! File: module_bssn_formulation.f90 ! Authors: Francesco Torsello (FT) !************************************************************************ ! Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Francesco Torsello * ! * ! This file is part of SPHINCS_ID * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ! (at your option) any later version. * ! * ! SPHINCS_ID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ! GNU General Public License for more details. * ! * ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ! along with SPHINCS_ID. If not, see . * ! The copy of the GNU General Public License should be in the file * ! 'COPYING'. * !************************************************************************ MODULE bssn_formulation !******************************************** ! !# This module contains the definition of ! the EXTENDED TYPE [[bssn]], representing ! the |id| for the |bssn| formulation of ! the |ee| ! !******************************************** USE id_base, ONLY: idbase USE standard_tpo_formulation, ONLY: tpo USE sph_particles, ONLY: particles USE mesh_refinement, ONLY: grid_function_scalar, grid_function USE timing, ONLY: timer USE utility, ONLY: ios, err_msg, perc, creturn, run_id, & test_status, compute_g4, & determinant_sym4x4, show_progress IMPLICIT NONE !******************************************************** ! * ! Definition of TYPE bssn * ! * ! This class extends the ABSTRACT TYPE tpo by * ! implementing its deferred methods such that the BSSN * ! variables are computed on the grid for the ID, * ! stored, exported to a binary file for evolution and * ! to a formatted file. The BSSN constraints can also * ! be computed in different ways, analyzed, and exported * ! in different ways. * ! * !******************************************************** TYPE, EXTENDS(tpo):: bssn !# TYPE representing the |bssn| formulation of the |ee| INTEGER:: call_flag= 0 !# Flag set to a value different than 0 if the SUBROUTINE ! compute_and_print_bssn_variables is called ! !-- Arrays storing the BSSN variables for the |id| on the grid ! TYPE(grid_function):: Gamma_u !! Conformal connection \(\bar{\Gamma} ^i_{jk}\) TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: phi !! Conformal factor \(\phi \) TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: trK !! Trace of extrinsic curvature \(K \) TYPE(grid_function):: A_BSSN3_ll !! Conformal traceless extrinsic curvature \(A_{ij} \) TYPE(grid_function):: g_BSSN3_ll !! Conformal spatial metric \(\gamma_{ij} \) TYPE(grid_function):: Ricci_ll !! Ricci tensor \(R_{ij} \) TYPE(grid_function_scalar):: Ricci_scalar !! Ricci scalar \(R^\mu{}_nu\) ! !-- Connection constraints and its l2 norm and loo norm ! TYPE(grid_function):: GC !! Connection constraint computed with the |id| on the mesh TYPE(grid_function):: GC_parts !# Connection constraint computed with the |bssn| |id| on the mesh, and ! the hydrodynamical |id| mapped from the particles to the mesh DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: GC_l2 !# \(\ell_2\) norm of the connection constraint computed ! with the |id| on the mesh DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: GC_parts_l2 !# \(\ell_2\) norm of the connection constraint computed with the |bssn| ! |id| on the mesh, and the hydrodynamical |id| mapped from the particles ! to the mesh DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: GC_loo !# \(\ell_\infty\) norm, i.e., supremum of the absolute value, of the ! connection constraint computed with the |id| on the mesh DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: GC_parts_loo !# \(\ell_\infty\) norm, i.e., supremum of the absolute value, of the ! connection constraint computed with the |bssn| |id| on the mesh, ! and the hydrodynamical |id| mapped from the particles to the mesh DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: GC_int !# Integral of the connection constraint computed with the |id| on the mesh DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: GC_parts_int !# Integral of the connection constraint computed with the |bssn| |id| on ! the mesh, and the hydrodynamical |id| mapped from the particles to the ! mesh with the |id| on the mesh LOGICAL, PUBLIC:: export_bin !# `.TRUE.` if the binary files for SPHINCS_BSSN are to be exported, ! `.FALSE.` otherwise LOGICAL, PUBLIC:: export_form_xy !# `.TRUE.` if the |id| in the formatted files is to be on the xy plane ! only, `.FALSE.` otherwise LOGICAL, PUBLIC:: export_form_x !# `.TRUE.` if the |id| in the formatted files is to be on the x axis ! only, `.FALSE.` otherwise TYPE(timer):: bssn_computer_timer !# Timer that times how long it takes to compute the |bssn| variables on ! the refined mesh CONTAINS !-------------------! !-- SUBROUTINES --! !-------------------! PROCEDURE:: define_allocate_fields => allocate_bssn_fields !! Allocates memory for the [[bssn]] member grid functions PROCEDURE:: deallocate_fields => deallocate_bssn_fields !! Deallocates memory for the [[bssn]] member arrays PROCEDURE:: compute_and_print_tpo_variables & => compute_and_print_bssn_variables !# Computes the |bssn| variables at the particle positions, and optionally ! prints them to a binary file to be read by \(\texttt{SPHINCS_BSSN}\) ! and \(\texttt{splash}\), and to a formatted file to be read by ! \(\texttt{gnuplot}\), by calling ! [[bssn:print_formatted_id_tpo_variables]] PROCEDURE:: print_formatted_id_tpo_variables & => print_formatted_id_bssn_variables !! Prints the |bssn| |id| to a formatted file PROCEDURE:: compute_and_print_tpo_constraints_grid & => compute_and_print_bssn_constraints_grid !