get_gamma3 Module Procedure

module procedure get_gamma3 pure module function get_gamma3(this)

Returns the value of gamma3, the third polytropic index for the system with piecewise polytropic EOS (innermost index)

FT xx.11.2021


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(ejecta), intent(in) :: this

ejecta object which this PROCEDURE is a member of

Return Value double precision

Called by

proc~~get_gamma3~2~~CalledByGraph proc~get_gamma3~2 get_gamma3 interface~get_gamma3~2 get_gamma3 interface~get_gamma3~2->proc~get_gamma3~2 proc~construct_ejecta construct_ejecta proc~construct_ejecta->interface~get_gamma3~2 interface~construct_ejecta construct_ejecta interface~construct_ejecta->proc~construct_ejecta
