get_fuka_id Interface


Called by

interface~~get_fuka_id~~CalledByGraph interface~get_fuka_id get_fuka_id proc~read_fuka_id_full read_fuka_id_full proc~read_fuka_id_full->interface~get_fuka_id interface~read_fuka_id_full read_fuka_id_full interface~read_fuka_id_full->proc~read_fuka_id_full

private subroutine get_fuka_id(optr, x, y, z, lapse, shift_x, shift_y, shift_z, psi4, k_xx, k_xy, k_xz, k_yy, k_yz, k_zz, mass_density, specific_energy, pressure, v_euler_x, v_euler_y, v_euler_z) bind(C, NAME= "0")


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(C_PTR), intent(in), VALUE :: optr

C pointer pointing to a \(\texttt{FUKA}\) \(\texttt{Bin_NS}\) object

real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(in), VALUE :: x

coordinate of the desired point

real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(in), VALUE :: y

coordinate of the desired point

real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(in), VALUE :: z

coordinate of the desired point

real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: lapse
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: shift_x
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: shift_y
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: shift_z
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: psi4
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: k_xx
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: k_xy
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: k_xz
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: k_yy
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: k_yz
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: k_zz
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: mass_density
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: specific_energy
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: pressure
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: v_euler_x
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: v_euler_y
real(kind=C_DOUBLE), intent(out) :: v_euler_z


Interface to the \(\texttt{FUKA}\) method of class \(\texttt{Bin_NS}\) with the same name, that reads the full \(\texttt{FUKA}\) \(\mathrm{ID}\) at the specified point. That is, read_fukas the metric fields, the components of the extrinsic curvature [c/km], and the hydro fields.

  • shift vector [c]
  • baryon mass density [kg m^{-3}]
  • energy density [kg c^2 m^{-3}]
  • pressure [kg c^2 m^{-3}]
  • specific internal energy [c^2]
  • fluid 3-velocity with respect to the Eulerian observer [c]