! File: submodule_bns_fuka_interpolate.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ SUBMODULE (bns_fuka) interpolate !**************************************************** ! !# Implementation of the methods of TYPE [[bnsfuka]] that ! interpolate the data on a lattice, at a particle ! position ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !**************************************************** USE utility, ONLY: zero, one IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !-------------------! !-- SUBROUTINES --! !-------------------! MODULE PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_id_particles !**************************************************** ! !# Stores the hydro |id| in the arrays needed to ! compute the |sph| |id| ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !**************************************************** USE constants, ONLY: MSun, amu USE utility, ONLY: two USE numerics, ONLY: trilinear_interpolation IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, PARAMETER:: debug= .FALSE. INTEGER:: a, star DOUBLE PRECISION:: zp !DOUBLE PRECISION, & ! DIMENSION(this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, 3):: coords !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE ) & !$OMP SHARED( n, this, x, y, z, lapse, & !$OMP shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, & !$OMP g_xx, g_xy, g_xz, g_yy, g_yz, g_zz, & !$OMP baryon_density, energy_density, & !$OMP specific_energy, pressure, & !$OMP u_euler_x, u_euler_y, u_euler_z ) & !$OMP PRIVATE( a, star, zp ) DO a= 1, n, 1 IF( (this% center(1,1) - this% radii(1,1) <= x(a)) & .AND. & (x(a) <= this% center(1,1) + this% radii(1,2)) )THEN star= 1 ELSEIF( (this% center(2,1) - this% radii(2,1) <= x(a)) & .AND. & (x(a) <= this% center(2,1) + this% radii(2,2)) )THEN star= 2 ELSE star= -1 ENDIF IF( star == -1 )THEN baryon_density(a) = zero specific_energy(a)= zero pressure(a) = zero u_euler_x(a) = zero u_euler_y(a) = zero u_euler_z(a) = zero energy_density(a) = zero g_xx(a) = zero g_yy(a) = zero g_zz(a) = zero g_xy(a) = zero g_xz(a) = zero g_yz(a) = zero lapse(a) = zero shift_x(a) = zero shift_y(a) = zero shift_z(a) = zero CYCLE ENDIF !coords= this% star_lattice(star)% coords zp= z(a) baryon_density(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% mass_density, & debug= .FALSE. ) & *MSun/amu specific_energy(a)= trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% specific_energy ) pressure(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% pressure ) & *MSun/amu u_euler_x(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% v_eul_x ) u_euler_y(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% v_eul_y ) u_euler_z(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% v_eul_z ) IF( baryon_density(a) == zero )THEN specific_energy(a)= zero u_euler_x(a) = zero u_euler_y(a) = zero u_euler_z(a) = zero ENDIF energy_density(a) = baryon_density(a)*(one + specific_energy(a)) g_xx(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% g_xx ) g_yy(a)= g_xx(a) g_zz(a)= g_xx(a) g_xy(a)= zero g_xz(a)= zero g_yz(a)= zero lapse(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% lapse ) shift_x(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% shift_x ) shift_y(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% shift_y ) shift_z(a) = trilinear_interpolation( x(a), y(a), zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% shift_z ) ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_id_particles MODULE PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_id_mass_b !**************************************************** ! !# Stores the hydro |id| in the arrays needed to ! compute the baryon mass, storing it to variables ! (not arrays as the others SUBROUTINES in ! the [[bnsfuka@interpolate]] SUBMODULE). ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !**************************************************** USE tensor, ONLY: jxx, jxy, jxz, jyy, jyz, jzz USE constants, ONLY: MSun, amu USE numerics, ONLY: trilinear_interpolation IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: star DOUBLE PRECISION:: zp, veuler_x, veuler_y, veuler_z !DOUBLE PRECISION, & ! DIMENSION(this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, 3):: coords IF( (this% center(1,1) - this% radii(1,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(1,1) + this% radii(1,2)) )THEN star= 1 ELSEIF( (this% center(2,1) - this% radii(2,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(2,1) + this% radii(2,2)) )THEN star= 2 ELSE star= -1 ENDIF IF( star == -1 )THEN baryon_density= zero g(jxx) = zero g(jyy) = zero g(jzz) = zero g(jxy) = zero g(jxz) = zero g(jyz) = zero gamma_euler = zero RETURN ENDIF !coords= this% star_lattice(star)% coords zp= z baryon_density= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice,& this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% mass_density )!