# Computes the |bssn| constraints using the full |id| on the refined mesh, ! prints a summary with the statistics for the constraints. Optionally, ! prints the constraints to a formatted file to be read by ! \(\texttt{gnuplot}\), and analyze the constraints by calling ! [[tpo:analyze_constraint]] PROCEDURE:: compute_and_print_tpo_constraints_particles & => compute_and_print_bssn_constraints_particles !# Computes the |bssn| constraints using the |bssn| |id| on the refined ! mesh and the hydrodynamical |id| mapped from the particles to the mesh, ! prints a summary with the statistics for the constraints. Optionally, ! prints the constraints to a formatted file to be read by ! \(\texttt{gnuplot}\), and analyze the constraints by calling ! [[tpo:analyze_constraint]] PROCEDURE:: destruct_bssn !# Destructor for the EXTENDED TYPE bssn, not ABSTRACT TYPE tpo FINAL :: destructor !# Destructor; finalizes members from both TYPES tpo and bssn, ! by calling [[bssn:destruct_bssn]] PROCEDURE, PUBLIC:: read_bssn_dump_print_formatted !# Reads the binary |id| file printed by ! [[bssn:compute_and_print_tpo_variables]] PROCEDURE, PUBLIC:: compute_ricci !# Computes the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar on the mesh END TYPE bssn ! !-- Interface of the TYPE bssn !-- (i.e., declaration of the overloaded constructor) ! INTERFACE bssn MODULE PROCEDURE:: construct_bssn !# Constructs the bssn object from the number of grid points ! along each axis END INTERFACE bssn ! !-- Interface of the constructor of TYPE bssn !-- Its implementation is in submodule_BSSN_id_constructor.f90 ! INTERFACE MODULE FUNCTION construct_bssn( id, dx, dy, dz ) RESULT ( bssnid ) !# Constructs the [[bssn]] object from the number of grid points ! along each axis CLASS(idbase), INTENT(INOUT):: id !! [[idbase]] object to use to construct the [[bssn]] object TYPE(bssn) :: bssnid !! [[bssn]] object to be constructed DOUBLE PRECISION, OPTIONAL :: dx, dy, dz !! Mesh spacings @todo for which refinement level? END FUNCTION construct_bssn END INTERFACE ! !-- Interfaces of the methods of TYPE [[bssn]] !-- Their implementations are in submodule_BSSN_id_methods.f90 ! INTERFACE MODULE SUBROUTINE allocate_bssn_fields( this ) !! Interface to [[bssn:define_allocate_fields]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT):: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound END SUBROUTINE allocate_bssn_fields MODULE SUBROUTINE compute_and_print_bssn_variables( this, namefile ) !! Interface to [[bssn:compute_and_print_tpo_variables]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT) :: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: namefile END SUBROUTINE compute_and_print_bssn_variables MODULE SUBROUTINE read_bssn_dump_print_formatted( this, namefile_bin, & namefile ) !! Interface to [[bssn:read_bssn_dump_print_formatted]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT) :: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: namefile_bin CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: namefile END SUBROUTINE read_bssn_dump_print_formatted MODULE SUBROUTINE print_formatted_id_bssn_variables & ( this, points, namefile ) !! Interface to [[bssn:print_formatted_id_tpo_variables]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT) :: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL:: points CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: namefile END SUBROUTINE print_formatted_id_bssn_variables MODULE SUBROUTINE compute_and_print_bssn_constraints_grid & ( this, id, namefile, name_logfile, points ) !! Interface to [[bssn:compute_and_print_tpo_constraints_grid]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT), TARGET:: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound CLASS(idbase), INTENT(INOUT):: id !! [[idbase]] object used to read the hydrodynamical |id| to the mesh CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT):: namefile CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT):: name_logfile DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN), TARGET, OPTIONAL:: & points END SUBROUTINE compute_and_print_bssn_constraints_grid MODULE SUBROUTINE compute_and_print_bssn_constraints_particles & ( this, parts_obj, namefile, name_logfile, points ) !! Interface to [[bssn:compute_and_print_tpo_constraints_particles]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT), TARGET:: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound CLASS(particles), INTENT(INOUT):: parts_obj !! [[particles]] object used to map the hydrodynamical |id| to the mesh CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT):: namefile CHARACTER( LEN= * ), INTENT(INOUT):: name_logfile DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN), TARGET, OPTIONAL:: & points END SUBROUTINE compute_and_print_bssn_constraints_particles MODULE SUBROUTINE compute_ricci( this ) !nx, ny, nz, imin, imax, & !dx, dy, dz, & !gt11, gt12, gt13, gt22, gt23, gt33, & !At11, At12, At13, At22, At23, At33, & !trK, phi, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, & !R11, R12, R13, R22, R23, R33, R ) & !! Computes the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar on the mesh CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT):: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: nx ! !! Number of mesh points in the \(x\) direction ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: ny ! !! Number of mesh points in the \(y\) direction ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: nz ! !! Number of mesh points in the \(z\) direction ! ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN):: imin ! !