integrate_baryon_mass_density Interface



interface~~integrate_baryon_mass_density~~CallsGraph interface~integrate_baryon_mass_density integrate_baryon_mass_density proc~integrate_baryon_mass_density integrate_baryon_mass_density interface~integrate_baryon_mass_density->proc~integrate_baryon_mass_density bilinear_interpolation bilinear_interpolation proc~integrate_baryon_mass_density->bilinear_interpolation indexx indexx proc~integrate_baryon_mass_density->indexx proc~cartesian_from_spherical cartesian_from_spherical proc~integrate_baryon_mass_density->proc~cartesian_from_spherical proc~determinant_sym3x3 determinant_sym3x3 proc~integrate_baryon_mass_density->proc~determinant_sym3x3

public module subroutine integrate_baryon_mass_density(this, center, radius, central_density, dr, dth, dphi, mass, mass_profile, mass_profile_idx, radii, surf)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(idbase), intent(inout) :: this

Object of class idbase which this PROCEDURE is a member of

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3) :: center

Center of the star

double precision, intent(in) :: radius

Central density of the star

double precision, intent(in) :: central_density

Integration steps

double precision, intent(in) :: dr

Radius of the star

double precision, intent(in) :: dth

Radius of the star

double precision, intent(in) :: dphi

Radius of the star

double precision, intent(inout) :: mass

Integrated mass of the star

double precision, intent(out), DIMENSION(3,0:NINT(radius/dr)) :: mass_profile

Array storing the radial mass profile of the star

integer, intent(out), DIMENSION(0:NINT(radius/dr)) :: mass_profile_idx

Array to store the indices for array mass_profile, sorted so that mass_profile[mass_profile_idx] is in increasing order

double precision, intent(in), optional, DIMENSION(2) :: radii
type(surface), intent(in), optional :: surf

Surface of the matter object


INTERFACE to the SUBROUTINE integrating the baryon mass density to compute the radial mass profile of a single star.