*MSun/amu g(jxx)= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% g_xx ) g(jyy)= g(jxx) g(jzz)= g(jxx) g(jxy)= zero g(jxz)= zero g(jyz)= zero veuler_x= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% v_eul_x ) veuler_y= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% v_eul_y ) veuler_z= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% v_eul_z ) ! See eq.(7.3.13) in Alcubierre, "Introduction to 3+1 Numerical Relativity" ! The following formula assumes a conformally flat metric in Cartesian ! coordinates gamma_euler= one/SQRT( one - g(jxx)*( veuler_x*veuler_x & + veuler_y*veuler_y & + veuler_z*veuler_z ) ); END PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_id_mass_b !-----------------! !-- FUNCTIONS --! !-----------------! MODULE PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_mass_density !*********************************************** ! !# Returns the mass density at the point ! given as argument, in units of ! \(M_\odot/L_\odot^3\). ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !*********************************************** USE timing, ONLY: timer USE numerics, ONLY: trilinear_interpolation USE utility, ONLY: spherical_from_cartesian, two IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: star DOUBLE PRECISION:: zp !TYPE(timer):: dbg_timer !dbg_timer= timer("dbg_timer") !CALL dbg_timer% start_timer() IF( (this% center(1,1) - this% radii(1,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(1,1) + this% radii(1,2)) )THEN star= 1 ELSEIF( (this% center(2,1) - this% radii(2,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(2,1) + this% radii(2,2)) )THEN star= 2 ELSE star= -1 ENDIF IF( star == -1 )THEN res= zero RETURN ENDIF zp= z res= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% mass_density ) !CALL dbg_timer% stop_timer() !CALL dbg_timer% print_timer( 2 ) !STOP END PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_mass_density MODULE PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_spatial_metric !*********************************************** ! !# Returns the spatial metric. ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !*********************************************** USE constants, ONLY: pi USE numerics, ONLY: trilinear_interpolation USE utility, ONLY: spherical_from_cartesian, two IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: star DOUBLE PRECISION:: zp IF( (this% center(1,1) - this% radii(1,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(1,1) + this% radii(1,2)) )THEN star= 1 ELSEIF( (this% center(2,1) - this% radii(2,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(2,1) + this% radii(2,2)) )THEN star= 2 ELSE star= -1 ENDIF IF( star == -1 )THEN res= zero RETURN ENDIF zp= z res= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% g_xx ) END PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_spatial_metric MODULE PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_pressure !*********************************************** ! !# Returns the spatial metric. ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !*********************************************** USE constants, ONLY: pi USE numerics, ONLY: trilinear_interpolation USE utility, ONLY: spherical_from_cartesian, two IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER:: star DOUBLE PRECISION:: zp IF( (this% center(1,1) - this% radii(1,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(1,1) + this% radii(1,2)) )THEN star= 1 ELSEIF( (this% center(2,1) - this% radii(2,1) <= x) & .AND. & (x <= this% center(2,1) + this% radii(2,2)) )THEN star= 2 ELSE star= -1 ENDIF IF( star == -1 )THEN res= zero RETURN ENDIF zp= z res= trilinear_interpolation( x, y, zp, & this% nx_lattice, this% ny_lattice, this% nz_lattice, & this% star_lattice(star)% coords, & this% star_lattice(star)% pressure ) END PROCEDURE interpolate_fuka_pressure MODULE PROCEDURE is_hydro_positive_interpolation !************************************************ ! !# Return 1 if the energy density is nonpositive ! or if the specific energy is nonpositive, ! or if the pressure is nonpositive ! at the specified point; return 0 otherwise ! ! FT 28.06.2022 ! !************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL:: outside_y, outside_z!, outside_x !outside_x=.NOT.( & ! ( ! this% center(1,1) - this% radii(1,1) <= x & ! .AND. & ! x <= this% center(1,1) + this% radii(1,2) & ! ) & ! .OR. & ! ( & ! this% center(2,1) - this% radii(2,1) <= x & ! .AND. & ! x <= this% center(2,1) + this% radii(2,2) & ! ) & ! ) outside_y=.NOT.( & ( & this% center(1,2) - this% radii(1,3) <= y & .AND. & y <= this% center(1,2) + this% radii(1,4) & ) & .OR. & ( & this% center(2,2) - this% radii(2,3) <= y & .AND. & y <= this% center(2,2) + this% radii(2,4) & ) & ) outside_z=.NOT.( & ( & this% center(1,3) - this% radii(1,5) <= z & .AND. & z <= this% center(1,3) + this% radii(1,6) & ) & .OR. & ( & this% center(2,3) - this% radii(2,5) <= z & .AND. & z <= this% center(2,3) + this% radii(2,6) & ) & ) IF( this% read_mass_density( x, y, z ) <= zero & !.OR. outsize_x & .OR. outside_y & .OR. outside_z & )THEN res= .FALSE. ELSE res= .TRUE. ENDIF END PROCEDURE is_hydro_positive_interpolation END SUBMODULE interpolate