# Minimum indexes at which to compute the Ricci tensor and scalar, ! ! along the three spatial directions. Usually, these are the first ! ! non-ghost indexes ! INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN):: imax ! !# Maximum indexes at which to compute the Ricci tensor and scalar, ! ! along the three spatial directions. Usually, these are the last ! ! non-ghost indexes ! ! DOUBLE PRECISION, VALUE, INTENT(IN):: dx ! !! Mesh spacing in the \(x\) direction ! DOUBLE PRECISION, VALUE, INTENT(IN):: dy ! !! Mesh spacing in the \(x\) direction ! DOUBLE PRECISION, VALUE, INTENT(IN):: dz ! !! Mesh spacing in the \(x\) direction ! ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: gt11(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xx\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: gt12(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xy\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: gt13(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xz\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: gt22(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(yy\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: gt23(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(yz\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: gt33(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: At11(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xx\) component of the conformal traceless ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: At12(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xy\) component of the conformal traceless ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: At13(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xz\) component of the conformal traceless ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: At22(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(yy\) component of the conformal traceless ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: At23(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(yz\) component of the conformal traceless ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: At33(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the conformal traceless ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: trk(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the trace of the ! ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: phi(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the conformal factor on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: Xt1(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(x\) component of the conformal connection ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: Xt2(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(y\) component of the conformal connection ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN):: Xt3(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(z\) component of the conformal connection ! ! on the mesh ! ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R11(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xx\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R12(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xy\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R13(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(xz\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R22(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(yy\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R23(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(yz\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R33(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! ! on the mesh ! DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(OUT):: R(nx,ny,nz) ! !# 3D array storing the Ricci scalar on the mesh END SUBROUTINE compute_ricci MODULE SUBROUTINE deallocate_bssn_fields( this ) !! Interface to [[bssn:deallocate_fields]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT):: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound END SUBROUTINE deallocate_bssn_fields MODULE SUBROUTINE destruct_bssn( this ) !! Interface to [[bssn:destruct_bssn]] CLASS(bssn), INTENT(INOUT):: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound END SUBROUTINE destruct_bssn MODULE SUBROUTINE destructor( this ) !! Interface to [[bssn:destructor]] TYPE(bssn), INTENT(INOUT):: this !! [[bssn]] object to which this PROCEDURE is bound, to be destructed END SUBROUTINE destructor END INTERFACE INTERFACE SUBROUTINE bssn_constraint_terms_interior( nx, ny, nz, imin, imax, & dx, dy, dz, & gt11, gt12, gt13, gt22, gt23, gt33, & At11, At12, At13, At22, At23, At33, & trK, phi, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, eTtt, eTtx, eTty, & eTtz, eTxx, eTxy, eTxz, eTyy, eTyz, eTzz, & alp, beta1, beta2, beta3, & cXt1, cXt2, cXt3, Ham, M1, M2, M3, rho, s1, s2, s3 )& BIND(C, NAME='ML_BSSN_NV_ConstraintTermsInterior_Body') !********************************************************* ! !# ! ML_BSSN_NV_ConstraintTermsInterior_Body ! ! FT 03.02.2022 ! !