find_surface Interface



interface~~find_surface~~CallsGraph interface~find_surface find_surface proc~find_surface find_surface interface~find_surface->proc~find_surface proc~cartesian_from_spherical cartesian_from_spherical proc~find_surface->proc~cartesian_from_spherical

public module subroutine find_surface(this, center, n_theta, n_phi, surface)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(bnsbase), intent(in) :: this

bnsbase object owning this PROCEDURE

double precision, intent(in), DIMENSION(3) :: center

Center point relative to which the radius is measured

integer, intent(in) :: n_theta

Number of points in for the colatitude

integer, intent(in) :: n_phi

Number of points in for the azimuth

double precision, intent(out), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: surface

Array storing the coordinates of the points on the surface


Finds the surface of a star, using [[bnsbase::find_radius]] along many directions.