlevels, 3 ), & STAT= ios, ERRMSG= err_msg ) IF( ios > 0 )THEN PRINT *, "...allocation error for array GC_loo. ", & "The error message is", err_msg STOP ENDIF ENDIF bssnid% GC_parts_int= HUGE(one) ! radius2 is the extraction radius. If not set here, then it is 0 by default ! and the metric is not interpolated on the particle in ! get_metric_on_particles radius2= HUGE(DBLE(1.0D0)) PRINT * PRINT *, " * Ready to compute BSSN variables." PRINT * END PROCEDURE construct_bssn ! !-- Keeping the following two SUBROUTINES separate in case it is needed !-- to add other PROCEDURES to the destructor (probably superfluous...) ! MODULE PROCEDURE destruct_bssn !************************************************** ! !# Procedure used in the destructor of the ! EXTENDED TYPE [[bssn]] ! ! FT ! !************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CALL deallocate_bssn_fields(this) END PROCEDURE destruct_bssn MODULE PROCEDURE destructor !************************************************** ! !# Destructor of EXTENDED TYPE [[bssn]] ! ! FT ! !************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE CALL this% destruct_bssn() CALL this% deallocate_standard_tpo_variables() END PROCEDURE destructor END SUBMODULE constructor