********************************************************* USE iso_c_binding INTEGER(C_INT), VALUE, INTENT(IN) :: nx, ny, nz INTEGER(C_INT), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: imin, imax REAL(C_DOUBLE), VALUE, INTENT(IN) :: dx, dy, dz REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: gt11(nx,ny,nz), gt12(nx,ny,nz), & gt13(nx,ny,nz), gt22(nx,ny,nz), & gt23(nx,ny,nz), gt33(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: At11(nx,ny,nz), At12(nx,ny,nz), & At13(nx,ny,nz), At22(nx,ny,nz), & At23(nx,ny,nz), At33(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: trk(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: phi(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: Xt1(nx,ny,nz), Xt2(nx,ny,nz), & Xt3(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: eTtt(nx,ny,nz), eTtx(nx,ny,nz), & eTty(nx,ny,nz), eTtz(nx,ny,nz), & eTxx(nx,ny,nz), eTxy(nx,ny,nz), & eTxz(nx,ny,nz), eTyy(nx,ny,nz), & eTyz(nx,ny,nz), eTzz(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: alp(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN) :: beta1(nx,ny,nz), beta2(nx,ny,nz), & beta3(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: cXt1(nx,ny,nz), cXt2(nx,ny,nz), & cXt3(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: Ham(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: M1(nx,ny,nz), M2(nx,ny,nz), & M3(nx,ny,nz) REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: rho(nx,ny,nz), s1(nx,ny,nz), & s2(nx,ny,nz), s3(nx,ny,nz) END SUBROUTINE bssn_constraint_terms_interior SUBROUTINE bssn_ricci_interior( nx, ny, nz, imin, imax, & dx, dy, dz, & gt11, gt12, gt13, gt22, gt23, gt33, & At11, At12, At13, At22, At23, At33, & trK, phi, Xt1, Xt2, Xt3, & R11, R12, R13, R22, R23, R33, R ) & BIND(C, NAME='ML_BSSN_NV_RicciInterior_Body') !********************************************** ! !# ! ML_BSSN_NV_RicciInterior_Body ! ! FT 10.02.2022 ! !********************************************** USE iso_c_binding INTEGER(C_INT), VALUE, INTENT(IN):: nx !! Number of mesh points in the \(x\) direction INTEGER(C_INT), VALUE, INTENT(IN):: ny !! Number of mesh points in the \(y\) direction INTEGER(C_INT), VALUE, INTENT(IN):: nz !! Number of mesh points in the \(z\) direction INTEGER(C_INT), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN):: imin !# Minimum indexes at which to compute the Ricci tensor and scalar, ! along the three spatial directions. Usually, these are the first ! non-ghost indexes INTEGER(C_INT), DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN):: imax !# Maximum indexes at which to compute the Ricci tensor and scalar, ! along the three spatial directions. Usually, these are the last ! non-ghost indexes REAL(C_DOUBLE), VALUE, INTENT(IN):: dx !! Mesh spacing in the \(x\) direction REAL(C_DOUBLE), VALUE, INTENT(IN):: dy !! Mesh spacing in the \(x\) direction REAL(C_DOUBLE), VALUE, INTENT(IN):: dz !! Mesh spacing in the \(x\) direction REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: gt11(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xx\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: gt12(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xy\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: gt13(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xz\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: gt22(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(yy\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: gt23(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(yz\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: gt33(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the conformal spatal metric ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: At11(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xx\) component of the conformal traceless ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: At12(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xy\) component of the conformal traceless ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: At13(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xz\) component of the conformal traceless ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: At22(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(yy\) component of the conformal traceless ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: At23(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(yz\) component of the conformal traceless ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: At33(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the conformal traceless ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: trk(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the trace of the ! extrinsic curvature on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: phi(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the conformal factor on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: Xt1(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(x\) component of the conformal connection ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: Xt2(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(y\) component of the conformal connection ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(IN):: Xt3(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(z\) component of the conformal connection ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R11(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xx\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R12(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xy\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R13(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(xz\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R22(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(yy\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R23(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(yz\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R33(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the \(zz\) component of the spatial Ricci tensor ! on the mesh REAL(C_DOUBLE), INTENT(OUT):: R(nx,ny,nz) !# 3D array storing the Ricci scalar on the mesh END SUBROUTINE bssn_ricci_interior END INTERFACE END MODULE bssn_formulation